Caesar's Palace Advanced: Millennium Edition Cheat Codes (for Gameboy Advance)

The ultimate Gameboy Advance cheats resource. We have the latest Nintendo Gameboy Advance cheats, Gameboy Advance cheat codes & tips for Gameboy Advance games.

final kaoss

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  • Easy money
Go to the "Table Games" menu, then to "Roulette". Change the value of your bet to a negative number by adding the value of your bet to over $32,000. Then, place your bet on the table as many times as desired to get as much money as you can. If you win you do not lose money, you win twice as much. Note: Go easy -- if your money totals more than $1,000,000 you will get a message stating that you are a millionaire and restart.
  • Start with $16,305
Enter W9fbv#dbbbxbB as a password.
  • Start with $5,900
Enter q#cbv#dbbbxbM as a password.
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PSA: we do not support cheating for online/mobile/multiplayer games, which may include trainers,
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