Seaman Report

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Vgcheat Member
ok, so I'm on holiday for a month and am not going anywhere so I (finally) decided to get into this. I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it going (or if I forget to play & it dies :lol: ), but I'll see where it takes me.


Day 1:

-put the air to 100%
-put the temp to 19,9°
-dropped an egg in the tank
-after a few minutes it hatched into these little sperm-like things (8 or so I think)
-woke up that thing that lives in the shell & got it to eat half of the spermthings
-it has now died...hey, 4 little new creatures hatched from its body; this is getting interesting now
-put on the light
-put a food ball in the tank
-they make noises, can't understand a damn thing they say
-so here's the part where I start talking to I suppose :lol:
-I got no response at first, then after a while they seem to respond to certain words: hello, hi, mommy, food, night, bye. can't remember the rest.feel like an idiot ;) .
-tickled some of the babies a bit. sweet!! they start laughing.
-tried saying some more stuff
-one of the 4 says Hello to me in the end.
-sleep time, will try again tomorrow

Day 2:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-gave em food
-they are now starting to talk gibberish, with a few words in between
-there's one clearly more intelligent than the other 3, it almost talks nonstop.
-they clearly say: hello, hi, bye, seaman, yes, no, fun & a few other words now
-the more intelligent one has an attitude already, I asked it something simple & it replied by: nonono ;)
-sleep time

Day 3:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-gave em food
-they start to look like fish today, getting scales & fins
-tried a few new words
-one constantly says play
-when I said sega, one said stupid :lol:
-when I said nintendo, one said nonono (this is positive I suppose :mrgreen: )
-sleep time

Day 4:

got up late with a hangover & had to get ready to go to a festival so I only:
-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-gave em food

lets hope they're still alive tomorrow ;)

Day 5:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-gave em food
-2 of em are now dead, but not before having had sex with the other 2, I guess this is a good thing
-they started talking quite good
-when I said come, one replied with: I'm not your dog. ;)
-my gf was laughing at me & thinks I'm even weirder now
-sleep time

Day 6: I'm a bit behind schedule posting, coz I've been a bit busy, this one is from last night

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-gave em food
-didn't want to eat "I'm still full"
-complained that it was cold at first, complained that it was hot later ;)
-they really talk well at this point, also their voices start getting deeper
-sleep time

Day 7:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-gave em food
-one died while I was away (dunno if this is good or bad)
-the remaining one has changed again, scales are now golden
-I got an insect cage today, for breeding larvae as food
-also it asked me to give it a name, which I did
-started asking all kinds of questions: male or female, how old I am, when my birthday is & so on.
-it made fun of my age (37)
-also when it found out my birthday , it promptly started singing "the 4th of july", also said "I think they made a movie of that"
-it has dumped a huge turd right under my eyes :lol:
-then it didn't want to talk anymore & said I had to get lost
-sleep time

Week 2

Day 1:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-I now have 4 larvae in the insect cage
-gave him one to eat
-put 2 in the inventory as food
-kept the 3rd one in the cage
-he was mad & didn't feel like talking today, after much hassle I got him to ask me 1 question.
-after that he asked me to go away
-checked the insect cage again before saving
-the last of the larvae is making a cocoon
-sleep time

Day 2:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the larvae
-fed him one
-conversation of today, asked me about:
-am I single/married/in a relationship.
-when her birthday is
-started going all astrological about our characters & stuff (funny, but it was spot on :mrgreen: )
-do I have children? male/female/how old, etc...
-told me to piss off
-sleep time

Day 3:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the larvae
-fed him one
-the cocoon has now spawned a moth-like creature (also with a human face)
-started asking questions bout my mum & dad (some I had to lie, as my mum is dead & for some reason he didn't get that)
-sleep time

Day 4:

I didn't really have time today, coz I needed to fix my bike, so I just did what's needed to keep everything going

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-fed him a food pellet (I'm out of larvae atm)
-sleep time

Day 5:

almost forgot today, was really busy; luckily he was still there :?

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-fed him a food pellet
-the moth has laid eggs
-he was complaining that I was late
-I took him out to have a look & he started yelling & calling me names
-seems he didn't ask anything today, tickled him a bit, but nothing
-sleep time

Day 6:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-one of the eggs has hatched (still 2 in the cage)
-fed seaman a larvae
-also a spider has turned up in the cage, dunno why. I hope it doesn't eat my moth
-I took a risk today but wanted to test something, I left him alone for 25 hours & he was still alive.
-again I'm sorry, but its late & there was no time to chat
-sleep time


-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-the spider has now woven a web. again I hope it doesn't want to catch my moth
-fed seaman my last food pellet, as of now I'm fully dependant on the moth for food
-had a chat with it (nothing substantial came out of it)
-sleep time

Week 3

I can't believe I've kept this up for 2 whole weeks, it seems far less long.

Day 1:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-2 more larvae have hatched
-put one in storage & fed him the other one (the bastard wasn't hungry, what a waste)
-questions of the day: do I like myself, what do I like about myself, what do I dislike about myself, and then a few sharp comments on the whole thing ;)
-I'm wondering when (if) its ever going to evolve again, so far I think I'm doing it right...
-sleep time

Day 2:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-2 more larvae have hatched
-put one in storage & gave him one
-2 small yellow balls have appeared in the insect cage, not sure what they are. perhaps plant seeds...or perhaps moth eggs, maybe the previous eggs were behind the plant & I didn't get to see em.
-a plant has emerged in the seaman tank
-was complaining the whole time how he was hungry & that I neglected him. duh...he's should've eaten his food yesterday
-asked me more questions bout how I like myself in the mirror, in front of a camera & more of that nonsense.
-I asked him if he wanted to play. "what do you want to play?" I replied with "sex" for the sake of the experiment ;)
-"seaman don't play that game"
-also he's swimming up side down a lot lately, maybe this has a meaning? who knows...
-sleep time

Day 3:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-2 more larvae have hatched
-put one in storage & gave him one
-apparently the 2 yellow balls were eggs, good to know; from this I'm pretty sure the other thing in the cage is a plant seed
-he has grown legs today & is now called podfish in stead of gilman
-asked me some questions about pcs, do I have a pc or mac, has this made your life easier, what do I use it for...
-and he was happy, coz I wanted to spend time with him, though I have a pc ;)
-sleep time

Day 4:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-fed him
-had a chat, nothing substantial, no questions
-sleep time

Day 5:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-another batch of larvae has appeared
-fed him
-didn't feel like talking
-his legs seem to have grown bigger yet again
-sleep time

Day 6:

today I just did the basics, coz its my gf's birthday & I got other "things" to do :lol:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-another batch of larvae has appeared
-fed him
-sleep time

Day 7:

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-another batch of larvae has appeared
-fed him
-had a chat, he made a few jokes about my gender & then some sexual inuendo
-I'm wondering when he's going to evolve again...
-sleep time

Week 4

Day 1

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-I'm letting another larvae turn into a moth, just to keep busy
-fed him
-more talk on computers
-sleep time

Day 2

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moth
-second moth has hatched
-fed him
-the front fins have started to grow, they look more like arme/legs now
-no talk
-sleep time

Day 3

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moths
-2 more larvae
-fed him
-he asked a lot of questions about the internet today
-sleep time

Day 4

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moths
-1 more larvae
-fed him
-today at the beginning, Spock said something about getting seaman to help me move the big rock
-no luck so far...
-maybe tomorrow
-sleep time

Day 5

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moths
-1 more larvae
-fed him
-today there's progress again, I tried moving the big rock (this triggered him suggesting to help me), if I can solve 3 of his questions; got 2 right so far so the rock moved a bit.
-then he said he was tired & wants to give it another try tomorrow
-sleep time

Day 6

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moths
-1 more larvae
-fed him
-answered another question, he has now moved the rock
-this has drained the tank almost completely, a small pond is left; looks like a terrarium now
-I assume he's gonna try crawling on land pretty soon
-sleep time

Day 7

-raised the heat to 19,9° again
-raised air to 100%
-took care of the moths
-1 more larvae
-he doesn't want to eat now
-hurray, he's crawling on land
-has laid 6 eggs
-my podman has died

Week 4

Day 1

-raised the heat to 24,9 (listen to what Spock has to say)
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-after about 5 mins the eggs hatched
-I now have 6 tadmen in the pond
-threw in a larvae
-they can talk from birth (phew...)
-asked me some questions on my health
-sleep time

Day 2

-raised the heat to 24,9
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-more questions (stuff about Egypt???)
-sleep time

Day 3

-raised the heat to 24,9
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths (seems my spider had one of the moths for a snack :lol: )
-1 larvae
-today one let me name him
-sleep time

Day 4

-raised the heat to 24,9
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-2 have died, but not before having had sex
-the rest is growing little back legs
-some questions about my fav system & game, etc...
-sleep time

Day 5

-raised the heat to 24,9
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-the legs are getting bigger
-he just talked a lot about emotional crap today
-sleep time

Day 6

-raised the heat to 24,9
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-they have grown front legs; starting to look like frogs now
-1 just died
-another one has died, but not before having had sex (still 2 alive now)
-some questions on tv & movies, genres & favs. also a lecture on how tv is bad for you
-sleep time

Day 7

-raised the heat to 24,9
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-front legs have grown bigger too now
-more questions: where do I live (obviously I had to lie again since the game was translated by an american :lol: ), what state, what city, where did I take my last trip
-then some lecture how its good to travel, learn to know other cultures, etc...
-sleep time

Week 5

Day 1

-raised the heat to 24,9
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-front legs have gotten bigger again
-they still have a big tail though
-one of em went on land (and later the other too)
-tried feeding em the spider (I read they don't like that)
-the one that ate the spider is now sick
-sleep time

Day 2

-raised the heat to 24,9
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-1 larvae
-they've gotten fatter & their tails are shorter (as of today they're called frogman)
-the sick one is still sick; spock said I have to be nice for it so I'm tickling & saying nice stuff to it
-the other one has showed me a sprinkler system for the tank
-sleep time

Day 3

-raised the heat to 24,9
-sprinkler at 100%
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-1 larvae
-they have gotten fatter yet again, the tails are competely gone, they are now true frogs
-the sick one is still sick
-the other wanted to chat bout the importance of family & how it influenced out behaviour round others
-hey, it still remembers I have & 7 year old daughter. the AI & speechtech isn't as stupid as I thought)
- I said "sex" to see the reaction (when it was still a fish he replied that seaman don't play that game). this time it suggested I rent a movie & lock myself in :lol: :lol:
-sleep time

Day 4

-raised the heat to 24,9
-sprinkler at 100%
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-the sick one is still sick, dunno how to make him well. I'll just keep saying nice stuff to it
-the other one was mad at me, so no talking
-sleep time

Day 5

-raised the heat to 24,9
-sprinkler at 100%
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-sick one still sick
-today's theme was eating habits & sports, what do I eat & do I like/watch/practice sports.
-sleep time

Day 6

-raised the heat to 24,9
-sprinkler at 100%
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-sick one still sick
-today's theme: again health, do I got to doctors & shrinks, am I mentally stable, etc...
-sleep time

Day 7

-raised the heat to 24,9
-sprinkler at 100%
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-sick one still sick
-todays theme: politics & religion (again; I had to lie, since I don't live in america :p)
-sleep time

Week 6

Day 1

-raised the heat to 24,9
-sprinkler at 100%
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-sick one still sick
-he didn't want to talk today, I kept pushing & he went mad
-suddenly the 2 remaining frogmen were fighting, dunno why (slapping eachother in the face)
-sleep time

Day 2

-raised the heat to 24,9
-sprinkler at 100%
-gave em a larvae
-took care of the moths
-2 larvae
-sick one is better
-todays theme: family, how its important & do I get along with em
-then he asked me to set him free
-he climbed on the big rock & on his command I had to yell "jump", after 3 times he grabbed the ring that hangs in the tank (I've often wondered what it was for.
-the back of the tank fell away & there was a forest after some more chit chat about him having to evolve further. he said good bye.
-and then the frinnging game froze up!!!
-I'm gonna try again tomorrow, I'm guessing its as good as completed now

Day 3

repeated most of the stuff I did yesterday & finished the game (WOOHOO). it was prolly just a bug (no pun intended :p) or my DC playing up yesterday.


I feel kinda sorry its finished, I've really gotten attached to the little critter. it certainly is one of the best (read: weirdest) gaming experiences I have ever had (and thats coming from a guy who's been gaming for 31 years or so :lol:)

its def in my all time top 10 (I think even top 5, coz of the sheer weirdness of the game's nature). I highly recommend it, though its not for everyone, as its not really a "game" like we're used to and you can't rush through it.

also now that I've re-read my report, I guess you can finish it in 3.5 or 4 weeks at most if you spend 15 to 30 minutes a day on it (I had a bunch of days where I just did the basics [feeding/air/temp] just to keep them alive. I guess if you really take the time to talk to em every day they'll evolve a lot faster.

consider this a sort of walkthrough (though I think its more just guidelines, since he asks so many different questions at different times) by your humble servant.

2bad, I finally found a pet I wasn't allergic to :D


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