Isn't this beautiful to see in 2014? End of video & comments

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Vgcheat Member
Newest P.S."HD" (ED, actually) DC Trailer.


"Seeing that Dreamcast logo among all the current-gen consoles makes my heart pounding.

Truely the only console in history with such resistance ! :) REALLY hope the sales will be great, so that other indie kickstarter project will follow the trend !?"

"lol...dat ending compatibility of logos is awesome....."

"It's re-e-eally strange to see Dreamcast logo in HD-trailer on YouTube...
...but I like it!?"

"Still, I'll be getting this for the Dreamcast. Hopefully it's not going to be one of those limited run games.?"

"Damn right. The Dreamcast was ahead of it's time.?"

"Can't wait. Got it for PC and for Sega Dreamcast. The waiting...THE WAITING!?"

"I cannot wait to tear into it. Viva la Dreamcast!?"

"Dreamcast version FTW!?"

"Outstanding! My Dreamcast is ready.?"

"if only i had a dreamcast I would so rather buy it for that -_-?"

"Getting this for Dreamcast.?"

And on and on...
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