Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES.

RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Easy way to beat Jonathon Jonny Jones

A easier way to beat Jonathon "Jonny" Jones, the shark. If you kill all the body Guards, and leave one. Then you don't have to fight Jonny 1 on 1, and it is easier to beat him
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Where are the flags from the Three Musty Fears

Greaper-behind a wooden flower, in Rosetown.
Dry Bones-under a green bed-Mario's pad.
Big Boo-between an "o" and an "a", Yosters Island
You have to press A to get them.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Frog Coin

You can get a Frog Coin in the Land's End Dessert by jumping on a Shogan (that thing moving in the ground) three times without touching the ground. It's hard!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Firework presentation

At the end of the game there is a firework presentation. To have a good presentation buy 5 fireworks from the Mole who sells them in Moleville.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

8-Bit Mario

In Booster's Tower find a place that has two curtains. Go behind one and will be 8-Bit Mario, and you can only do this once!!!!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Beetle Mania

After you beat Booster, go to the inn. Talk to the kid there. Keep on talking to him and he will sell you his Game Boy for 500 gold coins. Buy it, and you can play Beetle Mania, on the menu. There are a total of three different backgrounds, and they appear in different lands.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Super lightning bolt

Buy fireworks from the Mole in Moleville, and trade it for a Shiny Stone, from the little girl. Use the Shiny Stone on the Sealed door in Monstro Town, and it will open. Inside is a Final Fantasy boss called Culex. Beat him and he will give you the Quartz Gem. Equip it on Geno, and you will see a red star in the next battle. Just when the star disappears, press Y. You'll cast a super lightning bolt on all enemies.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Where is the seed\fertilizer

After you have cleared Nimbus Land go back and walk along the right hand edge (press right and up at the same time so you walk sideways) you will go across an invisible pathway. And there you will find it! I don't know which one you find but you need them both.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Red Essance or Yoshi Ade

On Yo'ster Isle after you beat Boshi, feed the baby to the left some cookies and get awesome items like: the Red Essence or Yoshi Ade.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Star Egg

First you go to Boosters Tower and there is a guy that wants you to play a game where you guess which hand has the yellow ball. You play that game many many times until you get a bright card. Then you go to Bean Valley. You will find a Shy Away watering plants. In one of them there is a gold Chomp, beat him and jump around there a LOT! A block will appear. Jump on it and go threw the path. On the map Great Guys Casino will appear. There Great Guy will want You to play a game which is where you have to look a way. Play that game many many times and he will give you a Star Egg. It is kind of like Rock Candy But it is infinite but it takes away less lives.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Lambs Lure

Get the B'tub ring and Mystery Egg. Put the B'tub ring on toadstool and fight a battle. Use the Mystery Egg 10 times and it will give you Lambs Lure.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Hidden items

Here's a list of a few hidden items. In these descriptions, the term "Search" means to jump around to reveal hidden boxes above your head.

Location: Forest Maze
Directions: Search the left corner of the screen near the entrance to the Forest Maze.
Prize: Kero Drink

Directions: When you walk one screen from the start you will see a wiggler. Stomp on its head ten times without falling off (but don't enter the battle screen).
Prize: Frog Coin

Location: Yo'ster Island
Directions: Search to the left of the Save Point.
Prize: Frog Coin

Location: Booster Pass
Directions: In the first area, search to the left of the exit.
Prize: Rock Candy

Location: Marrymore
Directions: Go to the second floor of the hotel. Search along the tops of the shelves.
Prize: Frog Coin
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


Spend a night at the Rose Town Inn and you will find Link from The Legend of Zelda for the NES sleeping in one of the beds!!!!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Samus Aran

After you beat Belome 2 and before you get to Nimbus Land, you can find Samus Iran of the Metroid Saga. Go to the Mushroom Village from the beginning and go inside the castle. Go to the right from the hall into the next little room. Go up to the guest room and look at who is sleeping in the bed!!!!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

I can't go anywhere on the world map. What should I do

There's something somewhere you haven't done yet, or someone you haven't talked to. If you're at the beginning of the game, go back to Mario's Pad and talk to Toad. (He may be inside the house.) If you're further along in the game, backtrack and talk to every single person you meet. Someone will get you headed in the right direction again.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

How do you do 30 or 100 super jumps

You have to practice the timing. The timing does change at certain points, so you need to pay close attention to Mario's feet. Usually, the timing changes around the 16th through 17th jump and again around the 22nd through 23rd jump. This is very, very difficult to do -- keep trying!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Where's the Lamb's Lure

To get it, the Princess must equip the B'tub Ring and use the Mystery Egg 10 times in battle. The Lure will try to draw enemies away from battle with its soft, fuzzy charm. If you use the Lamb's Lure 48 times in battle, it will turn into the elusive Sheep Attack, an exceptionally interesting item to use in battle.
Warning: If you use the Lamb's Lure and Sheep Attack to rid yourself of enemies, you won't acquire any Experience Points.

Go to Booster's tower after his weeding. Play Knife Guy at his game, beat him 9 times in a row or 12 total times and he will give you the bright card. Now go to the circle of plants in Bean Valley and enter the Northern pipe. There should be a golden Chomp to the left. Now stomp the Chomp, and continue stomping about ten times. You should hear a weird sound every time you jump. A block and the entrance to the Casino will appear!!!!
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Hidden Boxes

1. 1: Mushroom Kingdom - Frog Coin

Jump on Toad's head when you get to the Mushroom Castle the first time. As Toad gets to the door to the throne room, jump to reveal a platform. From the platform you can get the box.

1. 2: Mushroom Kingdom - Flower

Go down the stairs of the Item Shop to the basement. Some dude will give you a little lesson in finding hidden boxes. Jump to get the box.

1. 3: Mushroom Kingdom - Flower

After telling you about hidden Treasure Boxes, the man in the Item Shop basement will take a walk. Jump on his head. When he reaches the Right corner, jump to get the Box.

1. 4: Bandit's Way - Kerokero Cola

Stand atop the spinning flower. Jump up and slightly to the right to find the Box. Make sure that you get this box!!

1. 5: Rose Town - Frog Coin

Jump on the bookshelf behind the counter in the Item Shop to reach this Box.

1. 6: Rose Town - Frog Coin

After hopping from the man's head to reach his house on the hill, go upstairs. The hidden Box is over the bed. Next, step on the switch to make the front steps appear.

1. 7: Forest Maze - Kerokero Cola

Go to the left side of the very first section of the Forest Maze. Jump to reveal the Box.

1. 8: Forest Maze - Frog Coin

First go to the underground section, then leap on a trampoline to get topside once more. Go left and jump to reveal the box.

1. 9: Forest Maze - Kerokero Cola

When you reach the area with Wigglers crawling out of seven stumps, hop down the stump on the far left. Once in the cavern, go to the far corner and leap to reveal the Box.

1. 10: Forest Maze - Flower

Hop into the far right stump, elude the belligerent Buzzers and angry Adamitas, then stand in the patch of light and then jump.

1. 11: Forest Maze - Empty!!!!

In the section with the seven stumps, jump down the left stump in the second row. Jump in the corner directly behind the trampoline the reveal the, it's empty!

1. 12: Forest Maze - Red Essence

Before exiting the section with the hollow stump and the Save Block, head right and jump to reveal a Treasure Box.

1. 13: Pipe Vault - Frog Coin

Hop down the second of six pipes sprouting Piranha Plants. Jump at the end of the row of blocks to make a platform appear. Walk to the second block and jump to reveal the Box.

1. 14: Pipe Vault - Frog Coin

Another hidden Box hovers two block beyond the first one. To get the Frog Coin below, press Right and hold the Y Button to run, then press down the slide.

1. 15: Yo'ster Isle - Frog Coin

The Treasure Box floats slightly to the left of the Save Box.

1. 16: Booster Pass - Flower

In the very first section, stand on the plant over the cave entrance and jump to reveal the box.

1. 17: Booster Pass - Rock Candy

There are two exits from the first section, on through a cavern and the other over the hill. Just to the right of the above-ground exit, jump to reveal this Box.

1. 18: Booster Tower - Frog Coin

Evade the Snifits while climbing the first flight of stairs. A Box floats over the landing. Simply stand on the dark square

and jump. Try to avoid the Snifits and save your HP for later.

1. 19: Booster Tower - Frog Coin

After the Thwomp see-saws you to the stairwell with the parachuting Spookums, go to the far left corner to find this Box.

1. 20: Booster Tower - Goodie Bag

At the top of Booster Tower you'll find yourself in a room with giant ledges projecting from the wall and a Save Block. Climb the ledges until you can hop on the top of a visible box, then jump again to reveal the hidden box.

1. 21: Booster Tower - Mushroom

Just before leaving the room with the hidden Box floating over a visible one, go to the right and jump to find another Box.

1. 22: Marrymore - Frog Coin

Spend the night in the regular room in the Inn. When you wake up, climb the bookshelf and jump to get the hidden box.

1. 23: Sunken Ship - Flower

After killing King Calamari, Mario will enter a room with a Mario clone. The box is in the middle of the room. You get the clone in the middle of the room, then jump on his head. A platform will come up and then you jump on the platform to get the box.

1. 24: Land's End - Flower

Reach the moving platform by firing yourself out of the first pot cannon you reach. Stand on the far corner of the platform and leap away when the platform reaches its highest point.

1. 25: Land's End - Flower

In the second stage, stand between the cannon and the plateau and jump to activate a hidden platform. Crawl back into the cannon and shoot yourself so you can get to the platform. Once you've landed, jump up to reveal the box.

1. 26: Land's End - Frog Coin

Just before you get to the Sky Bridge, jump between the two stationary purple flowers to reveal the Treasure Box.

1. 27: Land's End - Frog Coin

Hop into the cave beneath the Sky Bridge and follow the secret passage to Kero Sewers. In the first section, go to the corner in the back. Get the heck away from the Chow and leap to reveal the Box.

1. 28: Belome's Temple - Frog Coin

After getting your fortune told, a gate will open and admit you to a passageway with two visible boxes. Leap from the wall onto the Box on the left, then jump straight up.

1. 29: Belome's Temple - Frog Coin

After opening the first box, descend down the stairs. Stand in the corner to the right, then jump.

1. 30: Monstro Town - Flower

On your way out (The door to the far right), stand between the flowering bush and the wall and jump to reveal the Box.

1. 31: Bean Valley - Rock Candy

After entering the valley from Monstro Town, hop down the pipe on the right. When you pop out, go to the red hill on the left and jump to find the box.

1. 32: Bean Valley - Kerokero Cola

In the area with the five Piranha Plants growing out of the pipes, take out the Piranha Plant on the lower right and climb down its pipe. Go to the far side of the room and jump to find the box.

1. 33: Bean Valley - Red Essence

Defeat the Piranha Plant on the far right and hop into the pipe. Walk right. The box is halfway between the trampoline and the yellow stairs.

1. 34: Nimbus Land - Frog Coin

Enter the Item Shop and jump up to the back, then jump toward the shopkeeper to make a the box appear.

1. 35: Nimbus Land - Frog Coin

Enter Nimbus Castle and head for the grand hallway with the three doorways. Go to the far left side and say "Hi" to the bird, then stand in the corner and jump to find the Box.

1. 36: Nimbus Land - Frog Coin

After killing Birdo, head out the back door to the room where King Nimbus is being held prisoner. Pause on your way to jump on the Treasure Box hovering over the lower passageway. The Box over it contains a Frog Coin.

1. 37: Nimbus Land - Frog Coin

Starting in the hallway with the three doors, enter the door on the left. Go down the second set of stairs. Just before you enter the room with the Save Block, a hidden Box hovers overhead.

1. 38: Nimbus Land - Frog Coin

The fifth Frog Coin in Nimbus Land floats in space! After finding the hidden Treasure Box behind the third door on the left, walk straight out into the void. When you can't go any farther, leap to reveal another one.

1. 39: Smithy Factory - Mushroom

Just after getting out of the area with the multiple screws and evading the Ameboids, you'll come across the rest stop with a Save Block. Just to its left is a hidden box.
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Enemy list
Ju.= Jump (Jump, Super Jump, Ultra Jump)
Fi.= Fire (Fire Orb, Super Flame, Ultra Flame)
Th.= Thunder (Thunderbolt, Schoker)
Ic.= Ice (Snowy)

Fe.= Fear (Terrorize)
Po.= Poison (Poison Gaz)
Sl.= Sleep (Sleepy Time)
Si.= Silence (Mute)

Alley Rat

HP: 105
S.D: None
Exp: 9
Attack: 70
Coins: 3
Defence: 55
W.P: None
Item(s): Mushroom
M.Attack: 13
M.Defence: 12


HP: 52
S.D: None
Exp: 3
Attack: 35
Coins: 0
Defence: 30
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Mushroom
M.Attack: 31
M.Defence: 18


HP: 220
S.D: Ju.
Exp: 10
Attack: 130
Coins: 0
Defence: 1
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Royal Syrup
M.Attack: 30
M.Defence: 120


HP: 120
S.D: None
Exp: 1
Attack: 50
Coins: 4
Defence: 50
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Mid Mushroom
M.Attack: 20
M.Defence: 20


HP: 82
S.D: None
Exp: 6
Attack: 35
Coins: 6
Defence: 35
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Able juice
M.Attack: 6
M.Defence: 0

Armored Ant

HP: 230
S.D: Fi.
Exp: 30
Attack: 130
Coins: 5
Defence: 120
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 24
M.Defence: 80


HP: 200
S.D: Th.
Exp: 12
Attack: 50
Coins: 10
Defence: 54
W.P: Ju. Fi.
Item(s): Fear Bomb
M.Attack: 27
M.Defence: 24


HP: 1200
S.D: Fi. Fe. Sl.
Exp: 50
Attack: 220
Coins: 200
Defence: 120
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 120
M.Defence: 80

Bandana Blue

HP: 150
S.D: None
Exp: 20
Attack: 80
Coins: 30
Defence: 60
W.P: Fi. Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 20
M.Defence: 30

Bandana Red

HP: 120
S.D: None
Exp: 18
Attack: 78
Coins: 10
Defence: 60
W.P: Fi. Th.
Item(s): Mushroom
M.Attack: 25
M.Defence: 25

Big Bertha

HP: 350
S.D: None
Exp: 35
Attack: 170
Coins: 7
Defence: 130
W.P: Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 0
D.Defence: 0


HP: 150
S.D: Fi. Sl.
Exp: 16
Attack: 110
Coins: 3
Defence: 75
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Energizer
M.Attack: 55
M.Defence: 13


HP: 120
S.D: None
Exp: 12
Attack: 70
Coins: 0
Defence: 70
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Pick Me Up
M.Attack: 0
M.Defence: 10


HP: 130
S.D: None
Exp: 12
Attack: 80
Coins: 0
Defence: 36
W.P: Fi. Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 21
M.Defence: 16

Blue Bird

HP: 200
S.D: Ic. Sl.
Exp: 14
Attack: 95
Coins: 6
Defence: 50
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Bracer
M.Attack: 80
M.Defence: 94


HP: 90
S.D: None
Exp: 4
Attack: 50
Coins: 1
Defence: 38
W.P: Ju. Fi.
Item(s): Pick Me Up
M.Attack: 1
M.Defence: 10

Box Boy

HP: 900
S.D: All except
Exp: 100
Attack: 180Ju.
Coins: 150
Defence: 110
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 80
M.Defence: 40


HP: 43
S.D: None
Exp: 4
Attack: 37
Coins: 1
Defence: 15
W.P: Fi. Ic.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 4
M.Defence: 1


HP: 90
S.D: None
Exp: 10
Attack: 55
Coins: 4
Defence: 44
W.P: Ju. Fi.
Item(s): Able Juice
M.Attack: 28
M.Defence: 22

Chained Kong

HP: 355
S.D: Fi.
Exp: 35
Attack: 150
Coins: 8
Defence: 80
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Max Mushroom
M.Attack: 22
M.Defence: 50


HP: 500
S.D: All except
Exp: 0
Attack: 170 Ju.
Coins: 0
Defence: 100
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 80
M.Defence: 20


HP: 90
S.D: Ju.Fe.Po.
Exp: 14
Attack: 110Sl.Si.
Coins: 0
Defence: 82
W.P: None
Item(s): Sleepy Bomb
M.Attack: 70
M.Defence: 52


HP: 100
S.D: None
Exp: 10
Attack: 60
Coins: 0
Defence: 65
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Mushroom
M.Attack: 5
M.Defence: 31

Chomp Chomp

HP: 150
S.D: None
Exp: 12
Attack: 100
Coins: 5
Defence: 92
W.P: Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 14
M.Defence: 30


HP: 80
S.D: Fe. Sl.
Exp: 15
Attack: 82
Coins: 3
Defence: 77
W.P: None
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 8
M.Defence: 28


HP: 60
S.D: Ju.
Exp: 8
Attack: 50
Coins: 8
Defence: 50
W.P: None
Item(s): Pick Me Up
M.Attack: 21
M.Defence: 10


HP: 200
S.D: Fi.Fe.Po.
Exp: 50 (head)
Attack: 130
Coins: 10
Defence: 110
W.P: Ic:
Item(s): Fear Bomb
M.Attack: 80
M.Defence: 20


HP: 300
S.D: FI.Fe.Po.
Exp: 30 (body)
Attack: 100Sl.Si.
Coins: 0
Defence: 99
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Honey Syrup
M.Attack: 6
Royal Syrup
M.Defence: 1


HP: 38
S.D: None
Exp: 10
Attack: 35
Coins: 10
Defence: 32
W.P: None
Item(s): Honey Syrup
M.Attack: 12
M.Defence: 25


HP: 80
S.D: Ju.
Exp: 25
Attack: 100
Coins: 7
Defence: 100
W.P: Fi. Th.
Item(s): Honey Syrup
M.Attack: 12
Royal Syrup
M.Defence: 35


HP: 333
S.D: Ju.
Exp: 40
Attack: 140
Coins: 12
Defence: 60
W.P: None
Item(s): Pure Water
M.Attack: 44
M.Defence: 50

Dry Bone

HP: 0
S.D: None
Exp: 12
Attack: 74
Coins: 5
Defence: 0
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Pure Water
M.Attack: 7
Max Mushroom
M.Defence: 0


HP: 150
S.D: None
Exp: 10
Attack: 55
Coins: 5
Defence: 40
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): Maple Syrup
M.Attack: 30
M.Defence: 35


HP: 420
S.D: Fi.Th.Fe.
Exp: 5
Attack: 130
Coins: 0
Defence: 100
W.P: Ju. Ic.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 60
M.Defence: 60

Fink Flower

HP: 200
S.D: Fe.Po.
Exp: 20
Attack: 95
Coins: 2
Defence: 32
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Mid Mushroom
M.Attack: 63
M.Defence: 90

Fire Ball

HP: 10
S.D: Fi.
Exp: 8
Attack: 55
Coins: 0
Defence: 16
W.P: Ju. Ic.
Item(s): Pick Me Up
M.Attack: 30
M.Defence: 16


HP: 80
S.D: None
Exp: 3
Attack: 15
Coins: 4
Defence: 8
W.P: Fi. Th.
Item(s): Mushroom
M.Attack: 0
M.Defence: 8


HP: 100
S.D: Fi.
Exp: 18
Attack: 84
Coins: 0
Defence: 63
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Able Juice
M.Attack: 20
M.Defence: 8


HP: 92
S.D: Th.
Exp: 10
Attack: 68
Coins: 0
Defence: 46
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 9
M.Defence: 32

Glum Reaper

HP: 180
S.D: Fi.
Exp: 35
Attack: 120
Coins: 3
Defence: 55
W.P: None
Item(s): Pure Water
M.Attack: 60
M.Defence: 80


HP: 40
S.D: None
Exp: 3
Attack: 22
Coins: 2
Defence: 14
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Mushroom
M.Attack: 2
M.Defence: 10


HP: 16
S.D: None
Exp: 1
Attack: 3
Coins: 0
Defence: 3
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 1
M.Defence: 1


HP: 100
S.D: None
Exp: 0
Attack: 90
Coins: 0
Defence: 10
W.P: Ju.Fi.Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 30
M.Defence: 30


HP: 140
S.D: None
Exp: 20
Attack: 86
Coins: 0
Defence: 73
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Mid Mushroom
M.Attack: 24
M.Defence: 52

Gu Goomba

HP: 132
S.D: None
Exp: 15
Attack: 115
Coins: 1
Defence: 66
W.P: None
Item(s): Max Mushroom
M.Attack: 13
M.Defence: 66


HP: 135
S.D: None
Exp: 8
Attack: 42
Coins: 8
Defence: 32
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Able Juice
M.Attack: 1
M.Defence: 5

Heavy Troopa

HP: 250
S.D: None
Exp: 32
Attack: 160
Coins: 4
Defence: 100
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 1
M.Defence: 50


HP: 600
S.D: All except
Exp: 50
Attack: 110 Ju.
Coins: 100
Defence: 90
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 60
M.Defence: 30


HP: 400
S.D: Fe. Po.
Exp: 80
Attack: 150Sl. Si.
Coins: 50
Defence: 110
W.P: Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 85
M.Defence: 53


HP: 50
S.D: None
Exp: 4
Attack: 22
Coins: 3
Defence: 22
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): Pure Water
M.Attack: 8
M.Defence: 12


HP: 150
S.D: None
Exp: 0
Attack: 120
Coins: 0
Defence: 95
W.P: Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 27
M.Defence: 34


HP: 278
S.D: Fe.
Exp: 27
Attack: 130
Coins: 0
Defence: 110
W.P: None
Item(s): Sleepy Bomb
M.Attack: 8
M.Defence: 12


HP: 151
S.D: Th. Ic.
Exp: 10
Attack: 48
Coins: 10
Defence: 35
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Item
M.Attack: 22
M.Defence: 35


HP: 30
S.D: None
Exp: 2
Attack: 13
Coins: 0
Defence: 13
W.P: None
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 1
M.Defence: 10


HP: 0
S.D: None
Exp: 0
Attack: 0
Coins: 0
Defence: 0
W.P: None
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 0
M.Defence: 0


HP: 320
S.D: Fi. Po.
Exp: 35
Attack: 95
Coins: 6
Defence: 100
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 50
M.Defence: 40


HP: 124
S.D: Th.
Exp: 10
Attack: 450
Coins: 3
Defence: 43
W.P: None
Item(s): Mid Mushroom
M.Attack: 35 Maple Syrup
M.Defence: 40


HP: 220
S.D: Th.
Exp: 20
Attack: 65
Coins: 3
Defence: 50
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Mid Mushroom
M.Attack: 42 Honey Syrup
M.Defence: 60

Li'L Boo

HP: 66
S.D: Ju.
Exp: 28
Attack: 120
Coins: 0
Defence: 20
W.P: None
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 74
M.Defence: 120

Machine Made

HP: 120
S.D: Fe. Sl.
Exp: 20 (Axem Black)
Attack: 120
Coins: 0
Defence: 110
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Max Mushroom
M.Attack: 4
M.Defence: 40

Machine Made

HP: 80
S.D: Sl. Si.
Exp: 10 (Axem Green)
Attack: 105
Coins: 0
Defence: 80
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Royal Syrup
M.Attack: 80
M.Defence: 120

Machine Made

HP: 100
S.D: Sl. Si.
Exp: 30 (Axem Pink)
Attack: 95
Coins: 0
Defence: 90
W.P: Fi. Ic.
Item(s): Maple Syrup
M.Attack: 40
M.Defence: 100

Machine Made

HP: 180
S.D: Fi. Fe.
Exp: 50 (Axem Red)
Attack: 135
Sl.Coins: 0
Defence: 95
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Royal Syrup
M.Attack: 24
M.Defence: 80

Machine Made

HP: 200
S.D: Th. Po.
Exp: 25 (Axem Yellow)
Attack: 140Sl.
Coins: 0
Defence: 130
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): Max Mushroom
M.Attack: 16
M.Defence: 20

Machine Made

HP: 1000
S.D: Fe. Po.
Exp: 150 (Bowser)
Attack: 150
Sl. Si.
Coins: 40
Defence: 120
W.P: None
Item(s): Ice Bomb
M.Attack: 90
M.Defence: 80

Machine Made

HP: 180
S.D: None
Exp: 0 (Drill Bit)
Attack: 130
Coins: 0
Defence: 82
W.P: None
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 31
M.Defence: 69

Machine Made

HP: 300
S.D: Fe. Po.
Exp: 120 (Mack)
Attack: 160
Sl. Si.
Coins: 30
Defence: 120
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Fire Bomb
M.Attack: 95
M.Defence: 40

Machine Made

HP: 100
S.D: None
Exp: 0 (Shyster)
Attack: 135
Coins: 0
Defence: 95
W.P: None
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 90
M.Defence: 65

Machine Made

HP: 800
S.D: Fe. Po.
Exp: 180 (Yaridovich)
Attack: 180
Sl. Si.
Coins: 50
Defence: 130
W.P: None
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 90
M.Defence: 50


HP: 26
S.D: Ju.
Exp: 5
Attack: 45
Coins: 1
Defence: 70
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 3
M.Defence: 1


HP: 50
S.D: Ju.Fi.Fe.
Exp: 18
Attack: 110
Coins: 3
Defence: 140
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Bracer
M.Attack: 3
M.Defence: 25


HP: 95
S.D: None
Exp: 23
Attack: 130
Coins: 3
Defence: 120
W.P: Th.
Item(s): Honey Syrup
M.Attack: 47
M.Defence: 98


HP: 180
S.D: Th.
Exp: 20
Attack: 90
Coins: 0
Defence: 65
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Mid Mushroom
M.Attack: 30
M.Defence: 50


HP: 620
S.D: Ju.Th.Fe.
Exp: 30
Attack: 0
Sl. Si.
Coins: 0
Defence: 0
W.P: None
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 50
M.Defence: 60

Mr. Kipper

HP: 133
S.D: None
Exp: 8
Attack: 75
Coins: 2
Defence: 45
W.P: Fi. Th.
Item(s): Able Juice
M.Attack: 14
M.Defence: 10


HP: 320
S.D: Ic.Fe.Po.
Exp: 6
Attack: 90
Sl. Si.
Coins: 3
Defence: 44
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Ice Bomb
M.Attack: 90
M.Defence: 44


HP: 108
S.D: Th.
Exp: 8
Attack: 60
Coins: 1
Defence: 47
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Maple Syrup
M.Attack: 22
M.Defence: 30


HP: 235
S.D: All except
Exp: 32
Attack: 130
Ju.Coins: 6
Defence: 76
W.P: None
Item(s): Maple Syrup
M.Attack: 51
M.Defence: 67


HP: 99
S.D: None
Exp: 6
Attack: 38
Coins: 4
Defence: 27
W.P: Fi. Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 25
M.Defence: 30


HP: 250
S.D: Th.
Exp: 30
Attack: 90
Coins: 8
Defence: 50
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 63
M.Defence: 50


HP: 85
S.D: Ju.Fi.Fe.
Exp: 22
Attack: 120
Coins: 0
Defence: 125
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): Energizer
M.Attack: 17
M.Defence: 50

Orb User

HP: 8
S.D: Fi. Th.
Exp: 5
Attack: 42
Coins: 2
Defence: 80
W.P: None
Item(s): Honey Syrup
M.Attack: 28
M.Defence: 40


HP: 30
S.D: Fi. Th.
Exp: 18
Attack: 113 Ic.
Coins: 0
Defence: 140
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): Pure Water
M.Attack: 63
M.Defence: 65


HP: 300
S.D: All except
Exp: 20
Attack: 30 Ju.
Coins: 30
Defence: 20
W.P: Ju.
Item(s): Flower Jar
M.Attack: 20
M.Defence: 20


HP: 99
S.D: Th.Fe.Po.
Exp: 23
Attack: 120
Sl. Si.
Coins: 0
Defence: 90
W.P: None
Item(s): Pick Me Up
M.Attack: 70
M.Defence: 66

Piranha Plant

HP: 168
S.D: Ju
Exp: 5
Attack: 45
Coins: 5
Defence: 14
W.P: None
Item(s): Sleepy Bomb
M.Attack: 20
M.Defence: 22


HP: 180
S.D: None
Exp: 24
Attack: 130
Coins: 2
Defence: 70
W.P: Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 45
M.Defence: 60


HP: 150
S.D: None
Exp: 28
Attack: 140
Coins: 3
Defence: 60
W.P: Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 66
M.Defence: 45


HP: 69
S.D: Ju.
Exp: 15
Attack: 75
Coins: 12
Defence: 90
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Pick Me Up
M.Attack: 33
M.Defence: 35


HP: 300
S.D: Th.
Exp: 30
Attack: 145
Coins: 10
Defence: 110
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 20
M.Defence: 32


HP: 167
S.D: Fi. Po.
Exp: 17
Attack: 105
Coins: 2
Defence: 66
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 100
M.Defence: 48

Rat Funk

HP: 32
S.D: None
Exp: 2
Attack: 20
Coins: 6
Defence: 14
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Able Juice
M.Attack: 0
M.Defence: 6


HP: 18
S.D: None
Exp: 30
Attack: 4
Coins: 8
Defence: 95
W.P: Th.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 75
M.Defence: 80

Remo Con

HP: 88
S.D: Th. Ic.
Exp: 8
Attack: 56
Coins: 7
Defence: 52
W.P: Fi.
Item(s): Honey Syrup
M.Attack: 25
M.Defence: 10


HP: 250
S.D: Fi. Po.
Exp: 22
Attack: 115
Coins: 8
Defence: 20
W.P: Ic.
Item(s): None
M.Attack: 31
M.Defence: 29


HP: 42
S.D: None
Exp: 6
Attack: 54
Coins: 1
Defence: 63
W.P: Ju. Fi.
Item(s): Pick Me Up
M.Attack: 1
M.Defence: 20


HP: 152
S.D: None
Exp: 20
Attack: 70
Coins: 30
Defence: 53
W.P: None
Item(s): Max Mushroom
M.Attack: 13
Royal Syrup
M.Defence: 20


HP: 85
S.D: Ju.
Exp: 3
Attack: 24
Coins: 2
Defence: 5
W.P: None
Item(s): Pick Me Up
M.Attack: 20
M.Defence: 20


HP: 150
S.D: None
Exp: 17
Attack: 92
Coins: 4
Defence: 50
W.P: None
Item(s): Maple Syrup
M.Attack: 80
Honey Syrup
M.Defence: 90
Last edited:
RE: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Psychopath list

This list just displays whatever information that you can get out of a monster using Mallow's Psychopath spell, which is:

a) number of HP points it has
b) and a quote.

The monsters are listed in chronological order, the probable order in which you will encounter them.

Monster                     HP      Thoughts

GOOMBA                      16      "Goomba gumba... phew!"
SKY TROOPA                  10      "What a gorgeous day!"
SPIKEY                      20      "Just try and jump on me!"
FROGOG                      80      "This bright sunlight better not fry me!"
K-9                         30      "May I take a BITE?"
CROCO (1st battle)         320       "Gosh, I'm good!"
SHYSTER                     30      "Boing, boing, boing."
BODYGUARD                   30      "Boing, boing, boing."
MACK                       480      "Boing, boing, boing."
GOBY                        40      "Blub blub blub..."
RAT FUNK                    32      "Squeek, squeek..."
HOBGOBLIN                   50      "Havin' a blast today!"
SHADOW                      85      "You're a model, right?"
PANDORITE                  300      "I'm trying to sleep, OK?"
THE BIG BOO                 43      "Stop staring at me!"
BELOME (1st battle)        500      "I just... wanna sleep."
STARSLAP                    62      "They think I'm goofy..."
ARACHNE                     82      "[musical note] Day-o..."
SHY GUY                     78      "Hold still, okay?!"
SNAPDRAGON                  90      "I did a lot in my youth."
CROOK                       30      "You can't run away! Ha!"
WIGGLER                    120      "I'm just a helpless wiggler..."
BUZZER                      43      "Buzzzzz..."
GUERRILLA                  135      "Don't confuse me with someone else!"
AMANITA                     52      "Gotta work on my tan!"
BOWYER                     720      "What's with these folks?"
MAGMITE                     26      "Got a thorn in my foot."
CLUSTER                     60      "I'll psyche you out!"
SPARKY                     120      "Fire EVERYWHERE!"
BOB-OMB                     90      "Ouch, HEY! Watch it!"
CROCO (2nd battle)         750      "Ooh! I'm good!"
PUNCHINELLO               1200      "Yeeha! I see we're already famous!"
MICROBOMB                   30      "Small is as small does."
MEZZO BOMB                 150      "Look out!"
CARROBOSCIS                 90      "I ALWAYS eat my vegetables!"
SPIKESTER                   50      "Why, you're AFRAID of me!"
ARTICHOKER                 200      "Relax a little, okay?"
SNIFIT                     200      "Minimum wage for THIS?!"
SPOOKUM                     98      "Que pasa?"
ORB USER                     8      "I hate Kinklinks!"
REMO CON                    88      "The world is history."
JESTER                     151      "I've failed my King..."
ROB-OMB                     42      "Disappear? Maybe later!"
BLASTER                    120      "Wanna join me?"
FIREBALL                    10      "Blurb blurb blurb..."
CHOMP                      100      "Workin' on a chain gang."
KNIFE GUY                  700      "Happiness is hip!"
GRATE GUY                  900      "Peace is just a dream."
TORTE                      100      "Cake! Vatch zee CAKE."
BUNDT                     800?      "Congratulations."
RASPBERRY                  500      "Congratulations!"
GECKO                       92      "Red? What about Green?"
MASTADOOM                  180      "Phew, I'm FREEZING..."
PULSAR                      69      "I'm a mini-pulsar."
MUKUMUKU                   108      "Ya trying to bug me?!"
SACKIT                     152      "This is just how I am."
ZEOSTAR                     90      "Oh, I can't stand him!"
BLOOBER                    130      "I love floating around."
GREAPER                    148      "Any reaping to be done?"
STRAW HEAD                 131      "Gotta press this shirt!"
REACHER                    184      "Hope you'll stay close."
DRY BONES                    0      "I'm sick of gettin' hit!"
GORGON                     140      "I just wanna go home."
ALLEY RAT                  105      "Don't pity me, Mario!"
TENTACLES                  200      "You wouldn't... EAT me?!"
KING CALAMARI              800      "The ship's MINE! SCRAM!"
HIDON                      600      "You wanna run, huh?!"
GOOMBETTE                  100      "Me speak soft, BIG STICK!"
MR*KIPPER                  133      "I'm a fresh little fish."
CRUSTY                      80      "Look at THIS!"
BANDANA RED                120      "I love the color RED!"
BANDANA BLUE               150      "Color me Blue, mates!!"
JOHNNY                     820      "Whoa! It's all over."
LEUKO                      220      "Floating's a bad habit."
YARIDOVICH                1500      "My promotion's at stake!"
YARIDOVICH (mirage)         abv's "I'm not the real McCoy!"
SHOGUN                     150      "Do as you like."
OCTOVADER                  250      "I'm a part-time typist!"
CHOW                        80      "Hey, I fought you already!"
SPINTHRA                   230      "Oh! I'm gonna poison ya!"
GECKIT                     100      "Geck... Geck... GOCK?"
CHEWY                       90      "I'm just a fresh flower."
SHY AWAY                   140      "La Dee Dah~ Ha Ha."
STINGER                     65      "Strike the pose!"
KRIFFID                    320      "Aloe~ there!"
FORMLESS                    10      "I have a secret!"
MOKURA                     620      "Mwa ha ha..."
FINK FLOWER                200      "Gimme your best shot!"
RIBBITE                    250      "My dad says, "Hello.""
BELOME (2nd battle)       1200      "Gotta yummy in my tummy!"
BOWSER CLONE              300?      "Grr... my castle..."
MALLOW CLONE               150      "Ma? Pa? Where are ya?"
MARIO CLONE                200      "......"
GENO CLONE                 250      "Star Pieces... Star..."
TOADSTOOL                 2120      "It's tough to be pretty!"
JAGGER                     600      "Oh! I'm so excited!"
JINX (1st battle)          600      "You're just a beginner!"
JINX (2nd battle)          800      "Sympathy!? Not from me!"
BOX BOY                    900      "Been waitin' 100 years!"
FAUTSO                     420      "Thanks to you I'm free!"
CHOMP CHOMP                150      "Hey, let's PLAY!"
SMILAX                     200      "Turn your eyes!"
MEGASMILAX                1000      "I was a water baby!"
BIRDY                      150      "I HATE Valentina."
HEAVY TROOPA               250      "I'll make ya beautiful!"
PINWHEEL                    99      "What a day it's been..."
SLING GUY                  120      "Hear my song."
ORBISON                     30      "Don't jump on me!"
MUCKLE                     320      "Gotta know your limits."
SHAMAN                     150      "I'm losing this fight!"
JAWFUL                     278      "Huh?"
SHELLY                     500      "Slow down!"
BIRDO                      777      "I just love life!"
BLUEBIRD                   200      "You are...magnificent"
DODO (1st battle)          800      "I'm STARVED!"
DODO (2nd battle)         1000      "I'm starved...later!"
DODO (batl.w/Vlnt)   HP varies      "I'm starved...later!"
VALENTINA                 2000      "I tell ya, he's NOTHING!"
OERLIKON                    85      "I live to eat."
MAGMUS                      50      "Clobber me for good life!"
PYROSPHERE                 167      "Vroom, VROOM!!"
CHAINED KONG               355      "A tad warm, isn't it?!"
CORKPEDITE                 200      "Off! FORGET IT!"
BODY                       300      "......"
VOMER                        0      "Nobody, NOBODY likes me."
ARMORED ANT                230      "Do one good turn a day!"
STUMPET                    500      "Express yourself!"
CZAR DRAGON               1400      "Flamin' hot, right at ya!"
HELIO                       10      "I'm burnin' up inside!"
ZOMBONE                   1800      "Hey! We're not done yet!"
AXEM PINK                  400      "Red, WRONG POSITION!"
AXEM BLACK                 550      "You're timing stinks!"
AXEM RED                   800      "I'm all thumbs today!"
AXEM YELLOW                600      "We're lookin' GOOD!"
AXEM GREEN                 450      "Are we done here?"
AXEM RANGERS               999      "It's a melee!"
TERRA COTTA                180      "Oh, Mr.Bowser~~"
FORKIES                    350      "Shikashikashika~~!"
GU GOOMBA                  132      "Hey, maybe I CAN win!"
STAR CRUSTER                72      "I'M NOT A CRAB!!"
MALAKOOPA                   95      "Just call me "General!""
BIG BERTHA                 350      "Adabing, ADABANG!"
CHESTER                   1200      "I love my job![heart]"
BAHAMUTT                   500      "Give me a chance, here."
GLUM REAPER                180      "Comin' through..."
LAKITU                     124      "Why do people hate me?"
MAGIKOOPA                 1600      "That's... my child?"
KING BOMB                  500      "I LIVE to explode!"
JINX CLONE                 320      "I'm the REAL thing!"
BOOMER                    2000      "It's all over now..."
EXOR                      1800      "Gotta mow the lawn soon."
RIGHT EYE                  500      "I've got an astigmatism!"
LEFT EYE                   300      "I can't see a thing!"
NEOSQUID                   800      "I'm so utterly alone..."
CULEX                     4096      "A little off, eh?"
WIND CRYSTAL               800      "Whhhhhhooooo..."
EARTH CRYSTAL             3200      "I hate being awakened!"
WATER CRYSTAL             1800      "Get me back underground!"
FIRE CRYSTAL              2500      "I gotta vacuum tonight!"
AMEBOID                    220      "Get outta my face."
DING-A-LING               1200      "Wake up sleepy heads!"
COUNTDOWN                 2400      "We're into overtime!"
MACHINE MADE (Axem Pink)   100      "Oh! My makeup!"
MACHINE MADE (Axem Green)   80      "Whew! Vertigo!"
MACHINE MADE (Axem Red)    180      "Gotta fight for evil!"
MACHINE MADE (Axem Black)  120      "Will I make the team?"
MACHINE MADE (Axem Yellow) 200      "I'm STARVED!"
JABIT                      150      "This is the pits!"
SPRINGER                   122      "What's going on here?"
PUPPOX                     300      "What does it all MEAN?"
MACHINE MADE (Bodyguard)   100      "Boing, boing, boing."
MACHINE MADE (Mack)        300      "Mario! I'm BAAAAAAAACK!"
HIPPOPO                    400      "This is a drag..."
LI'L BOO                    66      "Beep pa doodle dee![music note]"
DOPPEL                     333      "This has been a bad year!"
MACHINE MADE (Bowyer)     1000      "Nya! I'll SNUFF ya! NYA!"
NINJA                      235      "Wooo HOOO! I'm a FOO!"
MACHINE MADE (Yaridovich)  800      "My promotion's at stake!"
MACHINE MADE (Multiplier)  180      "Look out, LOSERS!"
CLOAKER                   1200      "I love cold hard steel!"
DOMINO                     900      "MAGIC! DEAL with it!"
MAD ADDER                 1500      "I'm alive and kicking."
DOMINO (w/Mad Adder)    varies      "Sh... sho... shocked!"
MAD MALLET                 200      "Work, work, work..."
CLERK                      500      "10 years I've been here!"
POUNDER                    180      "Wham bam SLAM!"
MANAGER                    800      "25 years of working, sigh."
POUNDETTE                  150      "Love conquers ALL."
DIRECTOR                  1000      "I just lost EVERYTHING."
GUNYOLK                   1500      "If we're beaten, the boss is alone!"
FACTORY CHIEF             1000      "Who DARES to fight ME?!"
JINX (3rd battle)         1000      "Ooh! I'm gonna hurt ya!"
SMELTER                   1500      "I brush after each meal!"
SMITHY                    2000      "Eh?! Not bad!"
SHYPER                     400      "Ooh! This'll be fun!"
SMITHY (body)             1000      "What a heavy head!"
SMITHY (toaster head)     8000      "This isn't good at all!"
SMITHY (tank head)        8000      "Don't shock me! DON'T!"
SMITHY (wizard head)      8000      "Good magic, bad defense."
SMITHY (furnace head)     8000      "Nothin' can hurt me!"
SMITHY (treasurebox head) 8000      "What's hidden inside?!"
Super Mario RPG Maze Solutions

First one is this one.
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One of the hardest puzzles in this game is the 3D maze in the sunken ship. I haven't seen a video that shows how to complete It yet, So I decided to upload one of my own. Basically the 3D maze is designed to make you think your going the right way when your not, And I really don't know how to explain how complete It. I seriously doubt that this will help anybody, But If It does I'll be happy. This is the third time I completed the maze by the way, I completed It twice before I recorded this and this was the fastest that I ever completed It out of the three. This is also the first video I've ever uploaded that has no editing done to It at all.

And here is a second maze solution.

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I missed a puzzle in the Sunken Ship. And then I get back to the real game.
This is a list of all the booty to be found in the SMRPG universe.
* Also, please note that this does NOT contain Hidden Treasure Boxes.

Mario's Pad
Items: 4 Mushrooms, Dry Bones Flag​
Mushroom Way
Items: Honey Syrup, Flower Tab, Hammer
Chests: Coin Block x2, Flower, Recovery Mushroom​
Mushroom Kingdom
Items: Map, Mushroom, Pick Me Up, 10 Coins, Flower Tab x3, Cricket Pie, Star Piece, Frog Coin, Beetle Mania game
Chests: Coin Block x2, Flower x2, Recovery Mushroom x2​
Bandit's Way
Items: Wallet, RareFrogCoin
Chests: Recovery Mushroom x2, Invincibility Star, Flower​
Kero Sewers
Items: Trueform Pin
Chests: Flower, Invincibility Star, Recovery Mushroom, Coin Block, Cricket Jam​
Midas River
Items: NokNok Shell, Flower Tab x2, Frog Coin x5
Tadpole Pond
Items: Froggie Stick, Alto Card, Tenor Card, Soprano Card, Frog Coin x10​
Rose Way
Items: Recovery Mushroom x2, Flower
Chests: Coin Block x4, Frog Coin, Recovery Mushroom​
Rose Town
Items: Flower Tab, Finger Shot, Greaper's Flag, Lazy Shell (weapon), Lazy Shell (armor)
Chests: Flower x3 (or Flower, Coin Block x2)​
Forest Maze
Items: Mushrooms (Infinite), Star Piece
Chests: Recovery Mushroom x3, Frog Coin, Flower (chests vary sometimes...)​
Pipe Vault
Items: Flower
Chests: Flower x2, Coin Block​
Yo'ster Isle
Items: Big Boo Flag, Yoshi Cookie x3 (win more by winning races)​
Items: Flower Tab x3, Bambino Bomb, Shiny Stone, Carbo Cookie, Frog Coin, Star Piece
Chests: Invincibility Star, Coin Block, Flower, Recovery Mushroom​
Booster Pass
Items: Flower, Frog Coin
Chests: KeroKero Cola, Flower, Frog Coin​
Booster's Tower
Items: Flower Tab, Chomp, Frog Coin x4, Amulet, Elder Key, Room Key, Bright Card
Chests: Masher, Recovery Mushroom, Zoom Shoes​
Booster Hill
Items: Flower (up to 8, just keep climbing the hill)​
Items: Flower Tab, Flower Jar, Frog Coin​
Star Hill
Items: Star Piece​
Chests: Invincibility Star, Flower, Recovery Mushroom, Max Mushroom, Frog Coin​
Sunken Ship
Items: Flower x2, Recovery Mushroom, Royal Syrup, Safety Badge, Frog Coin x5, Star Piece
Chests: Coin Block x5, Recovery Mushroom x2, Frog Coin, Safety Ring​
Seaside Town
Items: Flower Box, Shed Key, Beetle Box​
Land's End
Items: Max Mushroom, Royal Syrup, Fire Bomb, Frog Coin x8, Flower x4, Troopa Pin
Chests: Frog Coin x3, Recovery Mushroom, Invincibility Star, Coin Block x2​
Monstro Town
Items: Temple Key, Jinx Belt, Quartz Charm, Ghost Medal, Attack Scarf, Super Jacket​
Bean Valley
Items: Frog Coin x4, Seed
Chests: Flower x4, Frog Coin x2, Coin Block, Rare Scarf​
Grate Guy's Casino
Items: Star Egg​
Nimbus Land
Items: Red Essence, Feather, Flower Jar x2, Flower, Signal Ring, Castle Key 1, Castle Key 2, Fertilizer
Chests: Recovery Mushroom, Flower x3, Invincibility Star​
Barrel Volcano
Items: Frog Coin x4, Star Piece
Chests: Flower x4, Coin Block x2, Invincibility Star, Frog Coin​
Bowser's Keep
Chests: Recovery Mushroom x2, Star Gun, Rock Candy x4, Fright Bomb, Royal Syrup x2, Ice Bomb, Fire Bomb x2, Max Mushroom x2, Flower x5, Red Essence, Super Slap, Kerokero Cola x2, Pick Me Up x2, Sonic Cymbal, Drill Claw, Coin Block​
Items: Rock Candy, Star Piece
Chests: Ultra Hammer, Recovery Mushroom x3, Flower x2, Royal Syrup, Max Mushroom​
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