What game are you working on?

The original Xbox released by microsoft. Chat about it and it's games & get cheats for it.


Vgcheat Member
I would like to know what Xbox 360 game your currently trying to finish or get all the Achivments for.

I beat GTA 4 the ending was pritty lame but the rest of the story kept me going. I started playing the first Left 4 Dead again and I got stuck on the No Mercy campaign on Expert on the level Rooftop Escape (might be named something else) played it countless of times but lets face it the AI on that game sucks my grandma could do better. After I got fustrated with L4D I started playing Lost Planet again and im starting to get back into it.

- Devil May Cry 4 = WORST GAME EVER:disgusted:
ive been going for modern warfare 2, bod company 2, and forza 3 for a while now but really cant find that much time to play them
I barely played Dead Rising when I first got it because I was busy with MW2. Dead Rising isn't to bad.
i prestiged a lot in MW1, till i got the max level (gold cross). Now i have CoD MW2 and i'm not really want to prestige anymore, you just lose all your weps, tints and perks, so i think it's a waste..
borderlands solo is fairly fun its also fair hard
i mostly just use my berserker but want to start using a soldier
ive been working on many different games it started with getting the security and katana in halo now i want the big 1 0 prestiege in Modern Warfare 2
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