Super Mario World Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES.

final kaoss

Staff member

You must have a Blue Yoshi to perform this.
Go to Vanilla Secret 1.
Swallow a Koopa so that your blue Yoshi gets wings. Fly up till you see a trampoline. Eat it. (If Yoshi begins to swallow, spit it out and eat it again.)
Somewhere in the level, you should see a 2-b-wide alcove (if memory serves, it was on the left) formed by a ledge and a pipe.
Spit out the trampoline so it is next to the wall. Then, walk left, into the trampoline. If you did this correctly, you will be pushed into the wall.
The game will behave as if you were crushed, and you will die instantly.
Re: Super Mario World

Swimming trick

If you hold Up on the d-pad while swimming, you can swim upward much faster than normal.
Re: Super Mario World

Tornado Attack

With a cape, continuously tap B so that Mario spins around like a tornado.
Re: Super Mario World

Free item

If you bring a shell across the finish line, you will get a free item. If you have no back-up item in your item box, you will get whatever item you have on for example if you have a cape but no feather in your item box, you will get a feather. If you have no item at all and are small, you will get a mushroom. If you have an item, and a back-up item in your item box, you will get a 1-up, and so-on and so-forth.
Re: Super Mario World

Unlimited 1-UP trick

NOTE: You MUST BE BIG to do this!
Go to the Sunken Ghost Ship level. (If you are not already big, a ? block at the start of the level has a mushroom inside.) You should see a bunch of crates and bullet machines. Go to the very right of the crates. You should see, just to the left of the final cannon, a crate in front of another cannon. Above this is another crate. Swim into the alcove formed by these two crates, and keep pressing the B Button so you keep bumping your head on the crate "ceiling". As the bullets fire from the cannon, Mario will stomp on them, earning you points and eventually 1-UPs. Or, if you are using a turbo-button controller, use the turbo and just hold down B.
Re: Super Mario World

How to jump higher

If you have Yoshi there is a way to jump higher. If you push B then push A directly after that you can jump higher than you usually can. This comes in handy if there are the flying ? blocks that are too high to get when you jump.
Re: Super Mario World

Extra life and coin

Take a key across the finish line instead of putting it in the key hole. You will get one extra life and a coin.
Re: Super Mario World

Power block trick

After jumping on a power block, have Yoshi grab it and later on he can spit it out (before he swallows it, so you have to act fast once you hear him start to gulp it down) When he spits it out, you can use it again, and you can just keep making him swallow it and spit it out over and over again until the end of the stage!
Re: Super Mario World


Have Yoshi swallow 2 pink berries and an egg will hatch giving you a weird cloud that throws coins. If you get all of the coins, you'll get a 1-up.
Re: Super Mario World

How do you get out of the loop in Chocolate Island 3?

There are two exits (Just like every red level.) One is up the vine that comes out of a box at the end, but haven't you noticed the arrows point to the right, not up? Well you need a feather to do this feat, Run tell you hold your arms out, then right before you run into the Koopa, jump. Fly to your right and you will come across another plateau, and there you will get a couple of one ups, and you will be able to exit the level the second way. By the way, If you are not that good at flying, you can take off, and go high up, and land on the flat surface where the first exits at, and then you are capable of getting a second running start.
Re: Super Mario World

How do you get the key in Valley of Bowser 2?

First, go through the pipe after the midway gate. Go past the yellow block section into the next pipe. Go past the yellow block that rises, and drop into the dip in the ground. After the yellow block goes all the way up, jump on the small edge that is sticking out. Jump to the left on top of the screen, and keep going left. You will eventually come to the key and the keyhole.
Re: Super Mario World

How to reach the low platform at the start of the 2nd section of Gnarly

Here is how to reach the low platform at the start of the 2nd section of Gnarly. When you hit the four blocks - all containing piranha (or pumpkin) plants, go up and hit the block where the second plant from the left usually stop. You'll get a P-switch. Instead of using it to remove the block that stops the plant to make it grow more, carry the switch up to the middle platform, between the central ropes (to carry an item climbing, throw it up and begin to climb holding Y, it will stick to you when it falls). Now press the switch and fall down the right well. Try to fall at the extreme right, you'll land on a block near a pipe. Go into the pipe and you are there. There are 3 dragon coins and 3 invisible 1-Ups.
Re: Super Mario World

Yoshi and the shells

Yoshi can hold a shell in his mouth for about 20 seconds. But this time can be infinite if you land on a platform, spit the shell gently (holding Down) and eat it again every 10-15 seconds. But if the shell - or Yoshi - is red the shell becomes fire and you can't re-use it.
Re: Super Mario World

Break blocks from the top with Yoshi

To break blocks from the top with Yoshi, jump off Yoshi's back when you are on one of these blocks, then jump on him with A. Yoshi will continue to jump breaking blocks under his feet until he can. Try this in Star World 1.
Re: Super Mario World

Blue Yoshi tip

If you ride Blue Yoshi and eat a shell, you don't need to press Y repeatedly to fly, you only have to hold the button down. This doesn't work with other color Yoshies.
Re: Super Mario World

Carry an item up a vine

You can carry a shell or any other item of that such up a vine by standing in front of the vine and kicking the item strait up. Start climbing the vine before the item comes down and you will catch it and be able to carry it up the vine. This trick definitely has its uses.
Re: Super Mario World

Walk around in the floor

To any of you who have found all 96 levels, here is a little trick which is very, very strange. Come into Vanilla Dome 2 with a cape. There is a screen early in the level underwater which has a hidden one-up to the left, two fish, and three question blocks (the middle one has a feather). Swim past this to a scene with a fire-flower in a box (don't collect it) and jump out of the water to the right and climb up. This next part is kind of lucky. There are twelve yellow rotating blocks and a Charging Chuck. Get the Chuck to jump over the blocks without breaking them (that's important). I usually do the next part from the right of the boxes but it shouldn't matter. Spin jump into the middle of the blocks while holding down. Keep moving around and you should fall directly through the floor. Now you can walk around in the floor (it's kind of limited though). Try this in other places too.
Re: Super Mario World

How to get to the Forest of Illusion Fortress

To get to the Forest of Illusion Fortress, get Yoshi and Caped Mario. Go to the level that has Lakitu throwing out little spiky guys. Keep going until you get to the pipe with a P-switch under it. Eat the P-Switch and put it where it won't get in your way. Go up the steps, but watch out there is a jumping koopa once you are at the top jump of and hold the "B" button. you should land on the pipe, if you don't try again on the steppes. Inside the pipe are a key and key hole put the key in the key hole. you should now be at another level. The best way to get past it is with Blue Yoshi and Caped Mario. Once you are there, eat a Koopa and hold the "B" and "Y" button. You will start flying very fast. Go as high as you can go and pass the first goal. There will be another one. Go through it and you will be there.
Re: Super Mario World


The best way to get through Outrageous, (in Special) is to be caped and have blue yoshi, and then yoshi can eat the big balls of fire. When you get to the cannons just jump from cannon to cannon. If you can get to the giant pipe near the middle of the stage with Yoshi then just stand on top of the cannon, jump and jump off of Yoshi and land on top of the pipe.
Re: Super Mario World

Get a blue Yoshi at Cheese Bridge

You don't have to wait until Star Road to get a blue Yoshi. You can get one at Cheese Bridge. First, take Yoshi past the first part (where you jump on the platforms and over the saws). Then, after you make the Half Way point, there's a "?" box. That is either a Super 'Shroom or a feather. After you go for a little while, just before the ropes, there's another "?" box. In it, there's a pair of Yoshi wings. If you catch the Yoshi Wings (when you still have Yoshi), Yoshi will turn Blue and fly off the screen. When he's flying (in the special night-time place), you can either jump off the platform right away or fly the little obstacle course (but you have a better chance of living if you jump off right away.) Then you'll have a blue Yoshi.
Re: Super Mario World

Finish the game with only 13 goals

You can finish the game with only 13 goals found. Here's how:
1. Yoshi's Island 1
2. Yoshi's Island 2
3. Yoshi's Island 3
4. Yoshi's Island 4
5. Iggy's Castle
6. Donut Plains 1 (hidden goal)
7. Donut Secret 1 (hidden goal)
8. Donut Secret House (hidden goal)

Star Road
9. Star World 1 (hidden goal)
10. Star World 2 (hidden goal)
11. Star World 3 (hidden goal)
12. Star World 4 (hidden goal)
13. Front Door (of Bowser's Castle).
All hidden goals are where you have to find the lock and key.
Re: Super Mario World

Short cut to Bowser

At the begining, go left. Beat the game. Then go up. When you get to the Illistrated Forest, go to the first level, then, when your not on firm ground (there is a hole under you) you should see a flying koopa under you. Go to firm ground. Hit the block. Quickly get the balloon. Go left till you get to a ledge. Wait until your balloon mario runs out of air over the ledge. Then hit the block. Pick up the key and put it in the lock. Beat the next level. The next level, where the guy throws those spike guys, jump up to him and go down the pipe. Put the key in the lock. Beat the next two levels. Go to the star. Push B. Beat the next level. Go to the star. Push B. That is the short cut to Bowser.
Re: Super Mario World

Get Blue Yoshi in Star World 2

Theres a easy way to get Blue Yoshi in Star World 2, just make him crack open and let him eat the star.
Re: Super Mario World

Ending change

If you hold L, R, X, Y, and Up, I think during the part where The princess falls off Bowser's ship, Mario will walk like a wacko during the ending!!!
Re: Super Mario World

1-Up chamber tip

In the five tiered 1-Up chambers, Mario can collect all 5 1-Ups if he uses his cape. Spin jump and hit the lower corner of each block with the cape. The first two block in each row yield coins, the third will yield a 1-Up.
Re: Super Mario World

How to get to Soda Lake

Below Butter Bridge there is another bridge, the secret to get there, is take Yoshi to the end, and just as your about to fall in the hole, jump off Yoshi. You will find another goal. You will find Soda Lake.
Re: Super Mario World

Re-enter a castle

If you want to go back to a Castle that has been conquered, press L and R at the same time when you are on one. Pressing L and R at the same time can be a bit tricky when playing with 2 people.
Re: Super Mario World

99 lives

Enter a course that you've already completed and go up to a berry above Yoshi's mouth. Release the item by pressing Select, and have Yoshi eat the item and the berry at the same time. The action will freeze except for the coins and 1-Up totals. Now you can get up to 99 lives! Press Start + Select to exit.
Re: Super Mario World

First Ghost House tip

In the first ghost house, fly up to the upper left corner. You will see a ledge. Run to the right and you will fall. Ghosts will try to hurt you but keep on going. At the end of the ledge you will fall and there will be four extra guys. You will have to hit the boxes to get them. Go though the door. There will be a Moon (3 lives.) After you beat it there will be a level above the ghost house. Go to it. In it there is five boxes. The two left ones contain, flowers. The two right ones contain feathers. The middle one has Yoshi. If you already have Yoshi then it will be an extra life. To exit, run off the screen.
Re: Super Mario World

Level tips

Yoshi's Island 2
For someone who hasn't advanced very far, the easiest source of one-ups is Yoshi's Island 2. Enter with Yoshi, then bumping the block that normally gives Yoshi gives a one-up. Use Start and Select to jump out of the course and repeat as often as desired. It is a little faster if Mario is caped and you enter at the middle of Yoshi's Island 2. Then one can get a life every 10 seconds or so with no skill required.
Donut Island 2
Try jumping up every green pipe until you succeed. Now, do not exit this room to the a normal looking goal (it is not considered the second exit). There are about 4 yellow blocks leading to the top of the screen, fly up and the highest one with your head and vine will go up from it. No jump up the series of yellow blocks and climb the vine. The key and hole is to the left.
Donut Secret 2
To earn eight 1-Ups, climb the vine that is near the beginning of the course, and release a Starman at the top. Drop through the floor and collect the Starman before it falls into a hole. With the invincibility of the Starman, run to the block at the end of the course. If you're still invincible when you hit it, you'll get another Starman. Get it for more invincibility.
Donut Ghost House
Get a cape. Enter the first ghost house and walk to the right until the first hole in the floor. Hold the Y button to spin. Run to the left until able to fly, jump and fly up the left hand wall until you can land on a ledge to your right. Run all the way across the house, off the ledge, down the left side, hit each block for a 1-up mushroom (there are four), and exit out the door at the end.
Donut Plains 1
You can get a lot of 1ups. Just go to the first bonus pipe and hit the right question marks. Get the lives, go to the next bonus pipe and get 100 rings and earn a 1up.
Ghost House 1
If you fly in the beginning of the level, to the left side, theres a hole, fly up to the hole and run all the way to the right. There's four lives and a door, enter the door and do the bonus. When you finish the level you can go to a level where you can just power up, leave and then come back and power up again.
Vanilla Dome 2
When you get to the area where you can decide to finish the level using the high road or the low road, use the high road. Instead of going right, jump across to the left. Push the P-block until it is not on any blocks, and then jump on it. Now go left and knock out all the coins (do not go over the edge). When the P stops you must now jump across to the second drop off (you will be back towards the beginning), and go down. The key and key hole is some where down there.
Vanilla Secret 1
When you are at the spring board, fly left. There is a pipe in the upper left hand corner by the left wall and ceiling.
When you see the field of spiked dudes hit the second block run grab the "P-block" and run back to the two pipes in the same screen hit the "P-block" and run backwards when you get all the coins go to the pipe facing diagonal with the football players go in the tube and hit the "P-block" and run to the other side when you come out go back to the field of spiked dudes and get the "p-block" and do the same as before... You will have 99 lives before time runes out.
Vanilla Secret 2
Get to the half-way mark without killing any Koopa Troopers or the green jumping guys. Keep on going until you reach a pit with a lot of spinny orange guys. There will be yellow blocks right above the pit. Hit the blocks until you get a silver "P" switch.
Carry this switch a little past the half way mark until you reach two pipes with red guys jumping out of them. Put down the "P" switch, step on it, and run back to the start of the level. While your running there will be a lot of silver coins on the way. Get all the silver coins you can and you will gain 50+ lives!
Important: Be sure not to kill the Koopa Troopers (or the green jumping guys) on the way to the "P" switch, those guys turn into the coins that give you the lives.
Vanilla Secret 3
You can get 40-50 lives, a power-up, and a Yoshi all at once. Go to the midway tape. Break the tape and leave the world. Go back in the world, starting at midway. Go right, until you come to a pipe. In a music box above the pipe is a power-up. Continue right, avoiding paratroopers and spiked guys, over the chasm, and to the row of blocks above a field of spiked turtles. Hit the bottom of the second block in that row. It is over the spiked turtles, but with minimal practice you can hit it easily. In the second block you get a P-Block. Don't jump on it! Grab it, and take it with you. While carrying the P-Block, return back to your left, over the chasm, past the pipe you saw before, and past the midway tape. Continue until you get between 2 pipes on the same screen. Each pipe has a villain jumping out of it, and there is a chasm just to the left of the left pipe. Set the P-Block down here. Jump on the P-Block, jump over the chasm on the left, and run as far and as fast as you can left. Each turtle/villain has turned into a coin, and after ~5 of them they are all 3-ups. Tons of 'em. The P-Block power will run out about the time you get back to the Yoshi block. Get Yoshi, and leave the world. NOTE: Don't leave the world until the game has finished counting up your lives!!!!
Vanilla Secret Fortress
Just before entering the last area of Vanilla Secret Fortress (to face Reznor), you can earn many 1-Ups by repeatedly stomping the Bony Beetles at the Red Door (don't touch the ground - tread water). At first this will just earn points, but the points increase and eventually become 1-Ups. This basic technique applies most places where an enemy can be continually stomped w/o touching the ground.
Butter Bridge 2
There is one green pipe with a small log platform on both sides (this is about 2/3 of the way through, also it's the pipe you come back up through if you go down the second purple pipe to ride the rope). If you have a cape (there is a feather in the green "!" block right after the middle goal), get on the right log platform trapping the koopa between you and the green pipe. Now, you can use the cape spin trick to continuously knock the koopa shell against the pipe to collect unlimited 1-Ups until the clock runs out.
Cheese Bridge
Where is the second exit?
After the first exit. You can get there two ways.
1) Become a very skilled flyer. Fly past the saws in the second half. As soon as you are above the last platform before the goal, drop below the goal's platform level. Just when you get below the goals platform level lift again and keep flying under the goal. If you can, fly higher until you are on the platform, otherwise, just fly until you past the second goal.
2) Get a yoshi and bounce off the saws in the second half until you are on the last platform before the first goal. Now jump yoshi off the platform, but don't land on the goal platform, fall short. Keep pushing right until the last moment yoshi goes off the bottom of the screen, now spin jump off yoshi. You should be on the platform past the first goal.
Forest of Illusion
Go to the water level with the red dot in it. Now near the end of the level right before you go to get chased by the fishes go down to the yellow box and walk on the floor to the left you can walk through the wall go all the way through and get the key and it leads you to the blue switch palace.
In the Forest of Illusion (one of the acts on the left.) there is an act where there is a koopa "fishing" with a green mushroom. Ignore him. Get a shell and run to where you find the first pipe. There is a monster that comes out of the pipe and throws creatures at you. There is a depression in front of the pipe. Take the shell and throw it at the pipe, it will start to bounce back and forth. Every time the guy in the pipe throws a creature the bouncing shell will kill it. Further, you can now "take the bait" from the guy in the cloud. He will also throw more creatures giving you more guys. It is possible to get 40-70 guys (depending on how good you are at getting the guy in the cloud to constantly throw in the depression) in one play of the scene.
Forest of Illusion 1
Go to the first world in the forest (the one next to the Ghost House). Play through that World and touch the midway goal. Then exit the world (start to pause, select to bail). Now go back into the world. You'll start at the midway post. Run to the right and you'll find a block that alternates between the different pow up-s in the game. Hit the block when it's a feather and you'll catch the invinc star. Now run to the right and hit every monster along the way. Soon, you'll start to earn 1-Ups and 2-Ups (from the centipede-like creatures). You should be able to get 15 lives or more before the star fizzes out.
There is a way to quickly get your score to 9,999,990 (the maximum the game will register) It involves the repeated stomp technique on those yellow caterpillars. You should have beaten the stage already, so you can exit if something goes terribly wrong. This also works best if you have a cape. This trick can be done either just before halfway (it's a little difficult to see, because you're behind trees) or on the wooden ledge above the keyhole. Start the repeated stomp. You'll accumulate points, but after you get a 1-Up for stomping on a caterpillar, the next caterpillar will give you a 2-Up, and the next a 3-Up. You should be sure you scroll away the red caterpillars so they appear again as yellow. After the 3-Up, the next caterpillars will show weird symbols where the score should be. (the first weird symbol is a 5-Up) You'll get coins (sometimes more than 100 per stomp) and hundreds of thousands of points. In order to achieve the full 9,999,990, you may have to exit before time runs out (or die, if you like if it does) The next time, you should achieve 9,999,990.
Forest of Illusion 2
Just before the normal exit, swim left and down, it doesn't look like you can go through at first, but you can.
Forest of Illusion 3
Go to the end, but do not break the goal. Go left, and go down the first or second Green pipe for a secret exit.
Forest of Illusion 4
Just past the midway gate, there is a koopa in a purple pipe throwing spiked turtles. Get a cape, jump and spin by the pipe to kill the koopa, and then go down the pipe for a secret exit.
Where there is a koopa "fishing" with a green mushroom. Ignore him. Get a shell and run to where you find the first pipe. There is a monster that comes out of the pipe and throws creatures at you. There is a depression in front of the pipe. Take the shell and throw it at the pipe, it will start to bounce back and forth. Every time the guy in the pipe throws a creature the bouncing shell will kill it. Further, you can now "take the bait" from the guy in the cloud. He will also throw more creatures giving you more guys. It is possible to get 40-70 guys (depending on how good you are at getting the guy in the cloud to constantly throw in the depression) in one play of the scene.
Chocolate Island 1
There is a 3-Up Moon just beyond the midway gate, but to get it you must pickup and carry the springboard which is left of the midway gate (means you cannot reach the tape to break it). Carry the springboard to the level area left of the big crescent-shaped section. If you jump as high as possible and then go right while in the air, you can land on a set of clouds where the moon is.
If you don't use the angled green pipe to launch Mario forward in Chocolate Island 1, then you will not get a midway gate.
Chocolate Island 2
To get the second exit, you have to complete the first two sections in less than 50 seconds. To make it easier, you have to get over 11 coins in the first section and you will get into a easier 2nd section.
Chocolate Island 4
You must have a cape. Get the first P-block and go down the grey tube. Once in the tube, grab the second P-block and jump off the edge. Hug the right wall until you see the seventh opening in the wall that is filled with 1-UP mushrooms. Float into the passage and grab the 1-UPs. When you come out of the tube, go back to the left and repeat as many times as needed.
Sunken Ghost Ship
Just before you enter the pipe to go the second portion of the ship, go to the left and up. There will be two bullet things that will keep shooting and they will hit your feet. First, you get 200, 400, 800, ...., up to 8000, then you get 1-ups for every hit. So, just sit there for a minute and rack up lives.
If you notice, he throws out two MechaKoopas every so often. Stomp on them and throw them so that they arc over and hit him on the head. You know that you hit him when he goes all loopy. It takes 2-3 hits to send him away. Watch out for the fire that falls from the sky. The princess will shout help and throw you a mushroom. Repeat the process until the third time. Watch out though since he gets tougher with each defeat. The first time he returns, he will occasionally flip over and drop a bowling ball in your direction. Use the spinning jump to avoid taking damage. The second time he returns, he will start hopping around in his Clown Copter. Watch out for the fan blade. He still uses the bowling ball attack so stay on your toes.
Tubular (In the special world)
Take the P balloon from the first ? block. Float past the next ? block (this one right above a dragon coin), past the next ? block (which has a Chargin' Chuck throwing baseballs) and wait above the next ? block until your P balloon runs out.
The ? block you are now on contains another P balloon. Hit the R button to get a look at what you now face -- a line of Koopas. Become one with their rhythm, grasshopper, and take the P balloon and float past them. You'll then have to get past a couple of lava plants.
Eventually, you'll come to a ? block with a Chargin' Chuck (C.C.) on top throwing footballs. There will be another one of these to your right. Hover above the first until your P balloon runs out, knock him off of his block, and land on it.
Now you've got to deal with the C.C. above you to the right who is throwing footballs right where you need to be to grab the P balloon that is in the block you are standing on. Press the L button With the C.C. off the screen, he will stop throwing footballs. You can now take the P balloon and float on. You might want to use R to get the screen scrolled back, so you can see what's coming up (a couple more lava plants to dodge). You will then easily reach the goal.
After getting Blue Yoshi (from Star Road 2) enter and eat the P-Block then spit it out over the cliff. Jump and glide to the st ? block then jump to the next. Press the R button to see the Koopa Troopas and jump at them as they start their advance toward the top of the screen (it is imperative that they are going up and not down or you will die) eat a troopa and then watch out not to get hit by the fireballs from the Lava plant on the ? blocks. After getting pass those fly to the top of the screen and keep going to the finish (don't worry about the sports players you will just jump on top of them and they will run to their doom). If you are successful it shouldn't take you more than 3 minutes max to finish the board.
Awesome (In the special world)
Here's how to beat Awesome without having to worry with jumping on koopas and bullets and all those nasty things at the end:
1. The goal is to cross the whole section at the end (where all the fish, bullets, etc. start coming at you like crazy) using a flying blue yoshi.
2. You may get Blue Yoshis very easily down on Star World 2 or 3 (the one under water where the egg hatches -- small Blue Yoshi will eat a power star and immediately turn into big Blue Yoshi. At this point, press pause-select to get out.
3. The hardest part is probably getting Blue Yoshi in Awesome over to the last pipe before the nasty section. Once you get him there, try to eat one of the turtle shells and/or turtles. But here's the trick: You will never make it over the gorge to the end by flying at normal speed. You have to fly fast just as you would run fast by holding the Y button down, while flapping "your wings" with the B button. But watch out, if you press the Y-button after you eat a shell, yoshi will spit it out. You must press Y before eating the shell, and never let up again until you get to the end. Flap like crazy and you shouldn't make it over the gorge.
Special World 5 Groovy
Go until you get to the platform that has 5 coins and a ?-box above it. You must carry the Power button with you to this point. Hit the P, and get the star from the ?-box. Then jump up and down and touch all the cheep-cheep's that are flying back and forth. When the P-Power ends, and you fall (because the ledge turns back into coins) run to the left and kill everybody in your path. You can consistently get 17-20 lives from using this method.
Funky (In the Special World)
Get equipped with a Yoshi and a Cape from the level two spaces to the right. Then, at the very beginning, run to one block before you meet the first wiggly, then fly with Yoshi. When it looks like you're coming down, don't let go of any buttons. You will automatically get kicked further by the bullets firing off the canons. Keep this up till you reach the springboard next to two pipes.
Then, the procedure to carrying the springboard to the next pipe was to first swallow the wiggly in the next area, pick up the springboard, run with it, jump, etc.
Re: Super Mario World

Keys and secret exits

On the game map some areas are red and some are yellow the yellow ones mean there is only one exit the red means there are two exits and two paths. (Usually the secret one is a key and the keyhole but not always.)
Donut Plains
Donut plains 1 secret exit leads to Donut secret one
There is two ways to get the key and the key hold you can fly your way up to the key hole with a cape or you can wait until you hit the green switch and then run up the triangle block to get the key.
Donut Plains 2 secret exit leads to green switch place
To get the key go up the second green pipe on the ceiling beat the charging chuck then break the blocks and kick the shell up at the highest block to the right of you to unleash a vine that you can cline up. You can also fly up there with Yoshi by eating the blue shell and pressing B. On top you should find the key right next to the keyhole.
Donut secret one leads to Donut secret house
In the middle of the stage you will find a p switch pick up the switch with y our make Yoshi eat it with y. (make sure that Yoshi does not swallow the p switch if he starts chewing on it make him spit it out with the y button and then make him eat it again with Y.) carry it over to the key hole and hit it this should turn the brown blocks to coins long enough for you to hit the? Block the question mark block will yield a key take the key into the keyhole.
Donut secret house (two goal post here)
1st goal post leads to Donut plains three
Go to the 1st in the 1st door you find on the bottom floor. (If you have a cape and fly you notice that there is a top-level floor in this room you will need that for the second exit.)
Run up the stares and into the door on the right ignore the p switch that comes out of the block.
In the next room it the same ? Block mark that the p switch came out of and climb it to the top. You will find another platform to the left of it go in the door that is on the platform this will lead you to the exit.
2nd exit leads to top secret area
Enter the house with a cape
On your 1st screen fly up and you will find a second floor take the floor to the right and you will find a door with blocks filled with green 1-up mushrooms feel free to take the mushrooms before heading out the door just avoid the ghosts. The goal post will be on the other side of the door it will lead to the top secret area an area where you can stock up on mushrooms, fire flowers, and feathers.
Donut secret house (two goal posts).
Goal post leads to Donut secret two.
In the second room you will find an area where there are coins that look like there in a weird looking triangle on a platform collect the coins. After that go to the left and grab the p switch and carry over to where the coins use to be and hit the switch a blue door appears quickly go through the door before time runs out. You should be right next to the goal post now.
2nd exit leads to star road
In the second room grab the p switch and take it to where you have a yellow door that floats in space hit the p switch and blocks will appear right beneath the door. Do not go in the door instead hit the block above the door and a vine will appear. Climb the vine has fast has you can and run to the right and go into the blue door before the p switch runs out. You will have to fight big boo.
How to Defeat big boo
When you enter the chamber pick up on of the blue blocks off the floor and kick it up at him watch out for the two little boos that are in the chamber. Hit the big boo three times to defeat him. Be careful not to panic because if you do and star pressing Y rapidly you will fall through the floor.
Vanilla Dome
Vanilla Dome 1 secret exit leads to Vanilla Secret 1
There are two ways to get this key
1. Enter the level with Yoshi and keep going to the right until you see a group of yellow blocks with a red our blue shell on them. Eat the blue shell and then beneath the yellow blocks there should be a tunnel there with plenty of buzzy beetles. When you have to fight a Buzzy beetle press B and down to spit out the shell and the kill the Buzzy beetle after you have gone through the yellow blocks fly up and to the right until you see a entrance in the ceiling 1fly up there and grab the key.
2. And easier way is to wait until you hit the red switch and when you gone through the yellow blocks to jump on the blocks until you reach a ? Block and hit the block a vine will grow climb the vine to get the key.
Vanilla Dome 2 secret exit leads to red switch
In the water near the mid post you will notice 3 ? Blocks with a line of coins above them one of the blocks contains a feather keep going right until you see a ? Block above the water hit that and a fire flower will grow out of it you will need to use the block to get back on dry land go left to find a p switch on a group of brown blocks. Do not hit the p switch now our else you will fall in the same place in the water where you got the feather and will have to do the stage again in order to get the key. Instead pick up the p switch and go left until you get to a wall of brown blocks on solid land. Hit the p switch here and hurry to the left jump across the 1st pit and jump into the pit that has the coins in it (you will have to hurry if do not reach the pit before the p switch runs out the coins will turn into blocks again.) Once you have jump in the pit you will find your self in the water with some dry land leading to the left jump on the dry land and head left to find the key. Now from there jump into the water and go right and avoid the fish until you see the keyhole. (Note when Mario carries something in water he will always float up so this will make swimming a little difficult).
Vanilla Secret 1
There are two goal posts in this one
1st goal post leads to Vanilla Secret 2
This one is easy to find keep going up the cave until you see a green pipe sticking out the right side of the cave on the very top.
2nd goal post leads to Star Road.
Enter the world with a cape and you encounter and area with a trampoline in a bunch of red wing Koopa Troopa. Go Back down the three rocks that you had to jump on to get to see the Koopa Troopa now there should be just enough ground to make a good run way stand on the very right side of the run way there should be a vine near it. Now run left and take off flying left until you see a pipe sticking out the left side of the wall. Go in to the pipe and past the charging chuck to get to the goal post. Another way you can do it is wait until you hit the blue switch and then take a trampoline and set it on the right blue block and jump up there to the pipe.
Cheese bridge area
There are 2 goal posts in this area but there another way to get to the path that you would get from crossing goal post 1 confuse enough read on.
Yoshi Wings exit leads to Cookie Bridge (note you do not have to get both the 1st goal post and Yoshi Wings to get 96 star you only have to get 1)
1. The 1st way out of this area is to get the wings near the mid way gate there is a ? mark blocks it the block and a pair of wings will fly out of it. If you have Yoshi you can grab the wings and will lead to a special bonus stage where you can get lots dragon coins one ups after you fall into a pit our it ends you will be transported back to the map and the way to cookie bridge will open up.
1st Goal Post Leads to Cookie Mountain
Cheese bridge area is a straight through area you should find the goal post just by going right.
2nd Goal Post leads to Soda Lake. (You will need a cape and Yoshi to do this one.)
Try to go under the 1st goal post by either flying with a cape. Our by jumping into the pit by the goal post with Yoshi before you fall into the pit and die press A to leap off Yoshi's back you will Loose Yoshi but get a 3 Up moon and the 2nd goal post.
Forest of Illusion
(Those of you who just want to complete the game and beat Bowser only have to beat the 1st 3 stages of the stage that I have listed here for those who are looking at getting all 96 stages read all the secrets.)
Forest of Illusion 1 secret exit leads to forest ghost house.
Towards the end of the stage you will notice that your path goes right over the key hole wait until you get to the end of the logs and hit the ? block for a p balloon while you are inflated go left and hit the ? block to get the key grab the key and go through the key hole. (You will loose Yoshi if you have him.)
Forest of Illusion 2 secret exit leads to blue switch palace
In the last stretch of the stage there is a secret wall that you can go through it is right next to a yellow ! Block once you reach the block go left to go straight through the wall and find the key.
Forest of Illusion 3 secret exit leads to Roy's castle
Towards the end of the level there is a large green pipe go down it. You must be super Mario our greater to do the next part spin jump on of the yellow blocks that are above the key when you have done this you can get down in to the area where the key pick up the key and take it through the key hole.
Forest Ghost House Two goal post
1st leads to Forest of Illusion 4
Once you have gone through the blue door in the second room of the house you will find your self-running down a hall way go thorough in the 1st yellow door you see to get to the 1st goal post.
2nd goal post leads to Forest of Illusion 1(you need this goal post and to find the key in Forest of Illusion 1 to get all 96 stages.
Go through the house just the same way you did to get to goal post 1 but don't go in the 1st yellow door instead keep running until you reach a second yellow door go in this door to find your second goal post and also a 3-up moon.
Forest of Illusion 4 secret exit leads to forest secret area.
A little ways after the mid way gate there should be a pipe a in the air on two cement blocks with a Lakitu in it throwing out spiny. with a game jump of the hill and glide down until you get on top of the pipe try not to get hit my Lakitues eggs and try to kill him has your landing. once on the pipe go down the pipe to find the key and the keyhole.
Chocolate Island
Chocolate Island 2 secret exit leads to Chocolate Secret.
In this stage the amount of coins you get and the time will affect what each area is going to be like. in order to get the key though you must make it to third area before the time reaches 250 seconds. If you do not the area will be the different one not the one with the key. If you get to the correct area there will be a whole bunch of ! blocks and charging chucks around. If you can get to chocolate secret you can get a shortcut to Wendy's castle and miss the rest of the island.
Chocolate Island 3 Two goal post
1st goal post leads to Chocolate Island 3. (No this is a typo it leads right back to the stage you are playing but it is needed to get all 96 levels.)
Go thorough the stage near the end of the stage there is a star block and a question mark block hit the ? block and a vine will grow climb up the vine and you will see the post jump off the vine and hit the post.
2nd goal post leads to chocolate fortress. (You need a cape or an Yoshi to get this goal post.)
This time when you get to the area of the 1st goal post don't get the vine instead run and take of to the right with a cape or let Yoshi eat the blue Koopa Troopa that is walking around the area and take of to the right. After a relatively short flight you should reach an area with 3 yellow blocks with ups and the second goal post. Make sure when you 1st take off that you don't fly to close to the 1st goal post or else you will go thorough it and have to do the stage again.
Valley of Bowser
Valley of Bowser 2 secret exit leads to valley fortress
In the third area right after you come out of the pipe leading to it there is a yellow block that you land on that raises quickly to the ceiling and tries to crush you. Run has fast has you can to the other side of the yellow block once there you will notice that a little bit barley a block long is sticking out and that you can jump on it. Jump on the yellow block and then jump on the ceiling (you will no longer be able to see Mario.) Run to the left until you see a little chamber Mario will drop into it (you should now be able to see Mario.) The key and keyhole are right inside this chamber grab them and go out.
Valley Ghost House secret exit leads to Larry's Castle
Enter the ghost house with a cape. In the second room and hit a p switch run to the right until you see a hall of doors and take the second one down the hall. You should now be in a room full of ghost with a question mark block. go left to the end of the room turn and run right so you can take off and start flying towards the right side of the room try not to open your cape. on the right side of the room there is a key on the other side of a wall with a hole in it just barley big enough to squeeze thorough. when you get near it press down to make Mario duck and try to land in the little hole. Try to jump left while still ducking once you have made it to the other side of the wall grab the key and go thorough the key hole.
Valley of Bowser 4 secret exit leads to star road
you will need an Yoshi and at the end of the level key behind a cement wall the only way to get it is to Yoshi eat it and then the keyhole is right on top of the cement blocks.
Star Road
(In star road you must get the keys in order to move if you get the goal post you will return to the previous star. If you are looking to get all 96 levels in the game you must get the goal post other wise leave them.
Star road 1 leads to Vanilla dome star road
If you enter this world small grab the mushroom at the beginning you will need to be at least big to get the key in this world.
On the 1st line of yellow blocks push a and start breaking them keep to the far right until Mario finds the key and the key hole.
Star Road 2 secret exit leads to cheese bridge star road
At the end of the level there is a green pipe sticking out of the wall that goes up to the goal post. To get the key you will need to skip the green pipe and swim underneath after a ways you will find the key and keyhole.
Star Road 3 secret exit leads to the forest of the illusion star road
When you enter the stage you will see a gray p switch standing right next to an yellow Yoshi egg. Hit the gray p switch this will turn all of Lakitus spiny eggs into gray coins. If you want to get some one ups try to catch all the coins and then throw on of the blue blocks that are below your feet up at him but it easier to knock him of his cloud while throwing gray coins.
Once on his cloud fly up and you will find a cement roof in the center of it there should be an opening on the left side there should be a ? block with a key in it and on the right the keyhole. Grab the key on the left and go right and jump across the pit and go into the keyhole to complete this stage.
Star Road Four Leads to Bowser Castle star road
You will need the green and red switches hit our a cape to get this one.
When you reach a cement area with a blue Koopa Troopa kicking a shell around with and orange pipe in the air and a red shell sitting there. When you reach this part you should go beneath the cement block to the green and red blocks our fly under hit if you have not hit the switches.
The key should be on the other side of the blocks in a question mark ? block and the keyhole should be just to the right of it.
Star Road Five (star road is an exception to the other star roads this time the goal post will lead you back to the Donut plains star road. the key will lead you to a star road that will let you go on to the special world. Something special will happen when you beat the special world.)
(To get this key you will either need a blue Yoshi our have hit all the switch blocks.)
When you enter this with a blue Yoshi and eat the 1st Koopa Troopa with wings that you see and fly right and up. you should see a bunch of color ! Blocks now try to land on them. If you have all the switches hit just follow the blocks to the right and get the key if not push down and y to make Yoshi spit out the shell and then re-eat the shell once Yoshi has spit it out (This will keep him from swallowing the shell and fly to the right until you reach the key and key hole.)
Re: Super Mario World

Break blocks from the top with Yoshi

To break blocks from the top with Yoshi, jump off Yoshi's back when you are on one of these blocks, then jump on him with A. Yoshi will continue to jump breaking blocks under his feet until he can. Try this in Star World 1.
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