Mega man X Chat

the Forums to chat about the Super Nintendo aka (snes)


Vgcheat Member
Feel free to discuss Mega Man X here. This thread should be used to generally discuss this game. Your personal opinions, thoughts, concerns, and other comments about Mega Man X are all welcome.

I played Mega Man X as a quick distraction. I played through the introductory level, and then played another level until getting a game over on the chameleon boss. My first impression is that this game is more difficult than the main line. Still just as fun, though.
MMX was revolutionary, a completely different game. However it was part of Capcom, genre of games, changed everything that made the normal platformer, or action game. It was the coolest. The SNES did some auwsome tricks, the Saturn did it better, and the PSX, was grand. MMZero itself showed us how much Capcom could have pushed Mega man.
I had an idea. Why not try to play Mega Man 1-10with the inclusion of Mega Man and Bass in one day? Of course it would take place over the summer.What are your thoughts, suggestions, or comments?
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