olympic summer games [U]

GameShark & Pro Action Replay Codes for the PS1 aka the PSX.


Vassal dood;3
###olympic summer games (u) slus_00148 ###

@amount of pts result modify [archery mode]

800A6268 | xx

noteut tha xx within whatever you desire

@reset tha miss score [skeet shootin mode, ingames only!]

800A6278 | 0000

note: im to lazy to searchin for tha joker button:P, so just actived tha code repeatly , and all tha miss shot will back to zero count

@instanly gain maximum hit count [skeet shootin mode, ingames only]

800A6274 | 1E61

note: same for this also, im to lazy for tha jokers

@more accurated jumper(long jump contest)@

800AEF40 : 1E

note: no atter how slow your run nor failure to tick tha correct timing while doin tha jump, you still can get good result with this code actived
warnin, actived tha code ingames only!]

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