Courier Crisis

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Sega Saturn

final kaoss

Staff member
  • Car Crusher
If you jump on top of a car in just the right spot, you can crush it! Try jumping on the windshield where the windshield meets the roof. Keep jumping and flatten it!
  • Change Size
At the main options screen, press A, C, C, B, B, B, A, A, C to grow. Enter it twice to shrink.
  • Give Someone the Finger
While playing, press L+X at the same time. Don't do this to the cops, though. If you do they'll chase you.
  • Level Passwords
1 = eflcifcgkj
2 = iflcifccki
3 = mflcifcokj
4 = aflcifckkj
5 = fhclfigcjl
6 = flclficcil
7 = fpclfiocjl
8 = fdclfikcjl
9 = kflcifcgii
10 = oflcifccii
11 = cflcifcoij
12 = gflcifckij
13 = ffclfigccj
14 = fjclficcij
15 = fnclfiocjj
  • Play as a Fish
To play as a fish, enter the password FINALSDFIN.
  • Play as a Gorilla
Enter the password SAVAGEAPES to play as a Gorilla on a BMX Bike.
  • Play as an Alien
Enter the password XFIFTYONEX to play as an Alien on a BMX Bike.
  • Practice Level
To go to a practice level, press R+Z at the course selection screen.
  • Solid Camera
While in a mission, pause the game and press Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down. The camera will no longer go through buildings, but instead stay focused on you.
  • Start with "The Pantera"
To start with "The Pantera," enter the password KFKFKFOEKJ.
  • Start with "The Zaskar"
To start with "The Zaskar," enter the password FDFKFKHCJK.
  • Start with STS 1
To start with the STS 1, enter the password IFKFKFKGKJ.
  • Swaying Trees
While in a mission, pause the game and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left. When you hit the trees they will super sway.
  • Wireframe World
While in a mission, pause your game and press Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.
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