Gauntlet: Dark Legacy

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Gamecube or GCN.

final kaoss

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Always have nine potions and keys​

Put in the following for your name ALLFUL .

Bonus levels​

Play the first level three or more times, then go to the Section level. Play that level two times to unlock another section of levels.

Defeating Bosses​

An easy way to defeat the Bosses is to buy four or five of the following items before the fight: Triple Shot, Rapid Fire, a magical amulet (Acid, Light, Fire, etc.) that the Boss is weak against. Get close and press the button as fast as possible. This strategy can be used for every Boss in the game and also makes the Spider Queen very easy.

Defeating Generals​

Fire a strong attack. The General will block it. Then, fire a turbo attack. Repeat this until they are dead. For a more powerful hit, use the turbo attack when close to them.

Different Potions​

After you complete a level and you get to buy things buy a potion or two. Then the potion will be green. If you don't want it green just do this: Save your game. Quit. Then load it again. Then pick the character you were. Your potion should be a different color! If you want it to be green don't do this because it will change. Personally I don't like green ones. Enjoy!

Dwarf in S&M costume​

Put in the following for your name NUD069 .

Dwarf turns to large jester​

Put in the following for your name ICE600 .

Easy experience​

Killing the Spider Queen repeatedly. She is worth the best experience. If you have some friends playing, have them use the "Defeating Bosses" trick for rapid killing. You can get two to three levels per fight depending on how long your items lasted.

Get 10,000 gold per level​

Put in the following for your name 10000K .


Put in the following for your name INVULN .

Jester Is A Stick Figure With Mohawk Head​

Enter PNK666 as a name.

Jester turns to stick figure with bturns toeball cap head​

Put in the following for your name KJH105 .

Jester turns to stick figure with Mohawk head​

Put in the following for your name PNK666 .

Jester turns to stick figure with smiley face​

Put in the following for your name STX222 .

Knight Is A Bald Man In Street Clothes​

Enter STG333 as a name.

Knight turns to bald man in street clothes (Sean Gugler)​

Put in the following for your name STG333 .

Knight turns to ninja (sword and claws) costume​

Put in the following for your name TAK118 .

Knight turns to quarterback​

Put in the following for your name RIZ721 .

Knight turns to Roman centurion​

Put in the following for your name BAT900 .

Knight turns ton orange-skirted waitress​

Put in the following for your name KAO292 .

Knight wears black karate outfit with twin scythes​

Put in the following for your name SJB964 .

Knight wears black outfit and cape​

Put in the following for your name DARTHC .

Knight wears street clothes​

Put in the following for your name ARV984 .

Knight wears street clothes (Chris Sutton)​

Put in the following for your name CSS222 .

Knight wears street clothes and bturns toeball cap​

Put in the following for your name DIB626 .

Maximum character attributes​

Enable the "10,000 gold per level" code. You will start the game with 10,000 gold. Go shopping and buy magic, armor, strength, or speed until you are out of gold. Return to the game and you will once again have 10,000 gold. Keep buying attribute level-ups until your character has 999 strength, 999 armor, 999 speed and 999 magic. You can also replenish your health following a tough level by buying meat until it is restored. Save your character or this will have to be repeated.

Mini Mr. T. Dwarf​

Choose the Dwarf as your character and cycle through his colors until you get to the one where he is black and is wearing yellow. You will see a near exact Mr. T replica.

Never Ending Anti-Death​

Put in the following for your name 1ANGEL .

Never Ending full turbo​

Put in the following for your name PURPLE .

Never Ending invisibility​

Put in the following for your name 000000 .

Never Ending Pojo the Chicken​

Put in the following for your name EGG911 .

Never Ending reflect shot​

Put in the following for your name REFLEX .

Never Ending shrink enemy and growth​

Put in the following for your name DELTA1 .

Never Ending super shot with large crossbow​

Put in the following for your name SSHOTS .

Never Ending triple shot​

Put in the following for your name MENAGE .

Never Ending x-ray vision​

Put in the following for your name PEEKIN .

Random name​

At the name screen, press B to submit a blank entry to get a random name.

Run Faster​

Put in the following for your name XSPEED .


Pause the game and do not press any buttons. Eventually some axes will start flying around the screen.

Throw Faster​

Put in the following for your name QCKSHT .

Valkyrie turns to a cheerleader with baton​

Put in the following for your name CEL721 .

Valkyrie turns to a Japanese school girl​

Put in the following for your name AYA555 .

Valkyrie turns to the grim reaper with bloody scythe​

Put in the following for your name TWN300 .

Warrior turns to an Orc Boss​

Put in the following for your name MTN200 .

Warrior with a rat head​

Put in the following for your name RAT333 .

Warrior With An Ogre Costume​

Enter CAS400 as a name.

Warrior with an ogre costume​

Put in the following for your name Cturns to400 .

Wizard turns to a pharaoh​

Put in the following for your name DES700 .

Wizard turns to an alien​

Put in the following for your name SKY100 .

Wizard turns to an undead lich​

Put in the following for your name GARM00 .

Wizard turns to Sumner​

Put in the following for your name SUM224 .

Wizard with an evil appearance​

Put in the following for your name GARM99 .
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