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    planning to buy psp 3006 version 6.35 iso tool is it good?

    What is the best version of psp 3006? that can easily be hacked and can play ps1 games, cso and iso? is the 6.35 version okay im a totally noob on psp and im planning to buy 1 within this month and im wondering which is the best, im fix on psp 3006 and i saw it has a version 6.35 in the box, is...
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    A good GBA Emulator?

    I'm having trouble finding a good emulator for a GBA. Could someone help me out? The ones I downloaded from psp hacks aren't working for me. I'm on 6.35 Pro-B3 3001.
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    Looking for a good replacement faceplate:

    My friend has a 1001 with a pretty scratched up faceplate. I don't think it's the original; the original got cracked, I think. Where do you suggest I go for a decent quality faceplate? I'm also thinking of replacing her replacement LCD screen which has a weird bluish tint to it. Any advice is...
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    Recomend some good starter kits/ Accesories

    Just got my Slim Blue PSP yesturday, got it modded. Now i am in need of some accesories, I would like to get a USB data transfer cable, Car charger, Earphones, a case to protect the psp one that I could slip into my pocket and use it like an ipod while walking around, or working, a portable...
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    Good hardware mods site?

    I'm not sure if there's a sticky somewhere but i searched and really did not find anything. I'm looking to upgrade my fat psp's hardware. I'm wanting to buy a full clear faceplate set. My question is whats a good site to buy these parts from? i saw a post that said acidmods but I went to the...
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    Please Recommend a good Speaker Dock

    Can someone please recommend a good speaker dock with nice bass-response? Ipod gets all the love in this department but I'm not really wanting to buy an ipod right now. I'd much rather just have a good and loud speaker dock for my PSP. I am in the military and my work envvironment has a lot of...
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    Good repair part site

    Seems my faceplate is cracked and I am missing a screw in my psp1000 model (the one behind the analog stick), so I'm going to just get a new faceplate and screws (the missing screw might explain the issue i had with the analog stick before). Any sites that are recommended to get some of this...
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    Does this Micro SDHC card look good? does it look pretty good? i was planning on getting 2 for my cr-5400
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    Is amazon a good place to buy memorysticks?

    Is amazon a good place to buy memory sticks or is it just like ebay? I recently heard that i could use PhotoFast cr-5400;MicroSDHC to MS PRO DUO Adapter. I was wondering if this is a good thing to...
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    Just as good as the Official

    I just recieved in the mail a PSP remote. I ordered it on ebay just a few days before. I notice it has none of the sony logo so it's not official sony but is it just as good as the official one?
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    Looking for a good Pandora Battery

    Just the battery not the combo cuz I can make the MMS I'm just tired of buying the Sony official ones cuz they're more expensive than premade ones. Soooo what's the best one to buy and from what site?
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    Any good site to buy an Extendedbattery?

    Ever since my PSP slim broke down, I've been my brother's keepsake phat PSP (with the original battery from launch). I do get annoyed by the fact it only lasts like 2 hours on the highest settings (full backlight, full volume), and I was hoping if anyone can help me find a good battery to buy...
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    Looking for good 1000 battery

    I'm just looking for the best for-sure real phat battery, no extra grips or anything. idk care really if it's extended or not, I just want it to be brand new (And not from ebay, need an established electronics site/store). And gamestop no longer carries 1000 batteries, same with Best buy EDIT...
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    A good Psp 1000 battery.

    I need a GOOD psp battery, just under 10$ im tired of getting my hopes up, only to read comments like that they cut off fast, and other crap.
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    How good are Lexar's Memory Sticks? Or should I build one instead?

    I was considering getting this: But this is the cheapest 32GB Memory Stick I could find, and I was worried that it might have low speeds and/or reliability because of this, the others cost a lot more. I was also...
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    Good price for GPS

    Me and my dad are going on a trip in order to save him from frustration in driving I wish to buy a GPS extension for my PSP(3000). My PSP's software is unaltered in anyway. I would like to know what place on the net is best were I can buy a GPS extension at a great price.
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    Good LEDs?

    Hey Guys, Looking for somewhere to get some decent quality SMD LEDs in the UK. Anyone have any suggestions?
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    Good normal battery?

    Hello Psp-hacks, Haven't used my psp for a while and now I notice my psp has a memory because it will die and then when I turn it back on after some time it will return to 2 bars. Can anyone recommend me a good battery for psp-1000, I am looking on dealextreme, and but from...
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    too good to be true?

    hey, i was at k-mart the other day, and i found a 2gb memorystick for 8 bucks! is the memory stick fake, or am i a lucky fuc*er?
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    PSP Hardware Mods; Any good tuts?

    I was prowling the other forums as well as these for interesting tutorials on what I can do hardware-wise with my spare PSP (UMD Drive is broken, so I don't use it for much). I've seen lots of brill mods out there, but not any tutorials. I'd love some help. +rep to all helpers.
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