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    Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

    1 AFBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 2 2 AKBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 3 3 APBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 4 4 AVBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 5 5 AZBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L +...
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    Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars

    Miscellaneous Tips While the graphics are identical in the repeated rounds, the game play is not. The special Stars and special items found in the first seven rounds may show up in different places-or not at all the second time around. Also, there will be more enemies that you will need to...
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    Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

    Skip Boss Sequences In order to skip rock, paper, and scissors sequences, you must wait until the conversation with the boss has ended. After that, Press start to get to the options screen, then press start again and you should skip the sequence.
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    Alex Kidd in Miracle World

    Bonus Round When you get to the first Octopus, punch out the tentacles or buy the TALCUM POWDER and become invincible then punch him in the face twice. Next put Alex's stomach on the chest and move left and right while holding Down on the d-pad until you go underground to a BONUS ROUND.
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    Alex Kidd in Miracle World

    Continue Game To continue gameplay once Alex has dies you must hold Up and press 2 eight times at the game over screen. Note: This code may only be enabled if Alex has collect at least $400 in money bags. Once the cheat is activated Alex will lose $400 in money bags.
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    Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

    Avoid Bosses To continue the game without having to play scissors-paper-stone, go to any boss and, as soon as the chit-chat is out of the way, press Start to get the Select screen, then press Start again to proceed.
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