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    What are some good multiplayer games on Dreamcast?

    Hey, I'm looking for some good multiplayer Dreamcast games to play with my friends. have and suggestions? And also some good two player games on Genesis if you know any. ;)
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    Good RPG's?

    whats up dreamers I'm looking for good RPG games, I finished grandia 2, I thought it was pretty good, just a little on the easy side. Tried skies of arcadia and didn't like it because of the many random battles that didn't let me enjoy the game's world.
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    Good cooperative multiplayer games on DC?

    What are some good cooperative multiplayer games on DC? Sure there are tons of multiplayer fighters, racers, and sports games, but these involve you playing against your friends with one winner and one or more losers - and quite frankly, if you keep beating your friends relentlessly because you...
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    Good Dreamcast Games to Get?

    I have not been into my Dreamcast for a while, so I decided to ask if you guys have any suggestions for must have Dreamcast games. Here are the games I have: Shenmue Sonic Adventure Virtua Fighter 3:TB Thanks in advance.
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    Is THPS2 really as good as everyone says?

    Im really considering buying this game.Is it good?
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    Did I Get A Good Deal On These Games?

    Hi I was wondering if I got a good deal on these games. Phantasy star Online Bangi-O Sword Of The Beserk Guts Revenge Record Of Lodoss War D-2 Resident Evil Code Veronica Project Justice Jet Grind Radio I got these all for $20 Still need to test them out.
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    Once good DC games that HAVEN'T stood the test of time!

    I know it is our duty to sing the praises of our beloved console (and rightly so) but I am wondering what are some of the games that you consider to be largely unplayable these days. Personally, I find all of the arcade stuff still excellent but have a little trouble with the 3rd party 3D stuff...
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    "Wii U vs. Dreamcast: The Good and The Bad"

    NOTE: I do not remember much of this video, so I apologize about not covering everything. A little while ago, I looked up "dreamcast vs. wii" on YouTube because there was a video that I liked that had that title (Dreamcast vs Wii - YouTube). I watched the video (for the 50th time), but later, I...
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    Need advice on a good quality VGA to HDMI adapter

    The Atlona adapter as seen in Adam's video is going for $309 on Amazon. Seems kinda absurd. Anyone have other adapters they are using that work really well? I don't mind paying for quality but $300 + seems far fetched :o I was going to use it with my capture card and start making DC reviews...
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    Good way to play imports?

    I would like to get into imports on my Dreamcast. Saturn is easy just needed the passport cart. I got a u.s. DC just bought Headhunter for like 25 bucks but does any one know an easy way to play it on a u.s. DC. I don't mind if its the swap trick I would just like to get one thing that can play...
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    Is Phantasy Star Online Good for RPG Newb?

    Hello, In my quest for Sonic Adventure-related merchandise, I came across a demo disc named Sonic Adventure 2: The Trial. This disc came with PSO and the price for PSO is pretty low right now, so I was thinking of buying it. I can get the trial for $10 on it's own, but for the same price I...
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    What are the good Open World SandBox games on the Dreamcast?

    Iv'e been curious to see what games out there are open world sandbox-like, ones like GTA, The Legend of Zelda OOT & MM on the N64.
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    the good old question what looks better? vga related

    I own multiple hdtv's however I'm not happy with how vga looks on them except 1 tv when I use pixel to pixel(toshiba) but the image is small and when not pixel to pixel it looks pretty bad on the tv. the pixel to pixel is fine for me when playing alone. but not with others. will a converter...
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    Suggestions for good quality imports

    Hey guys, so my U.S. collection is pretty solid right now but I'm looking to expand into the imports. I'm aware of the pricey expensive SHMUPS like Zero Gunner 2 and Under Defeat. I'm hoping to get lucky getting them without giving an arm and a leg :roll: Do any of you have recommendations...
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    Looking for a good RPG for the Dreamcast.

    One of my favorite games for the X-Box is Fable, and I have been on a bit of an RPG kick as of late, enjoying Dragon Age: Origins and Fallout 3/New Vegas. I have also enjoyed Knights of the Old Repiblic 1 and 2, Jade Empire, and Elder Scrolls Oblivion (where I got done about 2-3 gates and just...
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    Transforming PlayStation 4’s Twitch Streaming From Good To Great

    Anyone who purchased a PlayStation 4 this weekend now has the tools to stream games with the push of a button. Most of the Game Informer staff dabbled in this a bit, and the results were generally good. As a starting point, the integration of Twitch with the PlayStation 4 user experience is...
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    Xbox 360: 26 screens good enough for your wallpaper

    Deck out your desktop... With all the talk of next-generation consoles, it's easy to forget just how good some of the end-of-generation titles coming out in the next year really look. Click here to read the full articleRelated Stories Made in Japan: Why Japanese...
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    'There are downsides to being this good': Why gamers hate me for being brilliant at games

    Samantha Brick has it easy... Steve Hogarty feels like he's the only person on the planet who can relate to the sort of soul-crushing discrimination poor Samantha Brick faces on a daily basis. While her agonising physical beauty manifests itself as a living femme-hell, Steve's unusual gift for...
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    Wii U games 'look just as good' as PS3, but it's still 'not as capable'

    Dev sources claim AI, physics likely to suffer. Wii U games look "just as good" as Xbox 360 and PS3 titles, but Nintendo's console still struggles to match its rivals in other areas, development sources have indicated to CVG. Click here to read the full article More...
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    PS Vita's good start heralds slim pickings for the console haters

    Ever considered that the rise of mobile phone games might be due to the recent -- soon to be rectified -- lack of new consoles?. Even if mobile phones, let alone the App Store and Android, hadn't yet been invented, it would be surprising if, at this moment in time, sales of console games weren't...
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