
  1. F

    Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

    1 [M] T907-5M4M-2VD1X HJB3-FQX1-EY6ZY 2 Infinite Credits UBJR-WBQV-GZ3ZP N9A3-Q0JK-T5J1Y 3 Infinite Jetpack 02BM-VETJ-QP4TZ 920Y-HFBT-22DYA 4 All Levels Unlocked XYW7-729U-AN5M3 V1GA-QAM8-TCAYR 5 All TCG Cards 8MCM-ZBW0-2M5M1 0VKY-PZ82-YGR0Q 6 All Concept Art E9KT-CVMN-KEEH7...
  2. F

    King's Bounty: Armored Princess

    Cheat ModeHold [Shift] + ~ during game play in Adventure mode to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Code Set indicated number of gold money [number] Set indicated number of leadership leadership...
  3. F

    Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

    Cheat Codes Code - Effect SEEHOWTHEYRUN - Get Chapter 1 CITYPLANET - Get Chapter 2 LOCKDOWN - Get Chapter 3 DUGSOPLENTY - Get Chapter 4 BANTHAPOODOO - Get Chapter 5 MANDALORIANWAY - Get Chapter 6 BEAST PIT - Get Mission 1 GIMMEMYJETPACK - Get Mission 2 CONVEYORAMA - Get Mission 3...
  4. F

    Bounty Bob Strikes Back Cheat Codes (for Atari 5200)

    Hidden Messages Enter one of the following special codes at the "Game Adjustment Screen" and press *. 5 6 49 69 100 213 666 782 818 2049 6861 | [Sent by Stryker82]
  5. F

    King's Bounty Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

    More Gold And A Better Starting Army For a lot of gold and a much better army put this code in at the password screen. HFL-FE-H4N JP4-O4-55W 4JM-LJ-C9M F55-9W-211 W52-8Y-642 2Y9-99-DBA PNT-5R-XRQ
  6. I

    King's Bounty: The Legend

    Cheat Codes: Press [Shift] during game play in Adventure mode to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect - Code: - Set gold amount - money [number] - Set leadership - leadership [number] - Double troops in indicated...
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