
Coji-Coji (コジコジ, Koji Koji) is a Japanese manga series by Momoko Sakura which was serialized in the magazine Kimi to Boku from December 1994 to May 1997. The manga was adapted into an anime television series titled Sakura Momoko Theater Coji-Coji (さくらももこ劇場 コジコジ, Sakura Momoko Gekijō Koji Koji) which aired from October 4, 1997, until September 25, 1999, on TBS in Japan. It features the titular Coji-Coji, the mysterious "Child of the Universe" with God-like powers. Coji-Coji has demonstrated his ability to erase the universe, fire powerful beams of energy, and live for millennia. Rather than use his powers, Coji-Coji spends his carefree days "eating, sleeping, and playing" in the land of Meruhen with a colorful cast of friends, including a talking snowman and a half fish half bird who can neither fly nor swim.
Much of the humor of the show is derived from Coji-Coji's blunt comments and social misunderstandings that border on callousness. Coji-Coji, however, is ultimately kind-hearted and helps his friends, if in unnoticed ways. Another running theme of the show is Coji-Coji's friends' ignorance of his God-like abilities. Coji-Coji makes no effort to conceal his powers, however: his friends simply never notice because he appears too simple and naive.
In addition to the anime series, there is a Dreamcast party game from Marvelous Entertainment based on the television series. The Dreamcast microphone was used to play the game. The title character is voiced by Shizuka Aoki, and it also features the vocal talents of Urara Takano and Katashi Ishizuka. A pachinko game titled CRA Sakura Momoko Theater Coji-Coji (CRAさくらももこ劇場コジコジ, Shī Aru Ei Sakura Momoko Gekijō Koji Koji) was also released by NewGin in 2010. At least four different versions have been released.A stage show Stage of COJICOJI was performed from August 21–25, 2019.

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