EA says PC rapidly becoming largest gaming platform.

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It's exciting in that the PC platform is gaining back much needed ground on the console market, but being as it's coming primarily via digital downloads, it could also spell more DRM restrictions, limited hard copy availability, and a resulting rash of even more piracy, which could send it all toppling over again.

I'd like to say I'm optimistic about this, but until I see game developers show signs of more support for PC vs console, and less crappy ports that we have to wait months past the initial console releases to get, I can't say I'm all that enthused.

I'm not all that surprised about this given the scads of forum members talking about going exclusively to digital downloads via Steam, EA, etc. While I applaud those of you whom continue to strongly support PC gaming, I worry that the digital download market may cripple us in ways other than a market share smaller than consoles.
irahat said:
It's exciting in that the PC platform is gaining back much needed ground on the console market, but being as it's coming primarily via digital downloads, it could also spell more DRM restrictions, limited hard copy availability, and a resulting rash of even more piracy, which could send it all toppling over again.

I'd like to say I'm optimistic about this, but until I see game developers show signs of more support for PC vs console, and less crappy ports that we have to wait months past the initial console releases to get, I can't say I'm all that enthused.

I'm not all that surprised about this given the scads of forum members talking about going exclusively to digital downloads via Steam, EA, etc. While I applaud those of you whom continue to strongly support PC gaming, I worry that the digital download market may cripple us in ways other than a market share smaller than consoles.

doesn't look so true to me. Considering the recent releases of the XBox360 and PS3 consoles, the PC still laggs behind. I don't see it coming ahead in the race as of yet.
I think that if anything is going to cripple the PC gaming would be the internet speed... as bluray can hold a whopping 50GB of data! That would take a long time to download a game via steam even with a standard 6-10mbps dsl/cable modem.
EA says it and I think the main reason behind this is that EA only makes games for PC. This should be the reason?
i agree its good :) id rather be on a computer then a gaming console and the fact that u can actually use accessories such as hand guns driving wheels on a computer as a console is great aswell
I'd love the PC the become the largest gaming platform but I just can't see. For games to get better keeping your pc up to date is an expensive task. Its far easier to just pay 300 or 400 dollars for a console and not worry about the updates.
Its a good thing to see that PC might become a large community for gamers but it doesn't make sense, it seems that since consoles are cheaper to go more people would do that other then spending 100's of $ on computer parts and constantly needing to upgrade after a few years
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