Microsoft Teams is now officially bigger than Slack

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Enlarge / A Microsoft office (not to be confused with Microsoft Office). (credit: Julien GONG Min / Flickr)

Microsoft Teams may have only been around for two years, but the group-chat platform is already larger than one of its main competitors. Microsoft announced that Teams has more than 13 million daily active users. The amount rises to 19 million when looking at weekly active users. That means the service is now officially bigger than Slack, an independent platform for online chatting and collaboration.
This is the most specific Microsoft has gotten yet with information about its group-chatting platform. The only other update the company gave was back in March, when it revealed that 500,000 organizations were using the service.
In addition to the audience news, Microsoft shared some upcoming features for Teams. Today, it is rolling out what it's calling "announcements," which allows important news to be highlighted in a channel. Later this month, it plans to roll out channel moderation and priority notifications, which will ping a recipient every two minutes until a response is made. Finally, cross-channel posting will be coming "soon."

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