
  1. C

    The Indie Titles Of Sony's PlayStation Launch Event

    Sony packed the PlayStation 4 launch event with games, and over one-quarter of them come from indie studios. We played every single one and have rounded them up in launch date order. We also have good news, with two of the future releases confirmed for PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection at...
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    Sony's official PlayStation 4 unboxing video is mostly eery music and polythene

    It's a commercial imperative for Sony and Microsoft to maintain people's interest this month, by any means necessary. But at least the PlayStation marketing team isn't taking itself too seriously. (At least, we hope it isn't.) The latest release on its YouTube channel starts with an overplayed...
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    Sony's John Koller says 'tangible disc' still important

    In the latest assault in what we've come to think of as "Operation: Spite David Perry," Sony's John Koller is still insisting that the UMD disc is a valued member of team PSP, telling, "We look to the tangible disc as continuing to be very important. I think there's certainly a...
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