Star Trek: The Next Generation Instruction Manual (for NES)

Instruction Manuals for the NES

final kaoss

Staff member
Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Cadet Training Manual

Table of Contents:
Initial Procedures
Start Game
Mission Briefings
The Main View Screen
Crew Select/Impulse Speed Mode
Navigation Mode
Warp Mode
Crew Screens
Lt. Worf - Tactical Systems
Weapons Systems
Lt. Cmdr. Data - Operations Control
Lt. Cmdr. La Forge - Endineering Systems Control
Chief O'Brien - Transporter System Control
Beam Up
Beam Down
Cmdr. Riker - Mission Control
Hostile Encounters
Photon Torpedoes
Red Alert Scenarios
Temporal Rift
Intruder Alert
Life Support System Failure
Mission Summary and Password Assignment

Captain Jean-Luc Picard - U.S.S. Enterprise
Instructor Emeritus

It is both an honor and a privilege to address you,
one of an elite group of cadets chosen for this very special
training session. Your presence here indicates that you have
mastered-indeed, excelled at-a long and arduous course of
instruction here at Starfleet Academy. It is your top-notch
performance that has qualified you for the Advanced Holodeck Tutorial.

The Tutorial is administered each year by an experienced Starship
Captain. I have that honor this year. The holodeck's computer
imagery technology enables the cadet to assume control of the
instructor's starship effectivly becoming her captain-and thus
experience a series of likelike missions that will test nearly every
principle the cadet has learned at the Academy.

As each situation presents itself, you will have several options from
which to choose and you will be able to enlist the help of holopraphic
facsimilies of individual U.S.S. Enterprise crew members. While there
is no single correct path to be followed, I encourage you to remember
that the command of a starship is much more than a mastery of quantum
physics, battle strategies, and phaser marksmanship. You will also
require clear thinking, cool headedness, and compassion.

On behalf of myself and the Academy, I wish you the best of luck.
I have every confidence that you will excel at this, your final test,
and make a fine addition to Starfleet.

And now...the U.S.S. Enterprise is yours to command!

Initial Procedures

Make sure the NES power switch is OFF. Inster the Star Trek: The Next
Generation Game Pak, then turn ON the power switch. A series of logo,
legal, title, and credit screens will be displayed. Press any button
on the NES controller to move to the next screen.

Pressing any button anytime buring the credits sequence advances to the
Command Verification Screen:
Once on the Command Verification Screen, press UP or DOWN to move the
option cursor to either -start game- or -password-.

Start Game:
Press BUTTON A when this option is highlighted and you will begin the
game as a novice cadet with no ranking.

Press BUTTON A when this option is highlighted and the Password Entry
Line appears. You will receive a password after completing a series of
successful missions. Entering it here at the beginning of the game
allows you to maintain the ranking you were assigned the last time you
played the game. This way you will immediately embark on more complex
missions, without having to repeat your previous achievements (see
Mission Summary and Password Assignment for more information on receiving

To enter your Password, press RIGHT or LEFT to move the Password Cursor.
Then press UP or DOWN to select the desired letter (if needed, there is
a blank space between the "A" and the "Z"). When you have finished
entering, press BUTTON A to begin the game. Pressing BUTTON B will abort
a password entry and return you to the Command Verification Screen.

Mission Briefings

When your Tutorial begins, the Mission Briefing Screen will. Your
Starfleet Academy instructor, in this case Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the
U.S.S. Enterprise, will give you your assignment. As the Tutorial proceeds,
each new mission will be assigned the same way.

Mission assignments are displayed in two parts. The first screen appears
automatically. To see the second screen, press BUTTON B.

When you have finished reading your briefing, press BUTTON B to move into
the Main View Screen.

From this point on, it is your responsibility to determine what courses
of action are requied to successfully complete the mission. As acting
captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, you should be thoroughly familiar with
the starship's crew members and their various functions. Devote your full
attention to studying this manual before embarking on the first mission.

The Main View Screen

This is the straight-ahead view of your course through space as seen from
the U.S.S. Enterprise bridge.

Crew Select/Impulse Speed Mode:
This mode is primarily used for selecting crew members when their
particular functions are required. Each Starfleet emblem represents a
crew member. Refer to their individual sections in this manual for
description of their functions.

To contact a crew member:
-Press RIGHT or LEFT to highlight the desired crew member's insignia.
-Press BUTTON A to contact the selected crew member.

Crew Select/Impulse Speed Mode also allows you to make adjustments to
the ship's implus (non-warp) speed:
-When halted, press up once to accelerate to half-impulse speed. Press
again to reach full impulse power.
-Press DOWN to decelerate to half-impulse power, press it again to halt
the U.S.S. Enterprise's movement.
-Impulse speed is not displayed on this screen. With experience, you
will be able to assess your speed from the rate at which you pass the
starfields. For a precise impulse reading, contact Mr. Data.
-START pauses

Navigation Mode:
This mode allows you to steer the U.S.S. Enterprise in a complete
360 degree rotation. (Crew communication is not possible in Navigation
Mode; you must return to Crew Select Mode to make contact.)

To steer the U.S.S. Enterprise:
-Press SELECT to toggle back and forth between Crew Select and
Navigation Modes.
-Press UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT to move the ship in the corresponding
direction when in Navigation Mode.
In both Crew Select and Navigation Modes, a sensor tracking box may
appear on the View Screen, indicating a significant object that can't
be seen clearly from you currect distance- a planet or another vessel,
for example.
Further sensor investigation may be immediately accessed by pressing
START when in Navigation Mode. Starfleet recommends, however, that
the cadet first study Lieutenant Commander Data's section for a
thorough discussion of sensor readings.

Warp Mode:
When warp speed has been engaged by Mr. Data, the Main View Screen
switches into Warp Mode. The view from the bridge now shows the
starship traveling at a significantly increased rate. Navigation
and crew comminication are not possible during warp drive.
When you arrive at your destination, warp drive is terminated and
the View Screen automatically reverts to Crew Select Mode. Normal
activities may now be resumed.

(Starfleet Advisory: In Warp Mode there is a risk that your
starship will be thrust into a Temporal Rift. See -Red Alert
Scenarios- for more details.)

(Starfleet Advisory: From time to time, a crew emblem will flash,
signifying a message from a crew member. If a message is urgent,
the emblem will both flash and beep.
In Crew Select Mode, contact the source immediately. In
Navigation Mode, press SELECT to toggle back to Crew Mode and make
your selection.
In any case, do not delay your reading of this message-it may be
of vital importance to the completion of the mission and the
survival of the U.S.S. Enterprise itself!)

Crew Screens

Whenever a crew member is selected from the Crew Select Screen,
his Crew Screen will appear. Decide which function you require
the crew member to perform, and access that function following
these procedures:
-Press LEFT or RIGHT to highlight desired crew member function.
-Press BUTTON A to access Function Screen.
-SELECT returns to Main View Screen
-BUTTON B raises and lowers a crew member's most recent message.

(Starfleet Advisory: The Function Screen is where the desired
action actually takes place. In some cases, this action is purely
automatic. No mission time will elapse while these actions are
For other functions, you will be required to skillfully perform
a specific activity. In these cases, mission time continues
to count down and, if under attack, the U.S.S. Enterprise may
continue to sustain damage.
When Function Screens time out or the function activity is
completed, the Main View Screen, Crew Select Mode returns.)

Lt. Worf: Tactical Systems

Lieutenant Word mans the U.S.S. Enterprise's defensive and
offensive systems - shields and weapons. Contact him when
the threat of danger is present or if a hostile encounter
is unavoidable.

The tactical deflector system (shields) is the primary
defensive system of the U.S.S. Enterprise. When activated, the
shields will protect the starship from attack or any other imminent
physical danger. Repeated assaults, however, may result in shield
damage, limiting their effectiveness. (See the Lt. Cmdr. La Forge:
Engineering Systems Control section for more on damage situations.)

To raise or lower shields:
-Access Shields Crew Screen
-Check Shields Current Status, -lowered-raised-boosted- will be
displayed. Press BUTON A to change Current Status.
-Shields Function screen will appear and display activation or
deactivation. When function is complete, this screen automatically
times out and returns to Main View Screen.
-SELECT returns to Main View Screen at any time.

(Boosting a system requires special procedures, see Lt. Cmdr.
La Forge: Engineering Systems Control section for more

Weapon Systems:

Phasers are the U.S.S. Enterprise's primary weapons system; photon
torpedoes are more powerful, but are harder to aim. For a full
discussion of weaponry and its use in battle, see the Hostile
Encounters section.

-Phasers and photon torpedoes are always enabled together.-

(Starfleet Advisory: Phasers derive their energy from the
starship's warp core. This means they can potentially be weakened by
damage to the starship's power supply. Mr. La Forge will provide you
with the appropriate status reports.)

To arm or disarm weapons:
-Access Weapons Crew Screen
-Check Weapons Current Status -armed-disabled-boosted- will be
displayed. (see footnote for - To raise or lower shields) Press
BUTTON A to change Current Status.
-Weapons function Screen will appear and display activation or
deactivation. When function is complete, this screen automatically
times out and returns to Main View Screen.
-START pauses.

Lt. Cmdr. Data: Operations Control

Lieutenant Commander Data maintains control over Operations,
which involve the navigational and informational functions of the

Captain Picard's mission assignment always indicated a destination,
and it is up to Mr. Data to get you there. Instruct him to set
course and warp speed, and remember that all missions begin in
Earth's sector.

To set course and warp speed:
-Access Course Setting Crew Screen.
-Press BUTTON A to access Course Setting Function Screen.
-Press UP or DOWN to cycle through the various planetary sectors
until the cursor point to the desired destination. (Sectors are
listed in geocentris order, from nearest to farthest from Earth.)
-Press LEFT or RIGHT to adjust warp speed, which ranges from 0-9,
with 9 being the greatest speed and 0 indicating no warp movement.
-Note that the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) decreases as the
warp factor increses.
-Press BUTTON A to engage selections.
-When function is complete, the Main View screen automatically
returns and Warp Drive is automatically engaged.
-SELECT aborts the warp and course setting operation and returns
to the Main View Screen.

(Starfleet Advisory: Monitor Mr. La Forge's damage reports
carefully, since damage weakens the U.S.S. Enterprise's ability
to reach the higher warp factors.)

The sensors are high-powered devices designed to sweep far
ahead of the starship's flight path to gather navigational
information about the U.S.S. Enterprise and the vicinity around
it. They also have limited use for detecting damage to the U.S.S.
Enterprise and other vessels or planets in the area.

To perform a sensor reading of the area around
the U.S.S. Enterprise:
-Access Sensor Reading Crew Screen
-Press BUTTON A to access Sensor Reading Function Screen.
-Press UP or DOWN to change magnification range, 1-6X.
A 1X displays the largest area around the U.S.S. Enterprise,
but distorts the distances between objects (i.e., makes objects
appear closer together than they actually are) in order to show
everything on-screen at the same time.
A 6X magnification shows the area in closest proximity to the
U.S.S. Enterprise, which means another object in the vicinity
may not appear on this screen.
-Press BUTTON A to move the sensor cursor to the U.S.S.
Enterprise or an object near it. A scan will be performed that
will identify the object and give a rudimentary damage report in
the readout window.
-Press SELECT at any time during or ater your scan to return
to the Main View Screen.

(Starfleet Advisory: If the sensors indicate damage to the
U.S.S. Enterprise, it is recommended that Mr. La Forge in
Engineering be contacted immediaely for a more detailed report.
If the sensors are damaged, you may obtain partial-or perhaps
no-information from them.)

In order to transport cargo or life forms to and from a planet,
the U.S.S. Enterprise must first enter into a stable orbit around
that planet. (See Chief O'Brien: Transporter Systems Control for
more information)

To achieve orbit:
-Access Orbit Entry Crew Screen
-Press BUTTON A to access Orbit Entry Function Screen.
-The computer will prompt you to follow the optimal path for
entering orbit. A series or target matrices in the form of squares
will be displayed for you to navigate through and keep the U.S.S.
Enterprise on course.
-Press UP, DOWN, RIGHT, or LEFT to steer your starship through the
center of these squares as you approach them.
-The bar graph at the bottom of the screen serves two functions:
1) The number of bars displayed is equal to the number of matrices
you will need to steer through. This number will increase as your
ranking improves and you are assigned more complex missions.
2) The height of the bars directly corresponds to your success in
steering through the targets. They increase in size any time you
make a miscalculation that affects your staying on course.
Miscalculations range from touching a matrix border to missing a
matrix completely. The computer averages your success rate to
determine if you have achieved orbit. A large number of errors
severely inhibit that possibility.
-The -caution- light flashes when you are in danger of failing
the attempt.
-If you are unable to achieve orbit, Mr. Data will inform you
of your failure. For another attempt, follow the procedures
described to re-access the Orbit Entry Function Screen.
-When orbit has been achieved, the target planet can be seen
on the Main View Screen, and the Orbit Crew Screen will
display -in orbit-.
-When the function is complete, the Main View Screen
automatically returns.
-SELECT returns to Main View Screen at any time and aborts
the orbit attempt.
-START pauses.

Lt. Cmdr. La Forge: Engineering Systems Control

Lieutenant Commander Geodi La Forge heads the Enginneering
division, which monitors the U.S.S. Enterprise's Warp Core-the
crucial source of power for all the starship's systems. All
repair work and power allocation is performed by Mr. La Forge
and his technical team.

Certain situations may call for the transfer of energy from the Main
Warp Core to three major starship systems: Phasers, Shields, and
Transporter. Your decision to divert this power should take into
consideration the type of mission: emergency situations resulting
from battle damage or other types of sustained damage; other
emergency circumstances (see Red Alert Scenarios for examples of
such crises).

To allocate power:
-Access Power Allocation Crew Screen
-Press BUTTON A to access Power Allocation Function Screen.
-An Engineering circuit board is displayed. A series of power
sparks are released from the top that begin moving toward the system
inputs on the bottom.
-Press UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT to move the cursor around the
circuit board, from chip to chip.
-Guide the sparks toward the desired system inputs by moving the
cursor to a particular chip the spark has not yet reached. Then
press BUTTON A to change the selected chip's polarity from "X" or "="
to change the path of the spark.
-The system input containing the most sparks at the end of the
procedure is now boosted. Boosting a system will always double
its efficiency.
-Three to seven sparks may be released at any one time, with the
greater numbers appearing in later missions.

(Starfleet Advisory: It is recommended that shields or weapons
receive extra precautionary boosting if hostile encounters are

Mr. La Forge automatically begins repair work on the U.S.S.
Enterprise's most important system. He will continue that repair
work until it is complete, moving on to the next system in priority
order unless you instruct him to do otherwise.

To Assign a new repair priority:
-Access Repairs Crew Screen
-Press BUTTON A to access System Repairs Function Screen.
-A flashing graphic display at the bottom of the System Repairs
Function Screen highlights the U.S.S. Enterprise's affected areas.
The rate of flashing signifies the amount of damage in that area of
the starship.
-Press UP or DOWN to move the cursor to the system you want to
examine. Its current repair status will be displayed in the System
Status Window. Press BUTTON A to have Mr. La Forge begin work on
that system.
-Observe the corresponding System Status Bars for feedback to which
systems are in the most severe decline. The Status Bars will also
indicate the rate of repair work.
-SELECT returns to Main View Screen at any time.

(Starfleet Advisory: If extensive or crucial repairs are needed
quickly, you may decide to warp back to Earth's sector and enter
orbit there. Then, because of the U.S.S. Enterprise's close
proximity to Federation resourses, Mr. La Forge and his crew can
work more efficiently. Remember, however, that warping from sector
to sector may use up valuable mission time.)

(Starfleet Advisory: The Life Support systems are crucial to the
survival of your starship's crew. When the repair status of this
vital area reaches zero, your crew will perish and your mission will
be declared a failure.)

Chief O'Brien: Transporter Systems Control

Chief Miles O-Brien supervises the U.S.S. Enterprise's Transporter
Systems, an efficient means of conveyance for both animate (life
forms) and inanimate (cargo) payload.

Due to the limited operational range of the Transporter, it is
imperative that certain procedures be followed to ensure a successful
beaming process:

To beam up from or down to a planet, the U.S.S. Enterprise must first
achieve orbit around that planet. Refer to the Lt. Cmdr. Data:
Operations Control section for orbit setting procedures.

To beam up from or down to a starship, match the U.S.S. Enterprise's
speed and direction to that of the other vessel. Maneuver as close
to the other starship as possible, before it passes by. Reports
from the field seem to suggest approaching starships from the aft
(rear) as the best method to reach transporter range.

Beaming up from or down to a starbase is similar to the steps
described for starships. The difference is, starbases are not in
motion, so you need only to steer the U.S.S. Enterprise close to the
base until you reach transporter range.

To Beam Up:
-Access the Beam Up Crew Screen
-Press BUTTON A to access Beam UP Function Grid Screen.
-Check the Object Window for the total number of targets you are
required to beam up.
-Press UP, DOWN, RIGHT, or LEFT to scroll around the grid without
the Transporter Sight. Press BUTTON A to bring up the Transporter
-To move the Transporter Sight, keep holding BUTTON A and
press UP, DOWN, RIGHT, or LEFT.
-Targets can only be transported in a specific order, as
determined by the U.S.S. Enterprise systems. For this reason, a
special Lock-On bar graph is displayed that will indicate when you
are in range of a potential beam target. The bar increases in size
as you approach the approved target.
Keep in mind that the Lock-On Bar will not respond at all if the
sight is on a target that violates the pre-set transporting order.
The computer will not permit beaming out of sequence.
-When the approved target is in view, press and hold BUTTON A to
bring up the Transporter Sight. Surround the target in the sight.
The Transporter Power Status Bar will begin to increase. Keep the
target within the sight until the Transporter Power Status Bar
reaches maximum strength.

Again, note that transporting is impossible (the Power Status
Bar will not respond) if you have sighted a non-valid (out of
sequence) target.
-The target(s) will re-materialize in the Transporter Chamber
when all targets have been beamed.
-When function is complete, the Main View Screen automatically
-SELECT will abort the transporter operation at any time and
return to the Main View Screen.
-START pauses.

(Starfleet Advisory: When the Transporter is boosted, the
Power Status Bar will increase at a faster rate, which allows
the beaming process to occur more rapidly as well.)

(Starfleet Advisory: When the Transporter target is a life
form, sighting may prove difficult. Sentient beings are often
(but not always) encountered in highly unstable situations.
They may appear panic-stricken and in constant motion through the
grid, requiring more time to track down. Cargo, which is inanimate,
remains stationary in fixed locations.)

Beam Down

Beaming down is a virtually automatic operation. Once your payload
(cargo or life form) is in the Transporter Chamber and the U.S.S.
Enterprise is in Transporter Range, the procedure is simple.

To beam down:
-Access the Beam Down Crew Screen
-Press BUTTON A to energize
-When function is complete, the Main View Screen automatically
-SELECT returns to Main View Screen at any time.


As a mission progresses, there is the possibility the U.S.S.
Enterprise will be infiltrated by one or more unknown entities.
After you receive this Red Alert message, contact Chief O'Brien to
take immediate action. (See Red Alert Scenarios for a more detailed
discussion of this and other such occurrences.)

To beam an intruder off the U.S.S. Enterprise:
-Access the Intruder Crew Screen
-Press BUTTON A to access Intruder Function Grid Screen.
-Follow the procedural techniques of Beaming Up
-Note that the grid now reflects areas and levels of the U.S.S.
Enterprise where the intruder(s) may be lurking. Holding BUTTON B
while pressing UP and DOWN enables you to view eight decks of the
-The intruder(s) move constantly throughout the starship. If your
Lock-On Bar indicates you are closing in on one, transport it quickly
or it may flee to another deck and cause your Lock-On Bar to go blank.
-As with all Beam Up operations, targets can only be transported in a
specific order, as determined by the U.S.S. Enterprise computer.
-SELECT will abort the transporter operation at any time and return
to the Main View Screen.
-START pauses.

Cmdr. Riker: Mission Control

Contact commander William Riker at any time during a mission to
receive a recap of Captain Picard's original orders. Commander Riker
will also give you the current Stardate as well as your mission's end
date. Among other factors, you success or failure depends upon your
ability to complete a mission before the end date.

To reach Mission Control:
-Access the Mission Control Crew Screen
-SELECT returns to Main View Screen at any time.

Hostile Encounters

Hostile Encounters always take place on the Main View Screen in
Navigation Mode. Before entering into battle, be sure to order Mr.
Worf to arm the weapons and shields systems.

Remember that the starships of your opponents vary in power, speed,
and cunning. Experiment with your battle strategies against these
different types of ships; try using different impulse speeds while
engaging these opponents.


Of the U.S.S. Enterprise's two weapons systems, the phasers are the
easiest to aim. To be fully effective, phasers require sustained
hits on a target.

The Phaser System derives its power from the U.S.S. Enterprise's Warp
Core. In battle, be sure to stay in full communication with Mr. La
Forge to monitor the phasers' power status. Be prepared to
re-allocate power if necessary.

When the U.S.S. Enterprise is hit by enemy phasers, the screen will

To fire phasers:
-Make sure the phasers are armed and relatively undamaged.
-Press UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT to aim while in Navigation Mode on
the Main View Screen.
-Press BUTTON A to fire.

Photon Torpedoes:

Photon torpedoes can do more damage to a target than the phasers,
but are more difficult to aim reliably. Only two torpedoes can be in
flight at any one time; one must explode before a third torpedo can
be fired.
Rely on Mr. La Forge for damage updates on the torpedoes' launchers.
If these launchers are sufficiently weakened, they will not perform
properly, if at all.
When your starship is hit by enemy photon torpedoes, the screen will
shake and flash.

(Starfleet Advisory: Some missions may require you to disable an
enemy ship without completely destroying it. To do this, you must
inflict enough damage so that the ship is no longer able to function.
The Sensor Reading Function Screen indicates when disabling has been
achieved. Accidentally destroying an enemy ship in this situation
may negatively affect you mission rating.)

To fire photon torpedoes:
-Make sure the photon torpedoes are armed and relatively undamaged.
-Press UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT to aim while in Navigation Mode on
the Main View Screen.
-Press BUTTON B to fire.

(Starfleet Advisory: If the U.S.S. Enterprise's Warp Core Power
drops to critically low levels, your weapons systems may disarm
themselves. Mr. La Forge may then have to increase their power
before you are able to re-arm them.)

Red Alert Scenarios

In any given mission, at any time, certain Red Alert Scenarios
can occur. These random events are of crisis proportion and
jeopardize not only the mission, but the lives of the entire U.S.S.
Enterprise crew.
As with all urgent crew communications, Red Alert Scenarios begin
with a flashing Starfleet crew insignia on the Main View Screen.
In the case of a Red Alert, the insignias will both flash and beep.
Each of the following circumstances will be announced by a particular
crew member. Starfleet strongly urges specific and immediate action
if such events arise.
Commander Riker will alert you if the ship encounters a temporal rift.

Temporal Rift:
This unusual and powerful phenomenon is monitored by Commander Riker,
who will deliver this message on his crew screen.

Due to a confluence of unexplained cosmic disturbances when the
U.S.S. Enterprise is engaging warp drive, time begins moving
backwards, threatening the mission. the current Stardate displayed
on Commander Riker's Mission Control Screen will actually move in

To free the U.S.S. Enterprise from this effect, Commander Data must
be ordered to set an orbit around the closest star. Follow the
orbital path procedures. A course does not have to be set for this
star - Mr. Data will already have done so.

You will only have one chance to achieve successful orbit; if you
fail, the mission fails.

Intruder Alert:
Lieutenant Worf will announce this intensely dangerous security

One or more living parasitic entities may invade your starship
during a mission and progressibely cause damage to various U.S.S.
Enterprise systems. The intruders must be located and beamed off
the ship by Chief O'Brien.

Once all intruders are removed, Mr. La Forge should commence repair
to the systems affected by their invasion.

Life Support System Failure:
Mr. La Forge will signal the progressive draining of power from
the Life Support System - the most vital of all U.S.S. Enterprise
systems. At this time, all other mission operations must be
suspended so that the Engineering crew can devote their full
attention to this repair.

To restore power to the Life Support Systems:
-Access Mr. La Forge's Power Allocation function Screen
-Notice that the bottom of the engineering circuit board now
displays only Life Support System Inputs (the three inputs are
identified by the letter 'L'), which replace the other system inputs.
-Navigate the power sparks around the circuit board. Note the
following significant difference:

To repair the Life Support System, you must now guide one spark only
into each of the three inputs. If any input collects more than one
spark, the repair attempt fails and must be attempted again.

-When function is complete, the Main View Screen automatically returns.
-SELECT returns to Main View Screen at any time.
-START pauses.

Mission Summary and Password Assignment

At the end of a mission, your instructor informs you of your success
or failure. Next, press any button or key to receive your ranking
and password. Cadet ranking is based on Tutorial performance and
ranges from Ensign to Captain.

Promotions require consistent successful performance on a series of
missions, the number of which is determined confidentially by your
instructor. When higher rankings are achieved, you will receive more
difficult and complex missions that contain an increased number of
variables and Red Alert Scenarios.

The password you receive correlates with your ranking, and will
allow you to preserve that ranking if you resume the Tutorial at a
later date. Be sure you have memorized your password before shutting
down the Tutorial, or when you re-start, you will lose your ranking
and have to begin as a novice.
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