Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES.

final kaoss

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Build Character Stats

If you want a physically powerful character, always pick the POWER bonus on the level up screen.

If you want a magically powerful character, always pick the SPECIAL bonus on the level up screen.

If you want a character with really high HP, always pick the HP bonus on the level up screen.

BUT, if you want a PERFECTLY well rounded character:

- pick SPECIAL when they go to levels 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, and 29.

- pick POWER when they go to levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30.

- pick HP when they go to levels 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28.

This way you always take advantage of the power up bonuses, because on each specified level-up, the stats will lean more towards the indicated bonus (should work with all characters at all levels, but if not it's still the same pattern - special, power, HP - but shifted up or down).
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

How do you get by the 3D Maze in the Sunken Ship

Face the entrance of the maze near the bottom-left corner of the screen. Hold the Control Pad diagonally Up and Left until you stop moving, then hold Up until you stop moving. Continue to hold Up and press the B Button to jump once. When you stop moving, hold Right on the Control Pad until you stop again. Continue to hold Right and jump -- this will move you a little farther in the maze. Keep holding Right and jump once more. After you stop, hold Left on the Control Pad until you see Mario on the far-left side of the screen. The next step is tough! Hold Right on the Control Pad until you appear in the open -- but be careful not to hold Right too long or you will fall in to a hole and you'll have to start back at the beginning!

Enter the door to the right and hold Right on the Control Pad until you see Mario on the right side of the doorway. Jump on to the narrow ledge above you to the right. Hold Up on the Control Pad until you stop moving, then hold Left on the Control Pad. When you stop moving, keep holding Left and jump once, then hold Up on the Control Pad and jump a few times until you don't move any farther. Hold Right on the Control Pad until you stop moving, then hold diagonally Up and Left and jump twice to get up near the switch. Jump on the switch to get your reward: Royal Syrup and a clue in the form of a memo left by DeGama, which reads "It has two vowels."
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

How do you get the Bright Card and get into the Grate Guy Casino

To get to Grate Guy's Casino, you first must get the Bright Card. Do this by successfully climbing Booster's Tower to the top and beating Knife Guy and Grate Guy. After beating them, start climbing Booster's Tower once again. Once you are getting near the top, you will see Knife Guy. Go talk to him and he will let you play "guess the hand", in which he juggles two balls really fast, a yellow one and a red one, and you must figure out which hand the ball is in. Win about 7 times in a row and he will give you a Bright Card. All his other prizes are bad like a "Rotten Mush", a "Moldy Mush" or a "Wilt Shroom". Then, after you get your Bright Card, keep it until you make your way to Bean Valley. Whatever you do, don't sell it! You can only get one in the entire game! If you sell it, you won't be able to get to Grate Guy's Casino. Beat Megasmilax, the boss of bean valley, and go back to the part where the Shy Away is watering the Pirahna Plants. Wait until it waters the one closest to the top of the screen, then defeat the Pirahna Plant there. Go down the pipe, and you should see a golden Chomp. Defeat it, and make sure you still have the Bright Card in your inventory. After defeating him, jump three times in one of the corners. A platform and another exit should appear. Take the platform up and use the new exit. You will return to the World Map, but there should be a new place on it... Grate Guy's Casino! Go into it, and talk to the guards inside the house. They should let you in, as long as you have the Bright Card. Inside, you can play a slot machine, blackjack, or a game Grate Guy made up called "look the other way". He holds up a finger on one hand and you have to try and look at the other hand (the one with a closed fist). If successful, you should get a prize. The prizes are normally as bad as the prizes from the "guess the hand" game, but if you play enough, there could be prizes such as a royal syrup, a rock candy or even the Star Egg!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

How do you get the 10 Rock Candy's

Here's the location to seven of them.

Booster Pass

First thing to do is go over to the top left corner of the section. Get on top of the plant then jump straight up. Then exit to the next section is in the top right corner. Before going through it though, go to the left of the exit and jump to reveal hidden chest.

Seaside Town

5th shop in the town leads to the Mushroom Boy's Shop. The boy will eat any regular mushrooms you'll let him have. If it's a special Mushroom you'll get an item in return. Only the Mushrooms found in the Forest Maze and ones left by enemies can be special (you can go Mushroom gathering in the Forest Maze any time and return here to see what you get). Rippin Mushroom= Rock Candy.

Bean Valley

First, enter the pipe on the right. When you reappear walk over to the left (as far as you can and jump around to reveal hidden chest. Now go down the other pipe that is in this same general area. You'll appear right next to the exit to the next area. Before going through it, however, you should go down and use the pipe you find. It'll take you to a chest. Get the chest then use the pipe to return to where you were. Now use the exit to go to the next section. A Shy Away is flying around watering the plants to make them grow. Fight each plant and go down the pipe it was growing in. The pipes are laid out as follows:

Pipe #2 leads to a room with a chest in it. Hit the chest to get a slot machine type thing. Jump and hit the chest to stop each of the 3 tumblers. 2 stars= Rock Candy

Grate Guy's Casino

Talk to Grate Guy over and over until he offers to play "Look the Other Way". In this game you won't lose anything. To win you just have to get lucky enough to look in the opposite direction of what he points. Most of the time your prize for winning will be trash like a Rotten Mush, a Wilt Shroom, or a Moldy Mush. Once in a while you can get a decent prize though like maybe a Royal Syrup, a Kerokerocola, or Rock Candy, but more likely a Mushroom. Win 100 times to get the big prize: the Star Egg.

Bowser's Keep

Puzzle course #1 - Room 3: Ball Solitaire - kick the balls over each other until only one ball remains. Assume the balls are numbered as the buttons were above. Ball 6 is removed by Dr. T.

The solution is below (6-12 means to kick ball 6 so that it would land in ball 12 [taking out ball 9 on the way]).

To solve the puzzle kick the balls in this order:
1-6, 10-3, 12-6, 2-9, 13-5, 4-12, 14-9, 6-12, 3-8, 7-14, 16-11, 11-5, 15-8, 8-3

Get a Rock Candy in the chest for completing this course.

Puzzle course #2 - Room 3: Who took what place in the triathlon: Place what they say
1stI outrode <someone> on my bike...
2ndI fell into 4th place...
3rdI placed the same in the swimming...
4thI came in 3rd for swimming...
Get a Rock Candy in the chest for completing this course.

After a battle with some Mad Mallets you'll have to fight Clerk. Defeat Clerk and Mallow will press a switch that makes a crane grab him. Mario will get him out. Now, start to go to the next room. Toad will stop you. He'll sell stuff to you for the price you would sell the same stuff for. After shopping he'll give you Rock Candy, so save room for it. If you need anything between now and the end of the game you can return to this room and talk to Toad. For now go on to the next room.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Make Mario mad or sad

When saving, go to a game that where will say, "This isn't your last save. Save anyway?" Say No a lot of times and go to your last save. Mario will be either mad or sad.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Hidden treasure boxes in the forest maze

In the town before the Forest Maze. In the top left corner of the level. There is a mushroom guy who asks you to go up and make a stairway so he can get to his house. Go in and you will find a box. Hit those boxes. Get them and go upstairs and push the switch. Go back and when he asks you did you keep away from the boxes. Say no and go when he goes in. Wait a while then go back in. He will get mad and then calm down. Then he will tell where more hidden treasure boxes is in the forest maze!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Easy way to get Frog coins

The easiest way to get Frog coins is if you get the Troopa Pin . Then go to Sergent Flutter climb up Troppas in 10 seconds and you get 5 frog coins. Keep on doing this to 999 Frog Coins.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Giant Squid

After you have entered the password "pearls" at the Sunken Ship, you have to fight the Giant Squid. It has two sets of arms then you fight the body. Each arm of the first set has 200 hits, each arm of the second set has 260 hits, and the body has 800 hits. After you defeat the Giant Squid, you have to fight Johnny. He has 820 hits. When you beat him you get a star. After defeating Johnny, go back to Seaside Town. Give the fake elder your star. Follow him and his followers to a dead end. Once there, they transform in to the giant robot known as Yaridoyvich and you fight. Yaridoyvich will clone himself, so you have to hit two guys. The real Yaridoyvich has 1500 hits and the clone has 500 hits. After you beat him you get your star back and the key to let everyone out of the room where they were held hostage. Talk to the real elder the go to Land's End. In Land's End you'll have to fight Belome again. He has 1200 hits, but beware, he clones people from your party. When you beat him you go to Monstro Town. There, you will see a key hanging on a ledge. Go into one of the doors and talk to the guy that jumps up and down. Make him jump three times and the key will fall. Sometimes you'll see Belome blocking a room filled with power-ups. Give him the key that you got in Monstro Town and he will leave, letting you get everything in the room. In addition to finding the key to get Belome's riches, Monstro Town gives you the chance to fight two opponents for some cool power-ups: Jinx and Culex. Culex, the guy from outer space, gives you some jewels. To get to Culex, go back to Moleville, and buy fireworks from the guy who's selling them from his house. Then them to a little kid running the stand, for a Shiny Stone. Take the Shiny Stone to the sealed door in Monstro Town. It will unseal itself, giving you the option to fight Culex. You fight Jinx three times before he gives you his belt. The first time he has 600 hits, second time he has 800 hits, and the third time he has 1000 hits.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Bean Valley

When you reach Bean Valley you'll fight a Giant Plant. It will grow 4 times, but just keep after it with magic. The little heads have 200 hits each and the big head has 1000 hits. When you beat it you'll go to Nimbus Land. In Nimbus Land, use Garro, the sculptor, to sneak into the palace. Once inside, check out all the rooms because you will find loads of power-ups. Before reaching Valentina, you'll have to deal with Birdo which has 777 hits. Then it's on to Dodo (800 hits) and Valentina (2000 hits) together. Dodo always picks the middle character to run away with, so put somebody strong there, like Geno or Bowser. When you beat him, you go back to Valentina. After you beat them, go to the hot springs and fall into the Barrel Volcano. The Fire Dragon in the Barrel Volcano is really the first major boss of the game. Make sure to save your game before you get to him. Get over the donut bridge and he's right there. Concentrate on ice attacks from Mallow, along with Mario's Jump. Kill the outside (1400 hits), and then it's time for the skeleton (1800 hits). After you beat him, cross the bridge and there the star is. Beware of another fight because the star gets taken away from the Axem Rangers. The Axem Rangers are the hardest bosses in the game, excluding Smithy. Take aim at the Pink Ranger (400 hits) first, then move to Green 450 hits). You want to knock them out of commission first or you'll just keep getting nailed. Then go for Yellow (600 hits), Black (550 hits) and Red (800 hits). When you beat them Blade will help them, but he only has 999 hits. After defeating Blade you get the star. Go back to Nimbus Land and talk to Mallow's parents. Then go on the Royal Bus, it will take you to Bowser's Keep. In Bowser's Keep there are 6 doors. Door 1 is action, and the Princess gets a Hand Slap when it is completed. Door 2 is battle, and Bowser gets a Drill Claw when it is completed. Door 3 is puzzle: In the first part, try to get to the numbers 16-20. Then you will total control over the count. In the second part, start from a corner and work your way in. You may have to step on a button twice. In the third part, try to keep all of the balls together. Don't let one go out of range of another ball. You'll get a Rock Candy when it is completed. Door 4 is action, and Mallow gets Sonic Cymbals when it is completed. Door 5 is puzzle:

For the first part, here are answers to Dr. Topper's questions.

What do Culex, Jinx, and Goomba have in common?

They live in Monstro Town.

Who is the famous sculptor in Nimbus Land?


What's the password to the Sunken Ship?


What does Belome really like to turn people into?


Who helped you up the cliff at Land's End?

Sky Troopas

What technique does Bowser learn at level 15?


What color is the end of Dodo's beak?


What's the full name of the boss at the Sunken Ship?

Jonathan Jones

Mite is Dyna's what?

Little brother

What's the name of the boss at the Sunken Ship?


What's the forth selection on the menu screen?


What's the chef's name at Marrimore?<


What words does Shy Guy use when he sings?

La dee da~

How much... does a female beetle cost?

1 coin

What was Mallow asked to get for Frogfucius?

Cricket Pie

Which monster does not appear in Booster's Tower?


How many underlings does Croco have?


The man getting his picture taken at Marrymore hates what?

Getting his picture taken

The boy getting his picture taken at Marrymore can't wait 'til what season?


What color are the curtains at Mario's house?


What does Red Essence do?

Gives you strength

In the Moleville blues, it's said that the moles are covered in what?


Who is the leader of the Axem Rangers?


What was Toadstool doing when she was kidnapped by Bowser?

She was looking at flowers

How long have the couple in the chapel been waiting for there wedding?

30 minutes

What is Hinopio in charge of at the middle counter?

The Inn

Who is the famous composer at Tadpole Pond?


Who is the ultimate enemy in this adventure?


What does Birdo come out of?

An eggshell

Booster is what generation?


How many leg does Wiggler have?


What is Raini's husband's name?


What did Carroboscis turn into?

A carrot

What's the first monster you see in the pipe vault?


Johnny loves which beverage?

Currant Juice

Where was the 1st star piece found?

Mushroom Kingdom

For the second part, the answers are usually 45, 46, or 47. For the third part, use the lines below to help you. They're usually correct, but there are variations. "I outrode ___ on my bike, and ___ was never able to pass me!" Whoever says this comes in 1st. "I fell into 4th place during the bike race, but finally ended up in the same place as I did in the swimming event." Whoever says this comes in 2nd. "I placed the same in the swimming and cycling events, but 2 others beat me in the marathon." Whoever says this comes in 3rd. "I came in 3rd for swimming..." Whoever says this comes in 4th. Door 6 is battle, and Geno gets a Star Gun when it is completed.

After you complete 4 doors, you'll fight Magikoopa who has 1600 hits. Magikoopa will send down a dragon and a big bomb to try to get you. Once again, use your magic to get rid of these quickly, and get back to killing Magikoopa. When you beat him, he'll reward you with a ? Box that has unlimited coins. Stock up to the max: 999. Enter the next room to fight Boomer on the chandelier. He has 2000 hits, but he's easy if you use magic. Right after you beat him you go to fight Exor, the giant sword. You can easily get the eyes(left eye: 500 hits right eye: 300 hits) in a couple of magic hits. Do this, because they rejuvenate and will cause you much damage as the fight continues. Make sure you keep going after Exor (Exor: 1800 hits Neo Squid: 800 hits), wearing him down, or you'll be stuck in a war of attrition that you'll probably lose unless you re-heal with Toadstool. When you beat Exor you'll enter the Factory. The first boss you verse in the Factory is Count Down, a! giant clock. Count Down (2400 hits) can keep rejuvenating his hit points. Get the bells (1200 hits each) first and then go after the face of the clock. Watch the hours, because sometimes it takes a break and you can get 2 hits in. The next battle you have to fight is against Cloaker, Domino and Mad Adder. This is a two-part battle that starts with you defeating Cloaker. After that, Domino gets on Mad Adder and they team up to kill you. Aim at both Mad Adder and Domino with magic to kill them. Get ready for the end battles by saving up some Maple Syrups. The series of bad guys, Clerk (500 hits), Manager (800 hits), Director (1000 hits), Factory Chief (1000 hits), and Gunyolk (1500 hits), are pretty easy to beat once you get past Experience Level 24. Just be persistent and use a lot of Magic attacks, restoring Flower Points with Maple Syrup that you buy from the Toady that comes after you in the Factory. The Gunyolk is hard because it will keep blasting you with attacks that kill you right off, but use Pick-Me-Ups and Princess Toadstool to bring your characters back to life. Finally, you've gotten to Smithy. Kill the bearded version (2000 hits) using Mario, Princess Toadstool, and Geno. Keep after Smelter (2000 hits) with Ultra Jumps from Mario and Geno Blasts from Geno. Toadstool takes up defense by Group Hugging every round. If she a chance, use her slap that you got in the Castle to do some damage on Smithy. When the first is gone, you destroy the Factory, but in the rubble, Smithy transforms into a giant robot with 8000 hit points. Dig in, because you're going to be here for a while. This whole time you should have been saving all your bombs. Use them now. Then attack him with all you got. When transforms into the tank, keep all defenses up because one Magnum shot and you're dead! The witch can only be hurt with normal attacks, but you can take away a lot of damage. The chest is easily hurt, but will cast a crazy spell on you that turns into scarecrows, mushrooms, or whatever. Hang in there and you'll eventually wear him down. This can take 45 minutes.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Quick Experience Points

For some quick Experience Points, find an invincible star. Save before you get it. Then kill everything in sight, and die. You'll begin at the last save point with all you EXP. This also works for items, special items, etc. However, use this as a last resort, because the game becomes too easy!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Fighting Bundt

When fighting Bundt, have Bowser, Geno, and Mario as a party. Have Mario heal when someone's health is critical. Otherwise everyone should just attack. If you aren't low on FP, use Magic Attacks to speed up the fight. After you've beat Bundt, Raspberry is easier. Have Bowser use Physical attacks, Geno Special, and have Mario heal, replenish FP, and use his Jumps.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Coin boxes refill

Go to Rose Way and find the place where the coin boxes are with the little guys on top take all the coins and go out the way you came in. Go back in and you'll find that the boxes have refilled! This is useful when your broke.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Ten extra flowers

When you get to the part where you catch the beetles at Booster Pass, go there without your Beetle Box and when Toad asks you to leave, go through and you get about ten extra flowers.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Solutions for the three tunes

Here are the solutions for the three tunes at the place after kero sewers:

Solution one: So La Mi Re Do Re Do Re.
Solution two: Mi Do So Do Re La Ti Do.
Solution three: La Ti Do Re So Do Re Mi.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Quiz Master tips

Having problems with "Quiz Master"? Try this- -racing-

1st= I out rode (name) on my bike, and (name) was never able to pass me.

2nd= I fell into 4th place during the bike race, but finally ended up in the same place as I did in the swimming event.

3rd= I placed the same in swimming as cycling event, but two others beat me in the marathon.

4th= I came in 3rd for swimming

At the barrels a large set of them has 45 in them!

"!" jumping time.
That is the set up!

Mario= pin the "safety bag" to Mario's "Hero shirt" and arm him with the "Lazy Shell" weapon.

Toadstool= Grab a "Frying Pan" and the "Lazy Shell" armor! Also put that "Rare Scarf" or you'll freeze!

Bowser= Have a little fun with his "Drill Claw", and that "Heal Shell" seems to have the "Jinx Belt".

After you beat-up "Valentia" and "Dodo" return to the mushroom-boy who is playing "game-boy" (make sure you have at least 500 coins). Go ahead bug him he will sell the "Game-Boy" to you for 500 gold coins(what a rip huh... NOT! That game gives you Flower tab, jar, or box, a "RED SCENCE", even a "ROCK CANDY"! All you have to do is beat his high score.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Medal tip

Once you get the Medal from the three Musty Fears, don't sell it. Every time you attack with it on, your defense goes up how much damage you give to the enemy.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Beating Johnny

To beat Johnny with absolutely no problem, use Bowser's Fear attack, and destroy 3 of the little sharks. Leave one shark alone and destroy Johnny. Johnny will never convert to the mode where he fights Mario!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

3 red esscences

Go to Nimbus Land. Go in the Inn. Keep sleeping in there with the Dream Pillow. Eventually, Mario has a dream where Toad confesses that he is a monster and turns into a ghost. When Mario wakes up, Toad is there. Mario runs into the corner of the room and starts to shake. Toad gives you 3 red esscences.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Geno Blast tip

If you press the A button at just the right time during the Geno Blast, you'll take 9,999 off of your opponent.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Toads dream

If you use the dream pillow in cloud city enough times, you will see a dream that shows Toad saying that he is a monster and turning into a monster. When Mario awakens, Toad is there and Mario gets scared and runs to a corner. Toad gives him 3 red essences.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Selling the bright card

If you find the casino or you don't like the casino, don't sell the bright card to a guy anywhere in town for 777 coins. Go to Marrymore and go into the hotel and then talk to him he will offer you 100 coins for the card. Say NO. Then he will offer you 5 frog coins. Say NO. Then he will try to persuade you with 10 Frog Coins. Now say YES. Then you will receive the 10 frog coins. But if you want your card back you will then have to pay him 15 frog coins, so beware.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Royal Syrup

Get cookies from the pink Yoshi walking near the nest. Challenge Boshi to a race and when he asks you if you'll race Yoshi or watch him, choose you'll race him and bet all your cookies. You'll practically win every time. Here's one for tons o' cookies, bet 10 cookies, race Yoshi, and if it's 10-1 odds, go for it. If you win, you'll get 100 cookies and you'll give the pink Yoshi (the one that stores your cookies) 90 cookies to store. Yet another tip, for all the Royal Syrups you'll ever want, in the Barrel Volcano, run into a Stumpet (the volcano creature) and use a Yoshi Cookie and Yoshi will eat it and give you a Royal Syrup.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Defeating Culex

The secret to defeating Culex with ease and not struggling to survive is to wait to enter battle with him until you're past Nimbus Land so that you can at least have the Lazy Shell armor and weapon. I went to defeat Culex and Mario had the Lazy Shell weapon, The Super Suit (yes it took me about 3 months of practicing to get it) and the Attack Scarf. He was so strong that Mario's turn was first before Culex even began talking and before the crystals appeared. Equip Princess with the Lazy Shell armor, it will weaken her magic but if you leveled up to 20+ you'll be fine. Take Geno along also and equip him with the Safety Ring. If you managed to equip everyone with the items listed, Culex will be gone in no time. Mario's almost invincible, the Princess is practically invincible but your third party member (Geno or Bowser) will be immune only to petty magic attacks. Power Blasts and Crystallines are not necessary but you can use them if you want to. Have at least 2 Pick-me-ups in case the Princess get bopped. She can Use Come Back to bring your allies back. A few Maple or Royal Syrups are necessary. Bombs are fun!!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Beating the Crystals

A Power blast or Geno's Boost + Mario's Super Jump about 35-45 time can defeat the Wind crystal (green).

A Power blast or Geno's Boost + 3 of Mario's Super Flame can defeat the Water crystal (blue).

A Power blast or Geno's Boost + Regular Attacks (Lazy Shell, Hand Cannon) or Ice Bombs can defeat the Fire Crystal (red).

A Power blast or Geno's Boost + Regular Attacks can defeat the Earth Crystal (yellow).
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

800 coins

After you get the Ghost Medal, sell it. You will get 800 coins!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Beat the Axem Rangers

The easiest way to defeat the Axem Rangers at the Barrel Volcano is to get at least 2 Rock Candies and 1 Power Blast before entering the volcano. You can pick mushroom in the Forest Maze and trade them for a Rock Candy in Seaside Town. Do not use the Rock candies or the Power Blast while fighting the Czar dragon!!! When you enter battle with the Axem Ranger, don't worry about your HP unless you haven't sufficiently leveled-up, around 20, your first move should be to use the Power Blast, the second should be the first Rock Candy and the third should be the other one. Unless Axem Pink does a major recover move during these turns you should have defeated 4 out of 5 Rangers. The only one left should be Axem Red. The Lazy Shell weapon should take care of him easily.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Beat Yaridoyvich

To beat Yaridoyvich, its really simple, use Mario, "Princess", and Bowser. Have them equipped with all the stuff from the sea, but have Bowser equipped with the Work Pants from Mole Ville. To beat him, get up to Level 14. You need to be in this level if you want to beat him easy. To beat him, just use "Ultra Jump." With Mario, heal with the Princess because he will do that move he has that makes water come and it all most kills everyone so heal right away. With Bowser just do regular attacks, and just do that over and over again. To beat him I didn't even use one item because in the Sunken Ship there is a battle where you get 26 exp. points and I just kept on wining that battle until I got to Level 20!!! When I was in the Sunken Ship and didn't beat Yaridovich yet...P.S it took me 3 hours to get my level up that high.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Fighting Smithy

To fight Smithy, the easiest way I know is use Mario, Princess, and Bowser. In that order equip Mario with: Lazy Shell weapon, Hero shirt, Jump Scarf or Super Jacket. To get the Jump Scarf you have to do 30 super jumps then go to Monstro Town and talk to the first person in the second door, to get the Super Jacket do 100 super jumps. Equip the Princess with: Lazy Shell armor, Frying pan, Rare scarf. Equip Bowser with: The claw from Bowser's keep, Work pants or Heal shell, Jinx Belt. The trick to beating Smithy is use a Crystaline in the battle to up your attack power, and whenever your people get hurt a lot heal them with group hug.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Beating Jonathan Jones

The easiest way to beat Jonathan Jones, is to have the 3 guys who have the strongest weapons. Buy a couple Fire Bombs from the guys at Seaside Town and get a Rock Candy from the guy at Rose Town that you give mushrooms to. Keep getting them from the Forest Maze and give them to the guy in Rose Town until he gives you a rock candy. Make sure you have plenty of Mid Mushrooms, then go fight Johny, save all the bombs and Rock Candy until it's one on one, just Mario and Johny, then let him have it. Use Mid Mushrooms when you need it, and don't worry, the Mega Drain doesn't hurt Mario.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Ten frog coins

At Sky Bridge, there is a hole with smoke coming out. Jump in and follow it to the end. You will end up at the Kero Sewers. Hold down and left then jump to the box. Inside there will be Crickit Jam, take it to Frogfucius for ten frog coins.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Crystalline, Power Blast, Bracer, Energizer, and Sleepy Bomb tip

If you ever need Crystalline, Power Blast, Bracer, Energizer, or a Sleepy Bomb don't buy it just yet... Instead wait until you make it to Moleville and after your first time through the trolley ride go back to the Melody Bay in the Tadpole Pond and play the Mole Mountain Blues and you'll be nicely rewarded with a Tenor Card and you'll get a much better discount with it than without it.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Coins tip

If you're in need of frog coins, if you get all 100 coins, then you'll be nicely awarded with 5 frog coins plus the regular amount!!! If you're in need of money (coins) buy the "coin trick" in SeaSide Town and fight the enemies in Rose Way. You get treasure boxes full of coins there too.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Frying Pan

To get the Frying Pan, you first must defeat the bosses in Barrel Volcano. Then go to moleville and talk to the mushroom in the Item shop.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Hidden items

If you have already beaten Culex, give the shiny stone to the little girl in the item shop, she'll give you a carbo cookie, give that to the girl on the bucket outside. When she leaves, jump onto the bucket and go through the Midas river course. When you get another 500 coins, go to the fireworks guy and buy more fireworks, trade it for the shiny stone again, trade it for the cookie, and give it to the girl and get the frog coin she had. Repeat if necessary. If you like the safety badge you'll love the safety ring. Go to the sunken ship. go into the water in the area with the squid. You have to be underwater to do this now. Jump to the left of the pile of barrels and you will loose site of mario. Press Up-Right and you will go through a door. In the chest you find the safety ring. Not only does it do the same as the safety badge, but it protects the wearer from automatic death techniques. Equip it to the princess along with the lazy shell armor to make a nearly indestructible character. If you want bombs and rock candy, go to the forest maze and pick the mushrooms there. Feed them to the mushroom boy in the seaside town. If you get lucky you will get an item in return. If it is a maple syrup, trade it for 12 points at the trade in shop at Moleville. Can you say kablam!? If you get so many yoshi cookies you don't know what to do with them, feed the little baby in with the pile of eggs. If it gets full enough it will give you terrific items. If you find the grate guys casino, play the look away game. If you win 100 times you get the Star Egg, which does 100+ hp of damage and it is an infinite item.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Hidden people in Mush Kingdom and Rose town

There are people in Mush Kingdom and Rose town behind houses. MK's is behind the house with the kid that's always jumping on his bed and RT's is behind the house with the switch that activates the the stairs. ALSO, after you rescue the princess from Booster, there will be a secret passage that's visible in the back of Rose town. It'll lead to the gardener who wants a seed and fertilizer. you get the seed after you beat Smilax in Beanvalley and you get fertilizer in Midas by the most north-eastern house. You walk along the clouds until you start walking down an invisible path. Keep going until you see Shyaway. He gives you the Fertilizer. Give to the Gardener. (by the way, you get the Fertilizer after you beat Valintina.) I wont tell you what happens! Be surprised! Also, in Bean Valley, go into one of the pipes where Shy Away waters them and Phirana Plants grow. I think it's the one in the north west. Anyway, the inside is shaped sort of like a staple and there's a gold chomp at the end with some lizards scattered around. Fight chomp and right after you beat him, jump around where he was and a yellow block will appear. Jump on it and then jump up on the wall. When the block appears, so will an entrance that leads to the Casino where you gamble for frog coins. If you go through the entrance, you'll get there. But don't forget your mission. To get into the Casino, you'll need some card that you get after playing a LONG time with KnifeGuy that you find in one of the rooms in Booster tower. He apologizes for starting the fight and asks if you want to play some short juggling game. You need to win many times and then he'll give you the card.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Lazy Shell defense and Lazy Shell attack

After you get the seed at Bean Valley, get the fertilizer at Nimbus Land. Then go to Rosetown. Go all the way to the back and there will be a pathway. Go down the pathway and go into the house there. There will be a man there. Talk to him and he will plant a beanstalk. Climb up it and you will find two treasure boxes. Hit both of them and you will get Lazy Shell defense and Lazy Shell attack. you can only equip them on Mario. Do not equip both of them on him at the same time. Then they will be worse than worthless. On Smithy only equip the Lazy Shell defense. His hammer will only do two damage and his Sledge will only do one damage.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Infinite Flowers

Infinite Flowers! At Booster Hill, after you beat it the 1st time, and before you beat the pirate ship, go to Booster Hill and run the course. Say "Yes" to Toad. Go along, and don't worry about the barrels. Near the end, 2 flowers will appear and raise your Maximum FP by 1 each. You have to get them though.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Temple Key

Go to Belome Temple and defeat Belome, and before the elevator ask the man in blue and jump on the tongue of the Belome and when it says "Mmmm I'm so hungry wish I had something to eat" it's the room for the key and go to Monstro Town ask the stump. Talk to him several times and you get the Temple Key and leades to the room with lots of goodies.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


Here's a fast way to kill of Yaridovich (The guy who takes your star after you've beaten Johnny in Seaside town).

Your team should be: Mario, Geno and Bowser armed with the weapons and armor you bought at the shop in the "sea" stage. You should have at least 2 Kerekorero cola (?That's not the name but you get the point), 1 power blast (attack up for all your team) and at least be at Level 13 or + ( It's not bad luck). You should also have 5 pick me ups (at least, you never know)and Max mushrooms. Start of with the Geno beam unless you have Geno blast, then you don't touch your magic attacks (Y button) and the normal attacks (doubles, if possible). Then, when he separates for the first time, use the power blast and then the Geno blast (if you have it). Keep using your normal attacks with Mario and Bowser and Geno's Geno blast until you have no more FlowerPoints, then, it's back to basics. Keep doing that, use mushrooms and pick me up's regularly and you'll kill him in a flash.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Marrymore glitch

In Marrymore, go to the Suite (with 200 coin only) and spend the night. Then spend 5 more nights. Go downstairs, and the guy will make you work, but if you go to the save, the guy will say "No breaks!" This is where it get glitchy. Jump on the yellow headed person and jump on the save box (You can Save your game!) but that's not all. Press (and hold) the L, R, Start, Select (to reset). Now Go to that saved game. Then you will see People at the counter then poof, there coming down the stairs! I think Nintendo knew that saving will do glitches, because that guy says no "rest breaks."
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Reset the game

If you press R, L, Select and press Start. The game will bring you back to the beginning part where it say's Nintendo and then it say's Square.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Marrymore suite for 200 coins

When you visit Marrymore, you can stay in a very nice suite for 200 coins. Make sure after paying for the room that you have less than 100 coins. Turn out the lights. When you wake up, turn out the lights and say yes to the question. In the morning, the Inn Keeper will not be pleased. You'll have to work for him! You'll have to show people to the suite and they'll tip you sometimes with mushrooms, coins, etc. If you keep having to work long enough, a man will tip you with a flower jar (this one's worth 5 flower points.)
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Level up

There are a couple of places in the game where you can easily get 4 or 5 levels. They happen at Land's End and the Sea. There will be save points and boxes with stars in them near each other. What you do is save your game, then get the star. Then go kill as many creatures as you can. When the star has worn off, unequip all your stuff, then go kill yourself. When you come back, all of your items and weapons will be the same, but you will also have the experience. Keep doing this until it ceases to be worth it to kill yourself and go back. WARNING: Be sure you DO NOT save before you kill yourself, or the star will not be back.

If you have Bowser in your party when you go back to his keep, you will scare all the Goombas and Troopers away so that you don't have to fight them.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Where is the Grate Guy Casino?

First you need a Bright Card. You can get a Bright Card in Boosters Tower, by talking to knife guy and playing 30 games with him... you have to win each one. If you mess up, you can start over. After you get the card, go to Bean Valley. Keep going where there's ways to go until you find a big place with a bunch of pipes. Piranha plants are in them. Go to the last one, fight the Piranha plant in it, go in it, kill the Chomp in the left hand corner of the room. Go where it was standing and jump 3 times. A floating block should appear. Jump on it, and then leap to the top of the wall and go where that path beginning thing leads and to your left should be Grate Guy Casino.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


To find the Gardener, beat Seaside town and go back to Rose Town. There is another path thing. Go through it, go in the house, and talk to the old geyser who lives there. He'll tell you what he needs, you find it and bring it back. And you will be rewarded with something.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Free frog coin

At the sand pits leading to the monster Village, jump 3 consecutive times on the Shogun's head without touching the ground for a free frog coin.

When you first reach Bowser's Keep, go back to Mushroom Kingdom and find for the little blue mushroom headed person near the bottom left hand corner from the Inn. Talk to him and and he will offer you a free frog coin. If you talk to him again, he will say "Ok, enough chatter".
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Treasure finder

After defeating the boss at the cloud kingdom, go to the bottom right house and meet Croc. He will rush away and leave an item that "beeps" when you are in a room with a hidden treasure.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Marymoore castle tip

When you are in Marymoore, you can go to a castle if you walk straight on the sidewalk. The door is locked, so you have to go on the right side. When you go in, there is a bad guy. Don't worry, because it just wants to get in to the Chapel. So help him bust the door open and it will open if you both go at the same time. He will run right through the other door. There's a save spot in the door you entered. Then go out of the castle door to a shop and you will get weapons for Bowser and armor. Then go back in the castle, save your game, go out the door you busted, go back in again, then Bowser will come out. Help him bust the other door open. You'll see four bad guys. One of them is getting married. When Bowser hits the princess, her stuff falls out. Help her get it from the bad guys. Talk to them to get it back. Then go to the one bad guy getting married, if you do it fast the princess will kiss you. When you take the princess to go to the mushroom kingdom, two stone bad guys come with a giant cake. You have to defeat the cake, but don't try defeating the stone turtles. They'll just run away. Once you do that, the cake will have candles. Every person that hits the cake one candle will blow out. But when it does it's bad guy stun it will get a candle back. When you do that there will only be one part of the cake left. And that's the bottom layer. Defeat that and you can go to the mushroom kingdom.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

How to get in to the locked door in Monstro Town

To get in to the locked door in Monstro Town you must first get the Shiny Stone. To do that go to Molevill and talk to the guy in the corner at the upper left hand room, he will offer to sell you fire works for 500 coins. Then take the fire works to the little girl to the right of the house you just came out of. She will trade you the fire works for the stone. make sure you pay attention because she is sort of hiding behind the boxes. After that take the Shiney Stone to the door and talk to the door twice. The door will open and in side is a boss from the NES game Final Fantasy. Be careful he is extremely hard and has four crystals to help him. Three of the crystals have 2,500 hp but the fourth one has 400 hp. the boss Cullex has 4,750 hp. If you beet him he will talk to you and the theme song from Final Fantasy will play. He will also give you a cool accessory make sure you equip it. After that go back to Malevill and talk to the girl inside the items store, she is in the corner. She will trade the Siney Stone for a Carbo Cookie. You can give the Carbo Cookie to the girl sitting on the bucket outside the store she will give you a Fog Coin or leave and you can slide down the bucket she was on.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Three musty Fear's Flags

To find the three musty Fear's Flags, sleep in there bed. 1 flag is found behind the Rosetown sign. Another flag is between the O and A on goal on Yo'ster Isle. The other flag is on the top right corner of Mario's bed
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