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    Nintendo 64 – April 2024 Game Updates

    Nintendo 64 – April 2024 Game Updates
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    Dev Diary: Requiem for a Dragon | New Quest, 22nd April

    Dev Diary: Requiem for a Dragon | New Quest, 22nd April
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    MLB The Show 24 - Drive to Diamond (April) - Live Content Updates & PS4 Games

    MLB The Show 24 - Drive to Diamond (April) - Live Content Updates & PS4 Games
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    Super NES – April 2024 Game Updates

    Super NES – April 2024 Game Updates
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    April Fools!

    Hello, Dreamcasters! If you have looked at your calendar lately (I was busy with a system of mine...hint hint), you'd know that it's April Fools Day! What will you do for an April Fools joke? Is it last-minute? Is it Sega-related? Let me know! :D
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    April 5 PSO for PC PSO.EXE Hex Codes for Connecting to Sylverant

    The map fix hex code is quite alot sry.. I just wanted to post these codes here for any1 who wants to mod their pso.exe to work on sylverant. Yes, you could always simply download the sylverant pre-patched pso.exe's... But, some ppl would rather patch the codes themselves from a clean pso.exe...
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    Lego Returns To Middle-Earth With April The Hobbit Release

    Warner Bros. and Tt Games have set a date and are putting a ring on Lego The Hobbit. The title, which we previewed yesterday, will be coming on April 8. The minifig adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, and the 13 dwarves will span the first two movies in Peter Jackson’s second Middle-earth...
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    Around the network - mid April melancholy edition

    The cruellest month? Not a bit of it... Ah 'tis the cruellest month as a great poet once observed, but we'll have none of that defeatist talk around here for it brings E3, sunshine and an unbridled summer of sport that one step closer, so a big hoorah for April we say and roll on May. Naturally...
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    Around the network - April showers edition

    All the best gaming and tech headlines from this week... It's mid-April, we're not sure how we feel about that. The Easter banks hols seems like a distant memory (It was Monday you slacker - Ed) but we suppose, at least, May day is not too far away. In between there's the prospect of 45 plus...
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