Adobe plans to bring full version of Photoshop to the iPad next year

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Enlarge / The 10.5-inch iPad Pro. (credit: Andrew Cunningham)

Adobe is working on a full version of the popular photo-editing program Photoshop for Apple's iPad, according to a Bloomberg report. Sources claim the software company plans to announce the new app at its annual MAX conference this October, with the app's launch scheduled for sometime in 2019.
The new app would reportedly allow users to run a full version of Photoshop on an iPad and continue edits on another device like a desktop PC. Scott Belsky, Adobe's Creative Cloud product head, told Bloomberg that the company is working on "cross-platform iteration of Photoshop and other applications," but he declined to provide a timeline for their release.
“My aspiration is to get these on the market as soon as possible,” Belsky said. “There’s a lot required to take a product as sophisticated and powerful as Photoshop and make that work on a modern device like the iPad. We need to bring our products into this cloud-first collaborative era.”

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