
Alien is an action/horror film series created by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett. The series began with the four films Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Alien 3 (1992), and Alien Resurrection (1997). A prequel series directed by Ridley Scott began with Prometheus (2012) and continued with Alien: Covenant (2017). Set between the 21st and 24th centuries, the plot focuses on humanity's violent encounters with a vicious alien life form, with the lead protagonist being Ellen Ripley, a woman determined to stop the creature and prevent the corrupt Weyland-Yutani Corporation from obtaining it for biological weaponry.
The first two installments in the film series were met with universal praise for the technical attributes, as well as Sigourney Weaver's portrayal of the lead, Ellen Ripley, for which she earned nine nominations and two wins (Saturn Award for Best Actress and Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year Award). Though the subsequent installments were met with generally mixed reviews, all five films in the Alien film series have been critically lauded for their technical attributes, ranging from recognition of the visual and sound effects, to the design of the recurring alien creature. The Alien Quadrilogy and Alien Anthology DVD and Blu-ray Disc collections have both won medium-specific awards.

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