Final Fantasy: FAQ/Walkthrough by DJellybean

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Dingo Jellybean                       -    My super cool, gotta have it alias                         -                   My personal website
December 30th, 2000                   -    The date I FIRST started the guide
Last                                  -          Current Version of the Guide
95%                                   -       Projected progress of the guide
Famicom/Wonderswan/NES                -              System the game plays on
dingo_jellybean - @ - -       My email address I seldom check

Message Board:

If you have questions, post there and I will answer it when I can. Sorry
if you can't contact me on AIM anymore...if it weren't for people warning
me up to 70% at times AFTER HELPING THEM, then I wouldn't have to close off
AIM to those who need help with a certain game. Thank you.


-------------------------------- [ Credits ] --------------------------------

-+- Squaresoft(
What can I say? It's the first ever Final Fantasy!

-+- Nintendo(
Their guide provided the extensive monster lists and it's a very good
guide indeed. Danke. (^_^)

-+- JL Lee([email protected])
Thanks for his help towards a few errors in this guide.

-+- GameFAQs(
For hosting and respecting this guide.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For typing up this guide.


Version Last: The first and last release of this guide, I've pretty much
included everything that needs to be included in this game
and if you can't find it in here, try the other guides at
GameFAQs. If it's not in this guide, then I most definitely
won't know about it.


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This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 2000

==============================End of Copyright===============================

- Introduction and Wonderswan/NES differences
- Useful Tips
- Characters and Classes
- Walkthrough
- Bestiary
- Armors/Weapons Listing
- Magic Listing
- Item Listing
- Special Item Listing
- Credits

------------------------------ [ Introudction ] -----------------------------

NOTE: This guide is based on the NES version of Final Fantasy, but the
Wonderswan version CAN BE USED with this guide.

Welcome all to my Final Fantasy guide for the Nintendo Entertainment System
and the handheld Wonderswan. This is probably the most recognized RPG of all
time, it was Square's last ditch effort for success and it has paid
more ways than one. This game has inspired the RPG allow more
characters to be used at the same time, to expand the world of an RPG by
including airships and other modes of transportation. Sure the graphics are
far from top notch but when it all boils down to gameplay and adventure, this
is what Final Fantasy is all about.

The Wonderswan release of this game was not just a Final Fantasy Anthology
rehash, it was more like a super upgrade. Here are the new features added to
the Wonderswan edition of the game:

- The battle backgrounds have backgrounds in them, so do the inns.

- New music has been added, mainly just small remixes of a few tunes.

- You can have a Quick Save feature, meaning that you can save at any time
during the game but it is deleted when the power is turned off.

- There is no longer a text box in battle scenes(well there is but you'll see
what I mean if you get the game), instead numbers flash by over the
character's head displaying the damage or life recovery.

- The Mini Game now gives you 10000 Gold rather than 100 Gold.

- There is also supposedly more dialogue direct from the characters that you
control, but I'm not sure about this since my knowledge of the Japanese
language is poor.

- You can also do a soft reset, by pressing the A, B, X1, and Y3 buttons
at the same time.

Bottom line, the Wonderswan version of Final Fantasy simply rocks. Trust me,
if there is one title that you should get if you have a Wonderswan, it's
Final Fantasy. Even after playing Final Fantasy on the NES, the Wonderswan
version makes it all feel new again. Thank you Square!

------------------------------ [ Useful Tips ] ------------------------------

- Save often, although you can only save in inns or use Tents, Cabins, and
Houses...try to save with every chance that you get.

- Buy plenty of items but don't over stock. Only over stock on items if you
know for sure you have the Gil to spare.

- When gaining levels and gold, stay around an inn and fight the monsters
near there. This way you won't have to worry about random encounters on
your way back through long walks to recover yourself.

- Think carefully about which spells you are going to buy. You have 3 slots
but 4 spells...once spell from each level will have to be negated. So
choose wisely...otherwise you'll find yourself in a major slump since the
magic you learn is permanent!

- Don't equip every new weapon that you get, you may want to test them out
first(like use them against weaker opponents) before you actually start
using them on your repetoire.

- When you get your airship, take the time to explore...and also always save
at the inn in Corneria. It's the cheapest for the same return.

- Don't wander too far off from your mode of transportation, otherwise you
can easily get cut off from your vehicle.

- Always keep a close eye on your HP, you never want to let it drop to low
so that even a simple hit from the weakest enemy will dispatch your party.

- Talk to everyone around town...even a little bit of information leaked
can go a long way to advancing your quest.

------------------------- [ Characters And Classes ] ------------------------

---- [ Figher - > Knight ] ----

The Fighter is strong and powerful, he can pretty much equip any metallic
weapon and armor in the game. Once he becomes a Knight he can use low level
white magic(1-3), which becomes incredibly useful outside of battles.

---- [ Theif - > Ninja ] ----

The theif is a quick and agile character and will evade more attacks than
anyone else. The theif isn't superiorly strong like the Fighter, but once
he becomes a Ninja, his attack power is increased significantly and he can
begin to use low level black magic.

---- [ Black Belt - > Master ] ----

A pretty strong fighter, he's pretty much a bargin in terms of gold and such
because he can stand his ground pretty well without the use of armor and
gold. Once he levels up to the Master...he comes very reliable, but also
very lethal.

---- [ Red Mage - > Red Wizard ] ----

The most versatile player in the game. The Red Mage/Wizard has more attack
power then the other mages but less power than the Fighter or Black Belt,
but it can use more higher level black and white magics but not all the
spells. The Red Mage is a mix of everything.

---- [ White Mage - > White Wizard ] ----

Weak fighter but a strong magic user...he'll be able to use higher level
spells as he advances to a Wizard.

---- [ Black Mage - > Black Wizard ] ----

Weak fighter, strong offensive magic user. He'll be able to use higher
level spells as he is promoted.

------------------------------ [ Walkthrough ] ------------------------------

Party's level: 1
Items: None
Monsters: Imp, Werewolf, Creep

As you put in your cart, select your preferences and then your characters.
Now you're probably wondering...what should I choose?

I would suggest two fighters, 1 White Mage, and 1 Black mage. This was the
first party I went with and it's pretty much the strongest party that you can
have IMHO. 4 fighters would leave you at a disadvantage when you want to
attack multiple targets at the same time and heal your party early on,
having four white mages leaves you at a serious disposition offensively
and defensively. Another good combination would be one fighter, one
black belt, one red mage, and one black mage. Balance is key to winning this
game because it is considered by many to be the toughest Final Fantasy

As you start you may want to go to the shops in Corneria and purchase a few
items. Stay outside around Corneria castle and start to gain your levels to
3, any higher you'll easily win the upcoming battle ahead. Inside the castle
you will learn that Princess Sara was captured by Garland and you cannot
get to the other side unless you help save her. So browse through and talk
to people before you leave.

Once you're done, feel free to save your game at the inn and then head up top
to the Temple of Fiends.

Temple of Fiends
Party's level: 3
Items: Cabin, Heal Potion, Cap, Were Sword, Soft Potion, Rune Sword
Monsters: Bone, Spider, Zombie, Ghoul, Wolf, Grey Wolf, Garland

Atop northwest from Corneria lies a battered temple. Inside make sure you
pick up all the items about and equip them. Head to the center and you'll
encounter Garland.
Boss Battle: Garland HP: 106
This battle will be somewhat easy depending on your characters and levels.
With 4 fighters at level 1 you can easily win this match, but luckily a more
intelligent person like you would know that 4 fighters is a bad thing. Have
the white mage heal, the black mage user fire, the red mage use fire if he
has it and the rest attack as normal. After a short while...Garland will be
done for...for now.

Congratulations! You have saved the princess from are
automatically taken back to the the throne room of Corneria where you are
given a Lute from the princess. You won't need it for a LONG time. Now the
King will build you the bridge to allow you to pass over to the next

Party's level: 3
Items: Sailship
Monsters: Pirates

Up north of Corneria castle is a bridge that was recently built for the'll see the credits roll. Afterwards, head to the east until
you see a town encased in a surrounding wall.

Upon arriving here...head to the top left part of town and speak with the
pirate. He'll later tell his pirates to come after you. The battle isn't
hard, although there are 9 pirates, they have 6 HP each and you should be
able to take them out in a few rounds without much hassle.

After the battle the pirate becomes very intimidated by your presense and
offers you his ship. Feel free to wander about the town and pick up any new
weapons and armors if you like. Try to gather up any valuable information
that you can gather and then head out. You may want to gain some levels
around here as well. Then head out to the sailship.

Castle of Elf
Party's level: 4
Items: None
Monsters: None

Take your sailship and head down south and you should find a dock. Head to
the Elf Castle inside and you notice inside that the Prince has undergone a
deep sleep trance. The only way to wake him up is the herb that Matoya has
but she needs her Crystal Ball, otherwise she won't give anything up.

For now you can just look around the castle, make sure to visit the Elfland
town just outside and upgrade your weapons and armor if needed. I suggest
getting the spell Hrm2 for the White or Red Mage because your upcoming
journey ahead will deal with a lot of undead monsters. You can fight around
outside of Elfland against Ogre to gain a significant gold and EXP boost
in your stats. Once your done, buy maybe two or three tents with you along
the way.

Marsh Cave
Party's level: 6
Items: 680 G, Short Sword, Large Daggar, 620 G, Iron Armor, 295 G, 385 G,
House, Copper Bracelet, Crown, Silver Knife, Silver Bracelet, 1020 G
Monsters: Red Bone, Zombie, Ghoul, Grey Wolf, Were Wolf, Wizard, Scorpion,
Crawl, Scum, Muck, Shadow, Gargoyle, Arachnid, Bone, Spider

From the Elfland town, head to the east, go around the mountain range and
then go down, it's a long path and you probably encountered some tough you may want to save using the tent in front of the Marsh
Cave. The Marsh Cave looks like a tiny black hole on the ground, so it's
more like an underground tunnel rather than a cave.

When you reach inside here you can take the top path or the bottom path, the
bottom path is your main destination but the top path leads to some valuable
items that you may want to pick up(Large Daggar and 620 G). The bottom path
will lead to another room containing a Short Sword and 680 that same
room, it will lead to the next floor. When you arrive at the 3rd floor your
only concern here is the Crown. The crown is located 1 room to the right and
then 3 rooms down(those little boxes are rooms). Inside you'll have to fight
anywhere from 2 to 5 Wizards.
BOSS BATTLE: Wizard HP: 84(Each)
The Wizard's main weakness is lighting. So LIT spells with your Red or Black
Mage are a great benefactor in this battle. Have the white mage be the healer
if you have one and have everyone else attack as normal. Try to focus on one
target at a time, it's easier this way since you won't get a ton of attacks
bombarding you every round.

After you picked up the Crown you are free to leave, but you are also
welcomed to pick up the other items in the room. Once you are all done head
outside of the Marsh Cave and it would be wise to save your game once you
immediately head outside.

Northwest Castle
Party's level: 10
Items: None
Monsters: Astos

From the Marsh Cave entrance, head directly up north. Head to the throne room
and talk to the King, who later reveals himself to be the Dark Elf Astos.
It looks like he wants that crown, but knowing you, you're not just about to
hand it over to him without a fight.
BOSS BATTLE: Astos HP: 168
This battle isn't too difficult...assuming your levels are high enough. His
most potent and dangerous weapon is his Rub attack, which is able to knock
out any one party member with a single blow. He doesn't have any weaknesses,
so it's a grit 'em out fight till the end. Have all fighters, black belts,
and theifs attack as normal.

After the battle you will have recieved the Crystal from Astos. Now head over
to Matoya's Cave.

Matoya's Cave
Party's level: 11
Items: Heal Potion(3)
Monsters: None

Matoya's Cave is directly north of Corneria. Yes that's right, you'll have
to take your sailship all the way back through the sea of monsters and walk
all the way to the top. You can dock your ship just below Corneria and walk
your way upwards, you should find a cave at the shore area of the main

Inside pick up the items and talk to Matoya(nice music eh?), she notices that
you have her Crystal, so she'll lend you the herb in exchange for the

Prince of Elfland
Party's level: 12
Items: Silver Hammer, 400 G, 330 G, Copper Gauntlet
Monsters: None

Head back to Castle of Elf and use the Herb on the sleeping prince. When the
Prince awakens, he will give you the Mystic Key and allow you to open all
the locked doors in the game. Fortunately there are a couple of locked doors
in the Castle of Elf. To get to the treasure chests, go to the right part
of the castle and walk out on that small opening and stay along the edge of
the wall to reach the top rigth room.

Path Open To The Western Sea
Party's level: 12
Items: Were Sword, Soft Potion, Rune Sword, Iron Armor, Iron Shield, T.N.T.,
Iron Staff, Sabre, Silver Knife, 450 G, 575 G, Cabin, Iron Helmet,
Dragon Sword, Silver Knife, Wooden Helmet, Silver Armor, 575 G, House
Monsters: None

Check the lock doors in Corneria Castle, Temple of Fiends, and the Dwarf
Cave and get all the items that you see. When you get the T.N.T. from
Corneria Castle, take it to the Dwarf that is at the very end of the Dwarf
Cave. Once he recieves the T.N.T. you can head outside and then the canal
that was previously blocking your path to the Western Sea is now gone. You
are free to explore a greater area of the world, but be warned...once you
step outside the boundaries around Corneria you better be ready to face
enemies ahead.

Melmond and the Earth Cave
Party's level: 12
Items: Silver Helmet, 450 G, 620 G, Great Axe, 1975 G, 880 G, Pure Potion,
795 G, Heal Potion(2), 3400 G, 1020 G, Ruby, Tent, Wooden Staff,
Cabin, Silver Shield, 1455 G, 1250 G, 1520 G, 5450 G, 3400 G
Monsters: Vampire, Lich, Giant, Cobra, Image, Geist, Earth, Wizard

Head your ship to the west past the canal and keep goung left until you see
a dock port. A town should be directly to the right of that dock port. Now
is an important time to restock your party with better weapons and definitely
new spells. Also gain some levels around here, you'll definitely need all the
stat boosts that you can attain. Once you're done, head down south to the
cave inside.

Once inside the Earth Cave you are given four directions. The path to the
left is the "Hall of Giants" meaning that every step you take in that small
corridor will prompt you to fight a battle with either one or several Giants.
This can either be extremely beneficial or completely the opposite. Up top
is a path that heads to 1975 G, and at the bottom leads to four treasure
chests which contains 880 G, Heal Potion, Pure Potion, and 795 G.

Your next destination is to the right of the staircase leading back outside,
and in the next room collect the treasure chests about and the staircase to
the next area is at the bottom right part of the room...either path you take
from the start of the room will lead to that path.

Now when you reach the next floor, it'll be a long walk to the center room.
In the center room is a Vampire, which you will have to defeat for the Ruby.
BOSS BATTLE: Vampire HP: 156
This battle will be a bit tough. It'll be hard as heck to not get it and be
affected by his Dazzle attack, which can stun any given party member. Have
a white mage or red mage attack with Hrm2 or Hrm if you have them and have
the other party members attack like normal. The black mage should use Fire
or lightning if he has it.

After the battle the stone plate blocks your path from advancing any further,
however you attain the Ruby. Once you have the Ruby head out of here and save
your game with a tent or go back to Melmond and save your game.

Titan's Tunnel and the Fiend of Earth
Party's level: 17
Items: Silver Helmet, 450 G, 620 G, Great Axe
Monsters: Green Ogre, Grey Wolf, Tiger, Arachnid, Ooze, Mummy, Bull, Troll

Inside here feed the Titan a ruby and he will move out of the way for you
to past to Sarda's Cave. Once through head to Sarda's Cave outside and south
and then talk to him and he will give you the Rod to help you complete your
quest through the Earth Cave. So head back out and head back to the Earth

Once inside the Earth Cave it's the same bit as usual, head back to where you
last defeated the Vampire and then use the Rod to move away the stone plate
that is impeding your progress. Once you advance through it's still pretty
straight forward, the next staircase to the next room is at the top left.
Continue on through until you reach Lich...and prepare for your toughest
battle yet.
Fire is your best bet to winning this match. Use fire spells from your mages
and have the other party members attack as normal. Watch for Lich to cast
Fast on himself...after that once he hits you, you're out...or almost out.
Cast slow on Lich to lessen the effects of his physical attacks(because they
are rather powerful). Keep your HP up above 70 and attack constantly.

After the battle step up to the black orb and your orb will shine(on your
status screen), then you will be teleported outside automatically, so thank
goodness you don't have to make your way back out.

Cresent Lake and the Gurgu Volcano
Party's level: 20
Items: 750 G, 895 G, Giant Sword, 4150 G, Silver Helmet(3), 1520 G, Heal
Potion(2), Cabin, 1760 G, 1520 G, Silver Shield, 1455 G, Silver Axe,
1975 G, Pure Potion
Monsters: Sphinx, Green Ogre, Scorpion, Bull, Muck, Giant, Iguana, Pede,
Perilisk, Red Giant, Red Dragon, Fire, Red Gargoyle, Cerebus,
Agama, Grey Worm, Wizard Ogre, Red Hydra, Hyena

Cresent Lake is located on the same continent as Pravoka, except it's on the
far bottom right of the continent. To get there you must take your sailship
and sail around to the bottom and you should see a port. Take that port and
walk your way around to Cresent Lake...which is to the left. Notice how
Square makes you walk the long way by extending the moat?

Once inside talk to the 12 of them will give you a canoe to
travel around in. In this town it's extremely important that you attain the
spell "Exit." The Gurgu Volcano is full of tougher monsters and lava floors
that drain your HP each time that you step on them. Once you are all done
head out and just walk onto the river leading to the west.

Take the canoe upwards once you see the first opening and then take a right,
then left and left again until you reach the Gurgu Volcano.

It's important that you save your game outside the Volcano, so what you
might want to do is fight some battles before using your tent or cabin, maybe
get a head start on your levels or gain a level before heading in. Once
inside, the searing pools of lava will drain your HP for every movement that
you take on them. Meaning that even if you stand on the floors, you will
not gradually decrease in HP. When you make your way to the next floor, keep
an eye on the middle treasure chest on the right part of the room. If you
can, try to pick up that treasure chest by going around it and pick it up
from the left...otherwise you will have to fight two Fires to obtain it.
Also keep note that there will always be a monster in that specified spot,
so always keep a close eye on where you are walking. Usually monsters are
close to the treasure chest guarding them...always keep this in mind and keep
your HP up before entering the battle.

After you have passed through the first room the volcano starts to become a
sort of a maze. It's not entirely confusing but you can easily find yourself
walking in circles if you don't keep track of where you are walking and
which direction that you were walking in. From here the next area is to the
right, in the next room head two small rooms to the left, then directly down
and to the left. Watch out for the pits though, you want to take the least
possible amount of steps in the pools, otherwise you can find yourself in an
unexpected battle with extremely low HP.

Once through in the next room, head to the bottom right. Now when you enter
here, there are several treasure chests in this room, always keep alert that
a monster will guard it. You can avoid it or you may not, just as long as
you are prepared you will do fine. Now in this room the next area is to the
bottom of the room, so if you want to skip all the treasures, then head down
to the bottom.

When you reach the ubiquitous room there are eight different paths set up,
you're wondering to yourself "Damn! Which way should I go?" Relax, the Dingo
Meister is here to help. :P There are only two paths that are really
important, that's the west path(which leads to the Flame Armor) and the
southwest path, which leads to Kary. I highly suggest you acquire the Flame
Armor first, then take the bottom left path to Kary.
Surprisingly, ice does not work well in this battle. You're best bet to
winning this battle is to hope that Kary uses her fire magic on any character
that is wearing the Flame Armor(hopefully you were smart enough to equip it
on as you had recieved it :P ). This way the damage is lessened and the party
can constantly barrage her with attacks. Fire, surprisingly, does damage to
Kary as's odd but eh. Attack with magic like Lit2 or Ice2 and cast
Slow on Kary and Fast on your fighters, black belts, and theifs.

After the battle step up to the black orb and you will automatically be
teleported outside. It is highly suggested that you save your game, if you
don't have anything to save with...then you better hope you're in very good
condition or you are lucky enough to avoid random encounters as much as

Ice Cave
Party's level: 22
Items: Heal Potion, 10000 G, 9500 G, Tent, Ice Shield, Flame Sword, Cloth,
Floater, Ice Armor, Silver Gauntlet, 7900 G, 5450 G, 180 G, 9900 G,
5000 G, 12350 G
Monsters: Spector, Mage, Wraith, Greate Pede, Sorcerer, Frost Giant, Eye,
Frost Dragon, Coctrice, Frost Wolf

The path to the ice cave is even more complex than the path to the Gurgu
Volcano. Head back to your sailship and from the Volcano and directly up
north from the port that lead to the Cresent Lake and to another port up
north. Then take your canoe west and then go up and then a bit to the right,
then keep going west until you reach the end goind down and then take the
first left that you see and head around to the ice cave. Once again, you may
want to save your game here just in case something goes wrong inside.

Before you go anywhere in this ice cave, it is imperative that you equip your
Flame Sword but de-equip any Flame Armor that you may have. If not you can
suffer a lot of damage since ice will null any fire defense and attack. When
you reach inside go around to the next staircase, in the next room you will
see warp tiles on the floor along with three treasure chests, while the
third treasure chest(the one in the middle) is your main perogative, you
can't acquire it just yet, drop down to the 2nd warp tile on the left from
the top left treasure chest and continue onwards.

In here you will encounter a batch of enemies before you can even get out of
the room that you are in. To the left of where you are is Ice Armor, which
is extremely valuable in a place like this since you can protect yourself
from ice attacks from the monsters here. The room at the south part of this
area is just nuts, it's 6 treasure chests with a flock of gold, definitely
make sure you pick it up before heading onto the right staircase.

Now in this next room there is a room with three staircases and a warp tile,
take the three treasure chests and drop into the warp tile and it will lead
you to the Eye, which you will have to defeat to get the Floater.
Not a lot of HP, but a lot of instant death attacks. He has virtually no
weaknesses whatsoever. Have one party member equipped with the Rune Sword,
it'll do a good deal of damage against this guy since he is categorized in
the magic class. Other than that have your magic users use magic and fighters
attack as normal. His only real threat besides his instant death spells is
the Lit2 spell, which can deal quite a bit of damage to the party, so make
sure you have a Hel2 ready for that.

After the battle pick up the Floater and head out of there.

Ryukahn Desert
Party's level: 24
Items: Airship
Monsters: None

Head to the Ryukahn Desert which is directly south of Cresent Lake, there
should be a river next to the semi-large desert. Port your ship near the
river and use your canoe to make it to the mainland(since there are no ports)
and then use the floater near the desert. This will prompt the airship to
rise from the sand and made available for you to use.

Congratulations! You have acquired the last vehicle in the game, but your
journey and adventure is still far from over.

Castle of Ordeals
Party's level: 24
Items: Zeus Guantlet, Gold Bracelet, Ice Sword, Iron Guantlet, Heal Staff,
House, 1455 G, 7340 G, Tail
Monsters: Tiger, Sphinx, Wyrm, Sauria, Manitcore, Sandworm, Giant, Iguana,
Saber Tooth, Catman, Great Pede, Red Ankylo

The Castle of Ordeals is located on the northern continent directly north
of Corneria. It's pretty much a castle to the right of the Cardia Islands.
Inside talk to the wizard and he will move out of the way for you, but be
wary that this place isn't called "Castle of Ordeals" for nothing. It's
extremely tough to get by unless you are properly equipped and have enough
levels to sustain and deal out hits.

Inside here the podiums are warp tiles to other places in the room. The first
two warp podiums aren't too hard to manuver past since they are straight
forward, after that take the bottom warp podium and collect the Zeus
Guantlet and head to the third floor and then go around and pick up the rest
of the treasure chests and the Tail. Watch for the treasure chest near the
chair, it's protected by Zombie Dragon(s). Defeat the Dragons by using the
Hrm3 spell(if you have it) and Fire3(if you have it) and have the rest of
your fighters attack as normal.

Soon after that leave the place and travel to Cardia Islands, which are the
islands to the left of the castle.

Cardia Islands
Party's level: 26
Items: Cabin, 575 G, Soft Potion, 10 G, House, 500 G, 160 G, 9500 G, 2750 G,
1520 G, 2750 G, 1455 G, 2000 G
Monsters: None

In these islands here there are six entrances to the Cardia Islands. There
are practically no monsters below the islands and it's pretty straight-
forward throughout, so a walkthrough isn't neccessary. Just grab all the
items and then speak with Bahamut in the long hall and tell him that you wish
to be promoted and he will do so. I suggest you do so either because your
promotional classes are everything that you were previously, and more. Your
stats are a bit more polished than before and you can now basically acquire
and use any spell and any weapon and armor in the game...assuming you have
the appropriate class for it.

Sea Shrine
Party's level: 26
Items: 9900 G, 2000 G, 110 G, 450 G, 2750 G, 10000 G, 4150 G, 5000 G, 9000 G,
1760 G, 10 G, Opal Helmet, Opal Guantlet, Opal Bracelet, Pure Potion,
Opal Shield, Slab, Opal Armor, Light Axe(2), 12350 G, Mage Staff,
20 G, Ribbon, 9900 G, 5450 G, 7340 G, 2750 G, 8135 G, 7690 G, 385 G,
Power Guantlet
Monsters: Kraken, Lobstar, Ghost, Wizard Sahag, Big Eye, Naga, Sea Snake,
Grey Shark, Sea Troll, Water, Rock Gol, Red Sahag, Shark

On the Northern West continent lies a giant desert. Head to that desert and
depart your ship south of it on a suitable area(you will have to walk, gasp
I know). Head up to the Caravan(which is the small desert area seperate from
the larger desert next to a small batch of forest) and pruchase the Bottle
for 50000 G. You're probably wondering..."Wa sa fa?!" But eh, check the
bottle and it will release a fairy. The fairy will wander off but don't fret,
take your airship and head to the northeast continent and head for the town
that is completely encased by surrounding mountains.

Inside here are some powerful magic and weapons, but don't worry about the
weapons now...head straight for the Fairy Spring which is on the upper right
most corner of Gaia. Talk to the Fairy and it will give you Oxyale, which
is the only way you even stand a chance of surviving in the Sea Shrine.

With that said and done head to Onrac, which is a town located on the same
continent as the Caravan, you'll have to walk a long way to the east though.
When you reach in here, head to the bottom right part of town and talk to
the maiden and she will allow you to pass since you have the Oxyale. Make
sure you save your game at the inn though.

This will be probably the biggest place you will have visited in the game
as of now. It's a bit complex and confusing at times. When you enter here,
head to the top left path(you can take the top right path to collect various
treasures, which is HIGHLY reccommended) so you can collect the Opal Armors
and weaponry, but more importantly pick up the Slab as well.

On the right path when you reach a room that has many minature rooms it seems
nearly impossible to get to them, but go to the top right and walk along that
long path and you will reach the other side of the room, much like going
around in a circle. Pick up the items there which include the Slab, Opal
Helmet, and Opal Guantlet. Then head back to the first room and take the left

This path is practically straight forward, after the first room take the
upper right staircase, then in the small room take the next staircase and
then take the bottom right staircase in the next room. You should find
yourself in a long hall(sort of), head down and collect the treasure chests
and head to the next room at the top. In here you definitely would want to
collect the ribbon(which is located at the top right room of this area)
and then head to the top left staircase to the next area which will
eventually lead to Kraken.
BOSS BATTLE: Kraken HP: 800
This battle isn't too hard actually. You should use Lit3 constantly if you
have it or any lit spell(avoid Lit1 if you have a stronger other elemental
spell like Fir2 or Ice2). Cast Slow on Kraken and cast Fast on your fighters
and if Kraken uses Ink, use Lamp(if you have it) to counteract the effects.
Attack and keep your HP up basically.

After the battle step up to the bacl orb and then you will be warped outside,
head to the inn at Onrac and save your game.

The Waterfall
Party's level: 30
Items: Wizard Staff, Ribbon, 13450 G, 6400 G, 5000 G, Defense
Monsters: Gas Dragon, Nitemare, Mud Gol, Mummy, Wizard Mummy, Perilisk,

Once you head outside of Onrac, take the river upwards to the waterfall, it's
a pretty straight forward path. Inside here walk around to the top left and
then head down left and collect the treasure chests. One of them contains
a Cube which you will need to complete your next quest. After you have
collected the Cube(which you will need to talk to the robot for) head out of
here and go back to your airship.

Head back to the town of Melmond(yes, that's right...Melmond) and then talk
to Dr. Unne and show him the Slab. He will translate the language for you
and then head to the town of Lefein...which is on the Northeast continent.

The bad part is that you will have to walk a long way again, and you will
have to dock your airship near the small lake and then walk down south.

Lefein, the Mirage Tower, and the Floating Castle
Party's level: 30
Items: Vorpal, Heal Helmet, Cabin, Aegis Shield 880 G, 2750 G, 3400 G,
18010 G, 13000 G, 12350 G, 7900 G, 8135 G, House, 7690 G, 10000 G,
Sun Sword, Dragon Armor, 9900 G, Heal Potion, 4150 G, 7900 G, 5000 G,
ProRing, 6720 G, Heal Helmet, 180 G, Bane Sword, Silver Helmet, House,
Opal Guantlet, 880 G, 13000 G, Ribbon, Opal Shield, Adamant, White
Shirt, Black Shirt, 9000 G, Heal Potion, ProRing, 5450 G, Soft Potion,
Katana, 6400 G, Cloth, ProCape, Soft Potion, 9500 G, 8135 G, 3400 G,
4150 G
Monsters: Tiamat, Air, Slime, Sentry, Jimera, Wizard Vampire, Grey Naga,
Green Medusa, Fighter, Evilman, Warmech, Eye, Mancat, Manticor,
Sorcerer, Nitemare, Guard, Batman, Rock Gol, Red Hydra, Mud Gol,
Naocho, Cerebus, Blue Dragon, Saber Tooth Tiger, Chimera, Mummy,
Wizard Mummy, Vampire, Perilisk, Guard

When you head to Lefein, talk to the man in the bottom left part of town,
he will give you the Chute needed to get inside the Mirage Tower. Also you
learn that the Sky Warriors had used that airship to travel to the Floating
Castle. They had also left the airship and floater down south but has never
returned since then. This doesn't sound too goof for a party that is about
to attempt to complete their 4th elemental quest.

Head to the left desert and dock your airship somewhere...then walk towards
the center and use the Chute to let you inside the Mirage Tower. Inside
here head up and collect all the treasure chests inside and then head to the
next floor, in here head your way towards the top staircase and then use
the Cube in the next room to transport you to the Floating Castle.

In here you are given four paths, the top path is your next destination but
the other three paths leads to items and a lot of gold, collect them and
then head on, in the next room are 7 different paths. The bottom path is the
next destination, but the most important item here is at the bottom left
which contains the Adamant. In the next area you can ignore the bottom path,
the top, left, and right paths all contain items and gold. Also if you look
down the window you can get a clue as to where to go to next after you have
completed this appears that the four flowing altars all seem to
flow into the center of the Temple of odd...

Now when you reacht his next floor, it gets a bit complex...much like an
enigma. But luckily you've got Super Dingo Jellybean to help you out! :P
Now when you first enter the room, move two columns down and then two columns
right and you will enter the long corridor(not that hard eh?). Be wary in
this corridor though, you may encounter the Warmech and have your long
journey come to an end right there and then. So be prepared for whatever may
happen, once you reach's time to settle things.
BOSS BATTLE: Kraken HP: 1000
This will be a very tough battle indeed. Attack with your strongest elemental
magic(Nuke is EXTREMELY helpful here, able to deal anywhere from 200-600 HP
of damage!!!) and have the rest of your characters attack as normal. Use Fast
on your party members and Slow on Tiamat. His physical attacks hurt pretty
badly, so you may want to cast Invs or Inv2 on the party to avoid some of his

After the battle step onto the black orb and you will be teleported outside.
Congratulations again! You have restored power to all four orbs...but yet
something doesn't seem quite right.

Excalibur and the Temple of Fiends
Party's level: 35
Items: Masamune, Excalibur
Monsters: Worm, Phantom, Iron Gol, Frost Dragon, Chimera, Zombie Dragon,
Frost Giant, Slime, Gas Dragon, Badman, Mage, Fighter, Kraken,
Tiamat, Earth, Green Medusa, Mud Gol, Rock Gol, Lich, Agama, Grey
Worm, Red Giant, Kary, Sea Troll, Lobster, Sea Snake, Water, Grey
Shark, Wizard Sahag, Big Eye, Iron Gol, Sorcerer, Air, Vampire,
Wizard Vampire

Head back to your airship, then head to the Dwarf cave and speak with the
Dwarf that exhausted his supply of Adamant earlier. Give him the Adamant and
in return you get an extremely powerful sword for your Knight.

Head back to the Temple of Fiends but make sure to restock on everything and
get 99 Pure Potions, 99 Cure Potions, and 99 Soft Potions. Make sure you have
all your magic slots filled up and maybe boost a little more in levels. Once
your ready, head inside.

You notice 5 bats flying around...these five are the Sky Warriors that the
people of Lefein had been talking about. They were turned into bats by a
powerful force...and it looks like the party will have their hands full.

Head to the black orb and then you will be transported 2000 years back into
the past...that's quite a long time. The Temple of Fiends(Past) is a pretty
straight forward funny mazes or loopholes. You will go through
several floors that attain a certain element in Earth, Fire,
Water, and Wind. You will also have to fight an enhanced version of each
fiend again...the tactics for them are no more different than before...just
use stronger magic. On the floor when you reach Tiamat there is a Masamune
sword at the bottom right part of the room...PICK IT UP. It is insanely
powerful and can make a wizard come close to matching the strength of a
Knight. Equip it on a Knight and with your levels at 50, you can literally
deal 1400 HP of damage! Once you reach the final room you will encounter
Garland...who traveled 2000 years into the past in which in turn he sent
the fiends 2000 years into the future where the fiends of that time would
send back Garland creating an endless loophole. This fight WILL NOT be easy.
Final Battle: Chaos HP: 2000
Chaos has every spell in the book and has no weaknesses and is incredibly
durable to virtually ANY attack. Have your White Wizard or Red Wizard be the
healer...have your Black Wizard cast Nuke every time, it'll do about 150-300
HP of damage against him depending on your levels. Your other fighters should
attack as normal and keep their HP up, there is one seriously downside to an
already tough battle though. Chaos can use Cur4 on himself at ANY TIME,
meaning that even if you are 200 HP away from putting this guy to rest...he
becomes a fight all over again...much like fighting two Chaos. There isn't
anything that you can do about this except hope that he doesn't use it.
Keeping your HP to the max is extremely crucial and having Hel3 being cast
every round from your White or Red Wizard will help.

Congratulations for the last time! You have beaten one of the toughest RPGs
and one fo the best RPGs in history! The ending isn't too shabby(although it
is mainly text) but it does leave a sense of passion in your heart and a
sense of completeness(forgive the cornballness) and it shows what a true
warrior you are! Thank you for using this guide and thank you for playing the
best game on one of the best consoles ever.

- Dingo Jellybean

------- [ Mini Game ] -------

This is a mini game that is optional but it's really a waste of your time.
Anyways, while you are on your sailship hold down A and press B 55 times and
a number blocks game will show up. If you move the number tiles in order from
1 to 15, you win...yep...that's right...100 G. That's it. *cries*

-------------------------------- [ Bestiary ] -------------------------------

------- [ A ] -------

Monster: | Air
HP: | 358
Attack Avg: | 53-106
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1614
Gold: | 807
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Sky Castle
Monster: | Ankylo
HP: | 352
Attack Avg: | 98-196
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2610
Gold: | 1
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Mirage Tower, World Map near Caravan
Monster: | Arachnid
HP: | 64
Attack Avg: | 5-10
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 141
Gold: | 50
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Titan's Tunnel
Monster: | Asp
HP: | 56
Attack Avg: | 6-12
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 123
Gold: | 50
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map, early part of game.
Monster: | Astos
HP: | 168
Attack Avg: | 26-52
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2250
Gold: | 2000
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | Rub, Slo2, Lit2, Slow, Fast, Fir2, Dark, Slep
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Northwest Castle

------- [ B ] -------

Monster: | Badman
HP: | 260
Attack Avg: | 44-88
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1263
Gold: | 1800
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Mirage Tower
Monster: | Big Eye
HP: | 304
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 3591
Gold: | 3591
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | Stun, Dark
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Sea Shrine
Monster: | Blue Dragon
HP: | 454
Attack Avg: | 92-184
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 3274
Gold: | 2000
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | Thunder
Strong vs.: | Qake, Lit
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past), Mirage Tower
Monster: | Bone
HP: | 10
Attack Avg: | 10-20
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 9
Gold: | 3
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present), World Map - Early part of game.
Monster: | Bull
HP: | 164
Attack Avg: | 22-44
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 489
Gold: | 489
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Titan's Tunnel, Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano, Temple of Fiends
| (past)

------- [ C ] -------

Monster: | Caribe
HP: | 92
Attack Avg: | 22-44
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 240
Gold: | 20
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Rivers
Monster: | Catman
HP: | 160
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 780
Gold: | 780
Class: | Were
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Mirage Tower, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Cerebus
HP: | 192
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1182
Gold: | 600
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | Scorch
Strong vs.: | Fire
Location: | Gurgu Volcano
Monster: | Chaos
HP: | 2000
Attack Avg: | 100-500
Attack Eff. | NA
Gold: | NA
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Ice3, Cur4, Lit3, Slo2, Fir3, Fast, Nuke, Qake
Strong vs.: | Qake, Lit, Ice, Fire, Bane, Slep, Brak, Stun, Zap
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Chimera
HP: | 300
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2064
Gold: | 2500
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | Cremate
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past), Mirage Tower
Monster: | Cobra
HP: | 80
Attack Avg: | 22-44
Attack Eff. | 165
EXP: | 50
Gold: | Dragon
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Earth Cave
Monster: | Coctrice
HP: | 50
Attack Avg: | 1-2
Attack Eff. | Stone
EXP: | 186
Gold: | 200
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Ice Cave, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Crawl
HP: | 84
Attack Avg: | 1-2
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 186
Gold: | 200
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Marsh Cave
Monster: | Creep
HP: | 56
Attack Avg: | 17-34
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 63
Gold: | 15
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map, early part of game.

------- [ E ] -------

Monster: | Earth
HP: | 288
Attack Avg: | 66-132
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1536
Gold: | 738
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Lit, Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Earth Cave
Monster: | Evilman
HP: | 190
Attack Avg: | 55-110
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2700
Gold: | 3000
Class: | Magic
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | XFer, Nuke, ZZZZ, Blnd
Strong vs.: | Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Eye
HP: | 182
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 3225
Gold: | 3225
Class: | Magic
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | XXXX, Brak, Rub, Lit2, Hold, Lamp, Slow, Sleep
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Ice Cave

------- [ F ] -------

Monster: | Fighter
HP: | 200
Attack Avg: | 40-80
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 3420
Gold: | 3420
Class: | Magic
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Wall, XFer, Hel3, Fog2, Inv2, Cur4, Hel2, Cur3
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Fire
HP: | 276
Attack Avg: | 50-100
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1620
Gold: | 800
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Gurgu Volcano, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Frost Dragon
HP: | 200
Attack Avg: | 53-106
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1701
Gold: | 2000
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | Fire, Lit
Attacks: | Blizzard
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Bane, Brak
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past), Ice Cave
Monster: | Frost Gator
HP: | 142
Attack Avg: | 56-112
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1890
Gold: | 2000
Class: | Water/Dragon
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | World Map near Caravan, Ice Cave
Monster: | Frost Giant
HP: | 336
Attack Avg: | 60-120
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1752
Gold: | 1752
Class: | Gaint
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past), Ice Cave
Monster: | Frost Wolf
HP: | 92
Attack Avg: | 25-50
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 402
Gold: | 200
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | Frost
Strong vs.: | Ice
Location: | Ice Cave, Temple of Fiends(past)

-------- [ G ] -------

Monster: | Gargoyle
HP: | 80
Attack Avg: | 12-24
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 132
Gold: | 80
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Marsh Cave
Monster: | Garland
HP: | 106
Attack Avg: | 15-30
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 130
Gold: | 250
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present)
Monster: | Gas Dragon
HP: | 352
Attack Avg: | 72-144
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 4068
Gold: | 5000
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | Poison Gas
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past), Waterfall
Monster: | Gator
HP: | 184
Attack Avg: | 42-84
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 816
Gold: | 900
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Rivers
Monster: | Geist
HP: | 56
Attack Avg: | 8-16
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 117
Gold: | 117
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Earth Cave, Ice Cave
Monster: | Ghost
HP: | 180
Attack Avg: | 93-186
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 990
Gold: | 990
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep
Location: | Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Ghoul
HP: | 48
Attack Avg: | 8-16
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 93
Gold: | 50
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present), World Map - Early part of game.
Monster: | Giant
HP: | 240
Attack Avg: | 38-76
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 879
Gold: | 879
Class: | Giant
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano, Northern Continent World Map,
| World Map south of Matoya's Cave
Monster: | Great Pede
HP: | 320
Attack Avg: | 73-146
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2244
Gold: | 1000
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice, Fire
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Ice Cave
Monster: | Green Medusa
HP: | 96
Attack Avg: | 11-22
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 1218
Gold: | 1218
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | Glance
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice
Location: | Sky Castle
Monster: | Green Ogre
HP: | 132
Attack Avg: | 23-46
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 282
Gold: | 300
Class: | Giant
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Elfland World Map
Monster: | Grey Imp
HP: | 16
Attack Avg: | 8-16
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 18
Gold: | 18
Class: | Giant
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map, early part of game.
Monster: | Grey Naga
HP: | 420
Attack Avg: | 7-14
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 3489
Gold: | 4000
Class: | Magic
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Ruse, Lamp, Slow, Dark, Slep, fire, Lit, Heal
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Sky Castle
Monster: | Grey Shark
HP: | 344
Attack Avg: | 50-100
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2361
Gold: | 600
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Sea Shrine
Monster: | Grey Wolf
HP: | 72
Attack Avg: | 14-28
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 93
Gold: | 22
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present), World Map - Early part of game.
Monster: | Guard
HP: | 200
Attack Avg: | 25-50
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 1224
Gold: | 400
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Rub, Bane, Stun, Brak, Slep
Location: | Mirage Tower

------- [ H ] -------

Monster: | Hydra
HP: | 212
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 915
Gold: | 150
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Rivers
Monster: | Hyena
HP: | 120
Attack Avg: | 22-44
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 288
Gold: | 72
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Gurgu Volcano

------- [ I ] -------

Monster: | Iguana
HP: | 92
Attack Avg: | 18-36
Attack Eff. | 153
EXP: | 50
Gold: | Dragon
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map, early part of game.
Monster: | Image
HP: | 86
Attack Avg: | 22-44
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 231
Gold: | 231
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep
Location: | Earth's Cave, Gurgu Volcano
Monster: | Imp
HP: | 8
Attack Avg: | 4-8
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 6
Gold: | 6
Class: | Giant
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map, early part of game.
Monster: | Iron Gol
HP: | 304
Attack Avg: | 93-186
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 6717
Gold: | 3000
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Poison Gas
Strong vs.: | Qake, Icem Fire, Rub, ane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past)

------- [ J ] -------

Monster: | Jimera
HP: | 350
Attack Avg: | 40-80
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 4584
Gold: | 5000
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | Cremate, Poison Gas
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Sky Castle

------- [ K ] -------

Monster: | Kraken
HP: | 800
Attack Avg: | 50-100
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 4245
Gold: | 5000
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | Ink(Dark), Lit2
Attacks: | Lit
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Sea Shrine
Monster: | Kraken
HP: | 1000
Attack Avg: | 120-360
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 500
Gold: | 2
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | Ink(Dark), Lit2, Lit3
Attacks: | Lit
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Kyzoku
HP: | 50
Attack Avg: | 14-28
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 60
Gold: | 120
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Waters

------- [ L ] -------

Monster: | Lich
HP: | 400
Attack Avg: | 40-80
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2200
Gold: | 3000
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | Ice2, Slp2, Fast, Lit2, Hold, Fir2, Slow, Slep
Strong vs.: | Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep, Brak
Location: | Earth Cave
Monster: | Lich
HP: | 800
Attack Avg: | 90-256
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 0
Gold: | 500
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | Ice2, Ice3, Slp2, Fast, Lit2, Lit3, Hold, Fir2, Slow, Slep
Strong vs.: | Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep, Brak
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past).
Monster: | Lobster
HP: | 148
Attack Avg: | 35-70
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 639
Gold: | 300
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends(Past)

------- [ M ] -------

Monster: | Mad Pony
HP: | 64
Attack Avg: | 10-20
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 63
Gold: | 15
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map, early part of game.
Monster: | Mage
HP: | 105
Attack Avg: | 26-52
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1095
Gold: | 1095
Class: | Magic
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Rub, Lit3, Fir3, Bane, Slo2, Stun
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Temple of Fiends(past), Ice Cave
Monster: | Manticore
HP: | 164
Attack Avg: | 22-44
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1317
Gold: | 650
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Stinger(poison)
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Castle of Ordeal
Monster: | Muck
HP: | 76
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 255
Gold: | 70
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Marsh Cave
Monster: | Mud Gol
HP: | 176
Attack Avg: | 64-128
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1257
Gold: | 800
Class: | Magic
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Fast
Strong vs.: | Lit, Ice, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Waterfall, Temple of Fiends(past)
Monster: | Mummy
HP: | 80
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | Sleep
EXP: | 300
Gold: | 300
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Castle of Ordeals, Titan's Tunnel

------- [ N ] -------

Monster: | Naga
HP: | 356
Attack Avg: | 9-18
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 2355
Gold: | 2355
Class: | Magic/Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | Lit2, Hold, Lit, Lock, Slep, Dark
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Naocho
HP: | 344
Attack Avg: | 35-70
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 3189
Gold: | 500
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map near Caravan
Monster: | Nightmare
HP: | 200
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1272
Gold: | 700
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | Snorting(Dark)
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep
Location: | Waterfall

------- [ O ] -------

Monster: | Ocho
HP: | 208
Attack Avg: | 20-40
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 1224
Gold: | 102
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Rivers
Monster: | Odd Eye
HP: | 10
Attack Avg: | NA
Attack Eff. | 4-8
EXP: | 42
Gold: | 10
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | Stun
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Waters
Monster: | Ogre
HP: | 100
Attack Avg: | 18-36
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 195
Gold: | 195
Class: | Giant
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map, early part of game.
Monster: | Ooze
HP: | 76
Attack Avg: | 32-64
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 252
Gold: | 70
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice, Fire
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Lit, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Ice Cave, Titan's Tunnel

------- [ P ] -------

Monster: | Pede
HP: | 222
Attack Avg: | 38-78
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 1194
Gold: | 300
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Gurgu Volcano
Monster: | Perilisk
HP: | 44
Attack Avg: | 20-40
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 423
Gold: | 500
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | Squint(Rub)
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Gurgu Volcano, Ice Cave, Castle of Ordeals
Monster: | Phantom
HP: | 360
Attack Avg: | 120-240
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 1
Gold: | 1
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | Stop, Zap1, XFer, Brak, Rub, Hold, Lamp, Slow
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Pirates
HP: | 6
Attack Avg: | 8-16
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 40
Gold: | 40
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Pravoka

------- [ R ] -------

Monster: | Red Ankylo
HP: | 256
Attack Avg: | 60-120
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1428
Gold: | 300
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map near Mirage Tower
Monster: | Red Bone
HP: | 144
Attack Avg: | 26-52
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 378
Gold: | 378
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Marsh Cave
Monster: | Red Caribe
HP: | 172
Attack Avg: | 37-74
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 546
Gold: | 46
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map near Caravan
Monster: | Red Giant
HP: | 300
Attack Avg: | 73-146
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1506
Gold: | 1506
Class: | Giant
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Fire
Location: | Gurgu Volcano
Monster: | Red Gargoyle
HP: | 94
Attack Avg: | 10-20
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 387
Gold: | 387
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Fir2, Hold, Fire
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Fire
Location: | Castle of Ordeal, Gurgu Volcano
Monster: | Red Hydra
HP: | 182
Attack Avg: | 20-40
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1215
Gold: | 400
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | Cremate
Strong vs.: | Fire
Location: | Rivers, Gurgu Volcano
Monster: | Red Sahag
HP: | 64
Attack Avg: | 15-30
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 105
Gold: | 105
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Waters
Monster: | Rock Gol
HP: | 200
Attack Avg: | 70-140
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2385
Gold: | 1000
Class: | Magic
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Slow
Strong vs.: | Qake, Lit, Ice, Fir, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends(Past)

------- [ S ] -------

Monster: | Saber Tooth Tiger
HP: | 200
Attack Avg: | 24-46
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 843
Gold: | 500
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Mirage Tower
Monster: | Sahag
HP: | 28
Attack Avg: | 10-20
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 30
Gold: | 30
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Waters
Monster: | Sand Worm
HP: | 200
Attack Avg: | 46-92
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 2683
Gold: | 900
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Qake
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Castle of Ordeals, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Sauria
HP: | 196
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1977
Gold: | 658
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Glance(stone)
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Castle of Ordeals
Monster: | Scorpion
HP: | 84
Attack Avg: | 22-44
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 225
Gold: | 70
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Elfland World Map
Monster: | Scum
HP: | 24
Attack Avg: | 1-2
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 84
Gold: | 20
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice, Fire
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Lit, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Marsh Cave
Monster: | Sea Snake
HP: | 224
Attack Avg: | 35-70
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 957
Gold: | 600
Class: | Water/Dragon
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Sea Shrine
Monster: | Sea Troll
HP: | 216
Attack Avg: | 40-80
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 852
Gold: | 852
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Sentry
HP: | 400
Attack Avg: | 102-204
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 4000
Gold: | 2000
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Sky Castle
Monster: | Shadow
HP: | 50
Attack Avg: | 10-20
Attack Eff. | Dark
EXP: | 90
Gold: | 45
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep
Location: | Marsh Cave
Monster: | Shark
HP: | 120
Attack Avg: | NA
Attack Eff. | 22-24
EXP: | 267
Gold: | 66
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire
Location: | Waters
Monster: | Slime
HP: | 156
Attack Avg: | 49-98
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 1101
Gold: | 900
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Lit, Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Sky Castle
Monster: | Sorcerer
HP: | 112
Attack Avg: | 1-2
Attack Eff. | Rub
EXP: | 822
Gold: | 999
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | (stun)
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Ice Cave
Monster: | Specter
HP: | 52
Attack Avg: | 20-40
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 150
Gold: | 150
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Ice Cave
Monster: | Sphinx
HP: | 228
Attack Avg: | 23-46
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1160
Gold: | 1160
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Castle of Ordeals
Monster: | Spider
HP: | 28
Attack Avg: | 10-20
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 30
Gold: | 8
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present)

------- [ T ] -------

Monster: | Tiger
HP: | 132
Attack Avg: | 22-44
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 438
Gold: | 108
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Castle of Ordeals
Monster: | T Rex
HP: | 600
Attack Avg: | 115-230
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 7200
Gold: | 600
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map near Mirage Tower
Monster: | Troll
HP: | 184
Attack Avg: | 24-48
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 621
Gold: | 621
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Fire
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Earth's Cave, Titan's Tunnel, Gurgu Volcano
Monster: | Tyro
HP: | 480
Attack Avg: | 65-130
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 3387
Gold: | 502
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | World Map near Mirage Tower

------- [ V ] -------

Monster: | Vampire
HP: | 156
Attack Avg: | 76-152
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1200
Gold: | 2000
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | Dazzle(causes Stun)
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Slep, Stun
Location: | Gurgu Volcano, Temple of Fiends(past), Earth Cave

------- [ W ] -------

Monster: | Warmech
HP: | 1000
Attack Avg: | 128-256
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 32000
Gold: | 32000
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Nuclear
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Longer vertical Tower before Tiamat(1-64 chance of battle)
Monster: | Water
HP: | 300
Attack Avg: | 69-138
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1962
Gold: | 800
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | Ice
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past), Sea Shrine
Monster: | Wizard
HP: | 84
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 276
Gold: | 300
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice, Fire, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep
Location: | Earth Cave, Marsh Cave
Monster: | Wizard Ogre
HP: | 144
Attack Avg: | 23-46
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 723
Gold: | 723
Class: | Giant/Magic
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | Ruse, Dark, Slep, Hold, Ice
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Gurgu Volcano, Temple of Fiends(Past), Ice Cave
Monster: | Wizard Sahag
HP: | 204
Attack Avg: | 47-94
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 882
Gold: | 882
Class: | Water
Weaknesses: | Lit
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Wizard Vampire
HP: | 300
Attack Avg: | 90-180
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 2385
Gold: | 3000
Class: | Undead/Magic
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | Afir, Lamp, Ice2, Lit2, Fir2
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Brak, Slep
Location: | Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Wolf
HP: | 20
Attack Avg: | 8-16
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 24
Gold: | 6
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | NA
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present)
Monster: | Worm
HP: | 448
Attack Avg: | 65-130
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 4344
Gold: | 1000
Class: | NA
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past)
Monster: | Wraith
HP: | 114
Attack Avg: | 40-80
Attack Eff. | Stun
EXP: | 432
Gold: | 432
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep
Location: | Ice Cave
Monster: | Wyrm
HP: | 260
Attack Avg: | 40-80
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1218
Gold: | 502
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | Temple of Fiends(past), Castle of Ordeals
Monster: | Wyvern
HP: | 212
Attack Avg: | 30-60
Attack Eff. | Poison
EXP: | 1173
Gold: | 50
Class: | Dragon
Weaknesses: | NA
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake
Location: | World Map near Caravan

------- [ Z ] -------

Monster: | Zombie
HP: | 20
Attack Avg: | 10-20
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 24
Gold: | 12
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present)
Monster: | Zombull
HP: | 224
Attack Avg: | 40-80
Attack Eff. | NA
EXP: | 1050
Gold: | 1050
Class: | Undead
Weaknesses: | Fire, Harm
Attacks: | NA
Strong vs.: | Ice, Brak, Bane, Stun, Slep, Rub
Location: | World Map near Mirage Tower, Temple of Fiends(Past)

--------------------------- [ Weapons and Armors ] --------------------------

------- [ Weapons ] -------

Weapon: | Bane Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 30000
Damage: | 22
Hit%: | 20
Who: | Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard
Location: | Floating Castle
Weapon: | Cat Claw
Cost: | 65000
Sell: | 32500
Damage: | 22
Hit%: | 35
Who: | Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard, Black Wizard
Location: | Gaia Town
Weapon: | Coral Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 4000
Damage: | 19
Hit%: | 15
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Earth Cave
Weapon: | Defense
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 20000
Damage: | 30
Hit%: | 35
Who: | Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard
Location: | Casts the spell of RUSE when used as item during battle.
Weapon: | Dragon Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 4000
Damage: | 19
Hit%: | 15
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Dwarf Cave
Weapon: | Falchion
Cost: | 450
Sell: | 225
Damage: | 15
Hit%: | 10
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Northwest Castle
Weapon: | Flame Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 5000
Damage: | 26
Hit%: | 20
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Ice Cave
Comment: | Particulary effective against Ice monsters.
Weapon: | Giant Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 4000
Damage: | 21
Hit%: | 20
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Gurgu Volcano
Comment: | Particulary effective against monsters in the Giant category.
Weapon: | Great Axe
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 1000
Damage: | 22
Hit%: | 5
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Titan's Tunnel
Weapon: | Hand Axe
Cost: | 550
Sell: | 275
Damage: | 16
Hit%: | 5
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Pravoka Town
Weapon: | Head Staff
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 12500
Damage: | 0
Hit%: | 0
Who: | Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Castle of Ordeal
Weapon: | Ice Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 7500
Damage: | 29
Hit%: | 25
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Gurgu Volcano
Comment: | Particulary effective against Fire monsters.
Weapon: | Iron Hammer
Cost: | 10
Sell: | 5
Damage: | 9
Hit%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Weapon: | Iron Nunchuk
Cost: | 200
Sell: | 100
Damage: | 16
Hit%: | 0
Who: | Ninja, Black Belt, Master
Location: | Elfland
Weapon: | Iron Staff
Cost: | 200
Sell: | 100
Damage: | 14
Hit%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Black Belt, Master
Location: | Elfland
Weapon: | Katana
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 30000
Damage: | 33
Hit%: | 35
Who: | Ninja
Location: | Floating Castle
Weapon: | Large Daggar
Cost: | 175
Sell: | 87
Damage: | 7
Hit%: | 10
Who: | Fighter. Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage,
| Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Weapon: | Light Axe
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 5000
Damage: | 28
Hit%: | 15
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Sea Shrine
Comment: | Casts the spell of HRM2 during battle, if used as item.
Weapon: | Long Sword
Cost: | 1500
Sell: | 750
Damage: | 20
Hit%: | 10
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Melmond
Weapon: | Mage Staff
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 12500
Damage: | 12
Hit%: | 10
Who: | Ninja, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Sea Shrine
Comment: | Casts the spell of FIR2 when used as an item in battle.
Weapon: | Masamune
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 30000
Damage: | 56
Hit%: | 50
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, Red Mage,
| Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Past)
Weapon: | Power Staff
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 12345
Damage: | 12
Hit%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, White Mage, White
| Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Northwest Castle
Weapon: | Rapier
Cost: | 10
Sell: | 5
Damage: | 9
Hit%: | 5
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Theif, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Weapon: | Rune Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 2500
Damage: | 18
Hit%: | 15
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present)
Comment: | Effective against magic users.
Weapon: | Sabre
Cost: | 450
Sell: | 225
Damage: | 13
Hit%: | 5
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Weapon: | Scimitar
Cost: | 200
Sell: | 100
Damage: | 10
Hit%: | 10
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Pravoka Town
Weapon: | Short Sword
Cost: | 550
Sell: | 275
Damage: | 15
Hit%: | 10
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Pravoka Town
Weapon: | Silver Axe
Cost: | 4500
Sell: | 2250
Damage: | 25
Hit%: | 10
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Cresent Lake
Weapon: | Silver Hammer
Cost: | 2500
Sell: | 1250
Damage: | 12
Hit%: | 5
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Castle of Elf
Weapon: | Silver Knife
Cost: | 800
Sell: | 400
Damage: | 10
Hit%: | 05
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage,
| Black Wizard
Location: | Marsh Cave
Weapon: | Silver Sword
Cost: | 4000
Sell: | 2000
Damage: | 23
Hit%: | 15
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Weapon: | Small Dagger
Cost: | 5
Sell: | 2
Damage: | 5
Hit%: | 10
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage,
| White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Weapon: | Sun Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 10000
Damage: | 32
Hit%: | 30
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Mirage Tower
Comment: | Particulary effective against Undead monsters.
Weapon: | Thor's Hammer
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 20000
Damage: | 18
Hit%: | 15
Who: | Knight, Ninja, White Wizard
Location: | Mirage Tower
Comment: | Casts the spell of LIT2 when used as an item in battle.
Weapon: | Vorpal
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 15000
Damage: | 24
Hit%: | 25
Who: | Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard
Location: | Mirage Tower
Weapon: | Were Sword
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 3000
Damage: | 18
Hit%: | 15
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present)
Comment: | Effective against monsters in the WERE category.
Weapon: | Wizard Staff
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 25000
Damage: | 15
Hit%: | 15
Who: | Black Wizard
Location: | Waterfall
Comment: | Casts the spell of CONF when used as item during battle.
Weapon: | Wooden Nunchuck
Cost: | 10
Sell: | 5
Damage: | 12
Hit%: | 0
Who: | Ninja, Black Belt, Master
Location: | Corneria Town
Weapon: | Wooden Staff
Cost: | 5
Sell: | 2
Damage: | 6
Hit%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Black Mage, Blackbelt, Master, Black
| Wizard, Red Wizard, Red Mage
Location: | Corneria Town
Weapon: | XCalibur
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 30000
Damage: | 45
Hit%: | 35
Who: | Knight
Location: | Give Dwarf ADAMANT in Dwarf Cave.

------- [ Armors ] -------

Armor: | Aegis Shield
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 20000
Absorb: | 16
Evade%: | 0
Who: | Knight
Location: | Mirage Tower
Comment: | Protects against Glance, Dark, Brak, and Rub.
Armor: | Black Shirt
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 1
Absorb: | 24
Evade%: | 2
Who: | Black Wizard
Location: | Floating Castle
Comment: | Casts the spell of Ice2 when used in battle.
Armor: | Buckler
Cost: | 2500
Sell: | 1250
Absorb: | 2
Evade%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake
Armor: | Cap
Cost: | 80
Sell: | 40
Absorb: | 8
Evade%: | 2
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage,
| White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Temple of Fiends(Present)
Armor: | Chain Armor
Cost: | 80
Sell: | 40
Absorb: | 15
Evade%: | 15
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Armor: | Cloth
Cost: | 10
Sell: | 5
Absorb: | 1
Evade%: | 2
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Black Belt
Location: | Corneria Town
Armor: | Copper Bracelet
Cost: | 1000
Sell: | 500
Absorb: | 4
Evade%: | 1
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, Red Mage,
| Red Wizard, White MAge, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Armor: | Copper Guantlet
Cost: | 200
Sell: | 100
Absorb: | 2
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Castle of Elf
Armor: | Flame Armor
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 1500
Absorb: | 34
Evade%: | 10
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Gurgu Volcano
Comment: | Particulary effective against Ice attacks.
Armor: | Flame Shield
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 5000
Absorb: | 12
Evade%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Particulary effective against Ice attacks.
Armor: | Gloves
Cost: | 60
Sell: | 30
Absorb: | 1
Evade%: | 1
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, Red Mage,
| Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Pravoka Town
Armor: | Gold Bracelet
Cost: | 50000
Sell: | 25000
Absorb: | 34
Evade%: | 1
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, Red Mage,
| Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Castle of Ordeal
Armor: | Heal Helmet
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 10000
Absorb: | 6
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Knight, Ninja
Location: | Mirage Tower
Comment: | Restores some lost HP to warriors when used in battle.
Armor: | Ice Armor
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 15000
Absorb: | 34
Evade%: | 10
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Ice Cave
Comment: | Particulary effective against Fire attacks.
Armor: | Ice Shield
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 5000
Absorb: | 12
Evade%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Particulary effective against Fire attacks.
Armor: | Iron Armor
Cost: | 800
Sell: | 400
Absorb: | 24
Evade%: | 23
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Pravoka Town
Armor: | Iron Guantlet
Cost: | 750
Sell: | 375
Absorb: | 4
Evade%: | 5
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Northwest Castle
Armor: | Iron Helmet
Cost: | 450
Sell: | 225
Absorb: | 5
Evade%: | 5
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Dwarf Cave
Armor: | Iron Shield
Cost: | 100
Sell: | 50
Absorb: | 4
Evade%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Elfland
Armor: | Opal Armor
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 30000
Absorb: | 42
Evade%: | 10
Who: | Knight
Location: | Sea Shrine
Armor: | Opal Guantlet
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 10000
Absorb: | 8
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Knight
Location: | Sea Shrine
Armor: | Opal Helmet
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 50000
Absorb: | 8
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Knight
Location: | Sea Shrine
Armor: | Opal Sheild
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 7500
Absorb: | 16
Evade%: | 0
Who: | Knight
Location: | Sea Shrine
Armor: | Power Guantlet
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 5000
Absorb: | 6
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage
Location: | Sea Shrine
Comment: | Protects against the use of SABR.
Armor: | ProCape
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 10000
Absorb: | 8
Evade%: | 2
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage,
| White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: |
Armor: | ProRing
Cost: | 20000
Sell: | 10000
Absorb: | 8
Evade%: | 1
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, Red Mage,
| Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Gaia Town
Comment: | Blocks effects of the RUB spell when used in battle.
Armor: | Ribbon
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 1
Absorb: | 1
Evade%: | 1
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Black Belt, Ninja, Master, Red Mage,
| Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Waterfall, Sea Shrine, Floating Castle
Comment: | Protects against special attacks when used in battle.
Armor: | Silver Armor
Cost: | 7500
Sell: | 3750
Absorb: | 18
Evade%: | 8
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Dwarf Cave
Armor: | Silver Bracelet
Cost: | 5000
Sell: | 2500
Absorb: | 15
Evade%: | 1
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, Red Mage,
| Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Marsh Cave
Armor: | Silver Guantlet
Cost: | 2500
Sell: | 1250
Absorb: | 6
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage
Location: | Cresent Lake
Armor: | Silver Helmet
Cost: | 250
Sell: | 125
Absorb: | 8
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Titan's Tunnel
Armor: | Silver Shield
Cost: | 2500
Sell: | 1250
Absorb: | 8
Evade%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Earth Cave
Armor: | Steel Armor
Cost: | 45000
Sell: | 22500
Absorb: | 34
Evade%: | 33
Who: | Fighter, Knight
Location: | Melmond
Armor: | White Shirt
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 1
Absorb: | 24
Evade%: | 2
Who: | White Wizard
Location: | Floating Castle
Comment: | Casts the spell of INV2 when used in battle.
Armor: | Wooden Armor
Cost: | 50
Sell: | 25
Absorb: | 4
Evade%: | 8
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Theif, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, Red Mage,
| Red Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Armor: | Wooden Helmet
Cost: | 100
Sell: | 50
Absorb: | 3
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Elfland
Armor: | Wooden Shield
Cost: | 15
Sell: | 7
Absorb: | 2
Evade%: | 0
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Ninja
Location: | Pravoka Town
Armor: | Zeus Guantlet
Cost: | NA
Sell: | 7500
Absorb: | 6
Evade%: | 3
Who: | Fighter, Knight, Red Mage
Location: | Castle of Ordeal
Comment: | Helps protect against attacks by lightning.

----------------------------- [ Magic Listings ] ----------------------------

------- [ Black Magic ] -------

---- [ Level 1 ] ----

Spell: | Fire
Cost: | 100
Comment: | A ball of fire inflicts between 10 and 40 HP of damage to an
| enemy.
Affect: | One Enemy
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Spell: | Lit
Cost: | 100
Comment: | A bolt of lightning inflicts between 10 and 40 HP of damage on
| an enemy.
Affect: | One enemy
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Spell: | Lock
Cost: | 100
Comment: | Keeps your attack "Locked on target." Your hit % increases by 10.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Ninja, Black Mage, Black Wizard, Red Mage, Red Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Spell: | Slep
Cost: | 100
Comment: | The spell puts all enemies to sleep so that they are vulnerable
| to attack.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town

---- [ Level 2 ] ----

Spell: | Dark
Cost: | 400
Comment: | All the enemies are blinded, this reducing the effectiveness of
| their attacks.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Pravoka
Spell: | Ice
Cost: | 400
Comment: | A freezing wind blasts all the enemies, inflicting between 20 to
| 80 HP of damage to each.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Pravoka
Spell: | Slow
Cost: | 400
Comment: | All enemies lose intelligence and their attacks are less
| effective.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Pravoka
Spell: | Tmpr
Cost: | 400
Comment: | The strength of a warrior's weapon is increased by 14 points.
Affect: | One Ally
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Pravoka

---- [ Level 3 ] ----

Spell: | Fir2
Cost: | 1500
Comment: | The second fire spell inflicts between 30 to 120 damage points on
| each enemy.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Hold
Cost: | 1500
Comment: | Similar to slep, Hold can put one enemy into catatonic stupor.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Lit2
Cost: | 1500
Comment: | The second lightning attack jolts all enemies, partifularly those
| in the Water category.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Lok2
Cost: | 1500
Comment: | Locks in your aim on all the enemies attacking, which increases
| your success.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland

---- [ Level 4 ] ----

Spell: | Conf
Cost: | 4000
Comment: | Confuses all enemies so much that they begin attacking each
| other.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Fast
Cost: | 4000
Comment: | Increases the number of hits per attack and counteracts Slow.
Affect: | One party member
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Ice2
Cost: | 4000
Comment: | A blizzard capable of 40 to 160 points of damage is hurled at
| all enemies.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Slp2
Cost: | 4000
Comment: | The second and most powerful sleep spell is more effective than
| Slep.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Elfland

---- [ Level 5 ] ----

Spell: | Bane
Cost: | 8000
Comment: | A poisonous cloud descends on all your enemies, utterly defeating
| many of them.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Melmond
Spell: | Fir3
Cost: | 8000
Comment: | The strongest fire spell causes damage of 50 to 200 points.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Melmond
Spell: | Slo2
Cost: | 8000
Comment: | The most powerful Slow spell leaves the enemy mindless and
| ineffective.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Red Mage, Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Melmond
Spell: | Warp
Cost: | 8000
Comment: | The Light Warriors are magically transported to the previous
| level of a dungeon or cave.
Affect: | All party members
User: | Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Melmond

---- [ Level 6 ] ----

Spell: | Lit3
Cost: | 20000
Comment: | Strongest lightning spell damages all enemies from between 60 to
| 240 points.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Black Mage, Black Wizard, Red Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake
Spell: | Qake
Cost: | 20000
Comment: | Chasms open wide in the ground and swallow all the enemies whole.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake
Spell: | Rub
Cost: | 20000
Comment: | Erases an enemy completely, but does not work on Undead monsters.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake
Spell: | Stun
Cost: | 20000
Comment: | An enemy with up to 300 HP will be paralized, maing it an easy
| target.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake

---- [ Level 7 ] ----

Spell: | Brak
Cost: | 45000
Comment: | Shatters an enemy into tiny pieces of monster kibble.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Black Wizard
Location: | Gaia
Spell: | Blnd
Cost: | 45000
Comment: | Blinds an enemy so that it cannot see well enough to attack
| effectively.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Onrac
Spell: | Ice3
Cost: | 45000
Comment: | Damages from the most powerful Ice attack range from 70 to 280
| points.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Red Wizard, Black Mage, Black Wizard
Location: | Gaia
Spell: | Sabr
Cost: | 45000
Comment: | Strengthens your weapon resulting in a 40% increase in hits and
| 15% increase in damages.
Affect: | Self
User: | Black Wizard
Location: | Onrac

---- [ Level 8 ] ----

Spell: | Nuke
Cost: | 60000
Comment: | Generates tremendous heat, like a Super Fire spell.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Black Wizard
Location: | Lefein
Spell: | Stop
Cost: | 60000
Comment: | Freeze time for the enemies so you can attack without
| retaliation.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Black Wizard
Location: | Gaia
Spell: | XXXX
Cost: | 60000
Comment: | Similar to the Rub attack, an enemy is utterly destroyed.
Affect: | One opponent
User: | Black Wizard
Location: | Gaia
Spell: | Zap!
Cost: | 60000
Comment: | Zaps all enemies into an extra dimension from which they can't
| escape.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Black Wizard
Location: | Gaia

------- [ White Magic ] -------

---- [ Level 1 ] ----

Spell: | Cure
Cost: | 100
Comment: | Restores a warrior's Hit Points from between 10 to 30 points.
Affect: | One Warrior
User: | Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town
Spell: | Fog
Cost: | 100
Comment: | A thick protective fog adds 8 points to a warrior's armor rating.
Affect: | One Warrior
User: | Knight, Red Mage, Red Warrior, White Mage, White Warrior
Location: | Corneria Town
Spell: | Harm
Cost: | 100
Comment: | Inflicts damage (20-80 Attack points) on each monster in the
| undead category.
Affect: | All enemies
User: | White Mage, White Wizard
Spell: | Ruse
Cost: | 100
Comment: | As in a hall of mirrors, the enemy sees the spell caster as
| multiple targets. Evade increases 40%.
Affect: | Self
User: | Knight, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Corneria Town

---- [ Level 2 ] ----

Spell: | Alit
Cost: | 400
Comment: | Damages inflicted by lightning are reduced from between 25 to
| 50%.
Affect: | All party members
User: | Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Pravoka Town
Spell: | Invs
Cost: | 400
Comment: | A warrior becomes invisible and his ability to dodge attacks
| increases by 20%.
Affect: | One Party member
User: | Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Pravoka Town
Spell: | Lamp
Cost: | 400
Comment: | Provides a light to a warrior in the dark. Conteracts an enemy's
| Dark spell.
Affect: | One party member
User: | Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Pravoka Town
Spell: | Mute
Cost: | 400
Comment: | All enemy magic users are unable to speak or cast their spells
| against you.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Pravoka Town

---- [ Level 3 ] ----

Spell: | Afir
Cost: | 1500
Comment: | Reduces the damage to all Light Warriors from fire attacks by
| 25 to 50%.
Affect: | All party members
User: | Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Cur2
Cost: | 1500
Comment: | A warrior will recover rom between 32 to 64 points of lost HP.
Affect: | One party member
User: | Knight, Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Heal
Cost: | 1500
Comment: | The light warriors regain 12 to 24 points of HP each.
Affect: | All party members
User: | White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Hrm2
Cost: | 1500
Comment: | Inflicts between 40 to 160 damage points on all Undead enemies.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Elfland

---- [ Level 4 ] ----

Spell: | Aice
Cost: | 4000
Comment: | Helps protect all Warriors against icey attacks, reducing the
| effects by 25 to 50%.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Amut
Cost: | 4000
Comment: | Counteracts the Mute spell of an enemy magic user, allowing you
| to use magic again.
Affect: | One party member
User: | Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Fear
Cost: | 4000
Comment: | Causes fear and loathing in some enemies. They may flee in
| terror.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Elfland
Spell: | Pure
Cost: | 4000
Comment: | An antidote to poison. The magical equivalent of the Pure Potion.
Affect: | One party member
User: | Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Elfland

---- [ Level 5 ] ----

Spell: | Cure3
Cost: | 8000
Comment: | A warrior will recover between 64 to 128 points of loss HP.
Affect: | One party member
User: | Red Mage, Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Melmond
Spell: | Hrm3
Cost: | 8000
Comment: | Inflict between 60 and 240 points of damage to all Undead
| monsters.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Melmond
Spell: | Hel2
Cost: | 2000
Comment: | Revitalize each warrior with 24 to 48 points of regained HP.
Affect: | All party members
User: | White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Melmond
Spell: | Life
Cost: | 8000
Comment: | Revives a dead warrior, but does not work during battle. HP only
| recovers by 1.
Affect: | One party member OUTSIDE of battle.
User: | Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Melmond

---- [ Level 6 ] ----

Spell: | Exit
Cost: | 20000
Comment: | Transport all the warriors from the depths of any dungeon except
| during a battle.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | Red Wizard, White Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake
Spell: | Fog2
Cost: | 20000
Comment: | All the warriors' defensive armor rating is increased by 12
| points.
Affect: | All party members
User: | Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake
Spell: | Invs2
Cost: | 20000
Comment: | Hidden from view, all the warriors are subject to a 40% decrease
| in the enemy attack.
Affect: | All party members
User: | Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake
Spell: | Soft
Cost: | 20000
Comment: | A warrior who has been turned to stone will be restored to a
| normal state.
Affect: | One party member
User: | White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Cresent Lake

---- [ Level 7 ] ----

Spell: | Arub
Cost: | 45000
Comment: | Protects all Warriors against an enemies deadly Rub spell.
Affect: | All party members
User: | Red Wizard, White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Onrac
Spell: | Cur4
Cost: | 45000
Comment: | Most powerful of the cure spells, a warrior's HP will be fully
| recovered.
Affect: | One party member
User: | White Wizard
Location: | Gaia
Spell: | Hel3
Cost: | 45000
Comment: | The most powerful of the Heal spells recovers 48 to 96 HP for the
| entire party.
Affect: | All party members
User: | White Mage, White Wizard
Location: | Onrac
Spell: | Hrm4
Cost: | 45000
Comment: | The most powerful Harm spell inflicts 80 to 320 HP on all Undead
| monsters.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | White Wizard
Location: | Gaia

---- [ Level 8 ] ----

Spell: | Fade
Cost: | 60000
Comment: | Eradicates evil at the source.
Affect: | All opponents
User: | White Wizard
Location: | Gaia
Spell: | Lif2
Cost: | 60000
Comment: | Brings a warrior back to life with his HP fully restored.
Affect: | One party member
User: | White Wizard
Location: | Lefein
Spell: | Wall
Cost: | 60000
Comment: | Erects a protective wall around a warrior that prevents the use
| of magic against him.
Affect: | One party member
User: | White Wizard
Location: | Gaia

----------------------------- [ Item Listing ] ------------------------------

All items in the game can be found among various towns.

Item: | Cabin
Cost: | 250
Description: | Use a cabin in the wilds to save your progress and recover
| much lost HP for all your Light Warriors.
Item: | Heal Potion
Cost: | 60
Description: | Heal potion helps revive lost Hit Points(HP) up to 30 HP per
| dose.
Item: | House
Cost: | 3000
Description: | Use the house when you're far away from civilization. It saves
| the game and recovers the party's HP and Magic.
Item: | Pure Potion
Cost: | 75
Description: | Pure Potion cleanses poison from the body of an afflicted
| Light Warrior.
Item: | Soft Potion
Cost: | 800
Description: | If turned to stone, a Light Warrior can become human again if
| he is given a dose of the Soft Potion.
Item: | Tent
Cost: | 75
Description: | Save your progress in the game while away from an Inn by using
| the tent.

--------------------------- [ Rare Item Listing ] ---------------------------

Item: | Adamant
Where Found: | Floating Castle
Description: | Adamant is an incredibly strong compound used to make XCalber
| by a Dwarfish Blachsmith.
Item: | Airship
Where Found: | Use Floater on Ryukahn Desert.
Description: | With the Airship, the Light Warriors expand their horizon once
| more. Now they can fly to the North or anywhere in the world
| in just a matter of seconds.
Item: | Bottle
Where Found: | Caravan, desert west of Onrac.
Description: | If the Fairy in the Bottle is released at the Fairy's Spring
| in Gaia, you will receive Oxyale for use in the Submarine.
Item: | Canoe
Where Found: | After defeating Lich, talk with the 12 Sages of Cresent Lake.
Description: | This will allow you to travel in the rivers.
Item: | Chime
Where Found: | After you have learned Lefenish, talk to the man in Lefein in
| the bottom left part of town.
Description: | Only rhe precise harmonic tones of the Chime will open the
| door to the Mirage Tower.
Item: | Crown
Where Found: | In Marsh Cave, floor B3.
Description: | Asto's Crown was stolen by Wizards. Return it to the Dark Elf.
Item: | Crystal
Where Found: | Defeat Astos for the Crystal.
Description: | The Crystal once belonged to Matoya and helped her vision.
| You'll need this item for the herb to wake the prince, which
| in turn will give you the key to get the TNT to continue.
Item: | Cube
Where Found: | Waterfall
Description: | The Cube is a sort of key that opens the way to the Fiend of
| Wind. Use it in the top floor of the Mirage Tower.
Item: | Floater
Where Found: | Find inside the Ice Cave.
Description: | The Floater is used to raise the Airship from the desert sands
| and allows it to fly.
Item: | Herb
Where Found: | Obtain the Crystal back from Astos and give it to Matoya.
Description: | Matoya's magical herb has the effect of counteracting the
| sleeping curse Astos put on the Prince.
Item: | Lute
Where Found: | Defeat Garland
Description: | Through all your adventures you'll carry the Lute. You'll use
| this towards the end of the game to break free of a seal that
| blocks your path in the Temple of Fiends 2000 years into the
| past. This item will be with you for a LONG while.
Item: | Mystic Key
Where Found: | When you awake the Prince, he will give you the Key.
Description: | The key will open any locked door, but you must awaken the
| Prince of Elfland to get it.
Item: | Oxyale
Where Found: | Fairy's Spring in Gaia, buy Bottle from Caravan
Description: | Available only from the Fairy's Spring in Gaia, and from the
| hands of the Fairy herself, Oxyale is used to provide fresh
| air in the submarine.
Item: | Rod
Where Found: | Get the Ruby, feed it to the Titan and he'll move and let you
| pass to get to Sarda the Sage.
Description: | The rod gives you the strength of a dozen men, enough to lift
| the heavy Stone Plate.
Item: | Ruby
Where Found: | Earth Cave
Description: | Rubies taste great and are less filling than regular gems.
Item: | Sailship
Where Found: | Defeat Pirates in Pravoka
Description: | The speedy pirate ship is your means of reaching the southern
| lands across the sea.
Item: | Slap
Where Found: | Sea Shrine
Description: | The Slab contains important translations from Lefeinish. Give
| it to Dr. Unne and he will teach you the language.
Item: | Tail
Where Found: | Castle of Ordeals
Description: | Optional, but if you wish to be promoted to a higher class,
| obtaining this item is neccessary. Hand it over to Bahamut in
| the Cardia Islands.
Item: | T.N.T.
Where Found: | Coneria Castle after receiving Mystic Key from Dwarf.
Description: | This volatile explosive has been kept in the Treasure Vault
| for 400 years. Give this to the Dwarf in the Dwarf Cave to
| detonate rubble to clear a path for a canal.

---------------------------------- [ FAQ ] ----------------------------------

1Q. Is Final Fantasy a prequel to Final Fantasy IX?
1A. As far as I can tell after playing through both games, no. Sure, FF9
might go as far as to making some references and even as far as bringing
back an old character(Garland) and employ it into the plot of FF9, but
FF is not a prequel to FF9.

2Q. How do a I get the Masamune?
2A. At the Temple of Fiends Revisted on floor B4, head to the bottom right
part of the room(the room where you fight Tiamat in) and check the room
inside to pick up the Masamune.

3Q. How do I get the XCalibur?
3A. Find the Adamant in the floating castle and take it to the Dwarf in
the Dwarf cave.

4Q. What is a Warmech and how do I find him?
4A. The WarMech is a monster only found in the long corridor leading up to
Tiamat. Defeating the WarMech is no easy task though, some people say he
is harder to defeat than Chaos...but rather it's about the same. There is
a 1-64 chance of encountering this guy...and if you meet him, I highly
suggest you have levels of at least 35. The strategy for him is basically
a grind it out street fight. No tricks involved, no weaknesses or
strengths...use whatever magic and whatever attack to win and keep your
HP up.

5Q. Oh no! I'm stuck in the Temple of Fiends 2000 years into the past, how
do I get back?
5A. Use the Exit spell.

6Q. There are 3 slots for us to use magic from each level of 4 spells, can
you reccommend some that we should really buy?
6A. Exit and Warp. These two spells are highly essential for getting yourself
out of trouble...say you've traveled deep into the Ice Cave and found
what you were looking for...but you are terribly wounded and you can't
take another battle...but you can only leave the place by going back
where you came in. Luckily with the Exit spell you can just head outside
to the entrance of the Ice Cave. The rest of the spells are really up to
you to decide, but if you have Rub, don't bother with XXXX since they are
pretty much the same thing.

7Q. How come the battles go so slow/fast?
7A. The text message speed will determine the overall speed of the battle, if
the text moves too will have to wait for it until your next
action in battle. You should leave the text speed at the highest speed
since it'll make the battle go quicker and the text dialogue usually
stops and doesn't continue until you hit the "A" button anyways.

8Q. What is the maximum amount of levels that you can gain in this game?
8A. 50

-------------------------------- [ Credits ] --------------------------------

-+- Squaresoft(
What can I say? It's the first ever Final Fantasy!

-+- Nintendo(
Their guide provided the extensive monster lists and it's a very good
guide indeed. Danke. (^_^)

-+- JL Lee([email protected])
Thanks for his help towards a few errors in this guide.

-+- GameFAQs(
For hosting and respecting this guide.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For typing up this guide.


Time of completion: 28 hours, 43 minutes, 09 seconds

This document is copyright Dingo Jellybean (C) 2000-2001.
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