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    Shot on iPhone 15 Pro Max | Chinese New Year - Little Garlic

    Shot on iPhone 15 Pro Max | Chinese New Year - Little Garlic View:
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    Shot on iPhone 15 Pro | The Making of Midnight

    Shot on iPhone 15 Pro | The Making of Midnight
  3. F

    Who shot first? - Battle for Azeroth #Spoilers

    Some juicy lore bits have been dropped about the starting event for Battle for Azeroth which got the good old speculation machine going. We also have redshirt guy sharing his testing experience and some info from the panels. Since more voices can come up with some crazy things, by all means...
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    Slap Shot Super Pro Hockey

    View credits: Allow the game to remain at the title screen until the credits appear.
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    Chip Shot Super Pro Golf

    View credits: Press 0 at the title screen. Programmer message: Press 2 + 3 on controller one and 2 + 6 on controller two and press reset.
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    D-Pad is Shot

    I accidentally spilled a little bit of water/soup on my PSP last night, which I immediately wiped. All seemed well, all the buttons worked fine I played my music and everything. However in the morning I turned on my PSP to see what time it was and my XMB immediately went all the way to the right...
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    Slap Shot

    Fights Continuously bump into the player that has possession of the puck.
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    Quack Shot Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

    Extra Lives To earn as many lives as you'd like, beat the Transylvania level. After placing the flag, summon the airplane and select Transylvania again. Find the extra life hidden under the first stack of barrels. To find the other life, jump into the water then go all the way to the end...
  9. S

    Shot Online Updated Client

    Check out the updated client for Shot Online. Read and Post Comments | Get the full article at GameSpot "Shot Online Updated Client " was posted on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 17:22:52 -0700 Posted on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 17:22:52 -0700 at...
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