Apple exits Wi-Fi game, AirPort routers discontinued after stock sells out

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Enlarge / The AirPort Express was last updated in 2013. (credit: Andrew Cunningham)

After sitting in silence for years, Apple's AirPort base station devices will fade away soon. According to a Bloomberg report, Apple is officially discontinuing the AirPort Extreme, AirPort Express, and Time Capsule Wi-Fi routers.
The company hasn't updated any of the AirPort devices in nearly five years as it has focused more on other product categories. Apple will sell off its remaining inventory through, Apple retail stores, and Apple authorized resellers "while supplies last." The company will also continue to provide hardware and software support for AirPort customers for the time being.
In the two decades since the introduction of the AirPort family, the Wi-Fi world has changed quite a bit. Wireless networking wasn't as ubiquitous then as it is now. Many customers now get wireless routers from Internet service providers, and those that are built into the providers' hardware are typically good enough for most users.

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